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Jun 12th 2023
#UAE #trafficking
As UAE police vehicles slowly navigate al Baraha district in Dubai, women come down every night, stand in front of their buildings to sell their bodies and pay their traffickers. Image
One of the young women lured into the #UAE and spent months locked up an apartment in Abu Dhabi said that when she sought help from police, she was told to go away. “To hell with Africa.” #Nigeria #trafficking
Nigerian women are required to take “juju oaths." They’re warned that breaking their vows of obedience could put a curse on them that could cause injury or death. #trafficking #UAE
Read 8 tweets
May 13th 2023
Tell me again how #Texas (aka @GregAbbott_TX ) "R" is trying to stop the #BidenBorderCrisis with resulting rising crime in #TX and that he is just helpless to fix the problems in his own backyard because "biden" sniffer in chief is in the way...

I will wait. Image
King exposes #BorderPatrol secretly bussing illegal immigrants deep into the heart of #Texas

Border Patrol parks trucks to block the cameras capturing what they're doing.
In the next few videos I will show you that a game is being played by by local #tx uniforms claiming to help…
Read 6 tweets
May 12th 2023
DeSantis set to relaunch migrant flight program with 3 new vendors
The program, which could start as soon as contracts are finalized, will involve an undetermined number of migrants and could last until June 30, 2025. #immigration…
1) Picked were #ARS Global Emergency Management, #GardaWorld Federal Services & the co that carried out last year's migrant flights 2 Martha's Vineyard: #Vertol Systems Co. Inc. That's according to a "notice of intent to award" notice published on Monday.…
3) Notice of a intent to Award Dated May 8, 2023 2:31.40 PM #florida awards to fight vendors to conduct #human #trafficking of #migrants cc: @USCIS…
Read 8 tweets
May 10th 2023
🔴 We're live!

📣 Join us for "The Russo-Ukrainian war and the illegal arms trade" with @MarkGaleotti, @scrawnya, @Tuesdayjaded and Fedir Sydoruk ⬇️…
Follow the conversation on Youtube 👇
“As #Ukraine is united in fighting Russian aggression, #militias have been reigned in and are essentially part of the armed forces. While we’re not seeing weapons proliferation right now, this doesn’t mean the situation will continue when the fighting stops", explains @scrawnya.
Read 11 tweets
May 10th 2023
Who's the @aspenpharma spokesperson that said this Aspen? Why has Aspen become another unconstitutional #BigPharma company that doesn't believe people should have bodily integrity? Who's invested recently? @Jay_Naidoo @BizNewsCOM @ShabnamPalesaMo @jurist_luthuli @SAHRCommission
@The_Redlist1 We see the connections here to @aspenpharma ... Bill Gates of course and other nefarious individuals. Image
Read 6 tweets
Apr 22nd 2023
This will be in Honor of 🎖
Watch the 🎞📽🎬
Like and Retweet ❤🔃
Robert David Steele was blowing the whistle on the global crimes commited by Elites and Wallstreet to fund Global Human Trafficking Networks. We can see from this video here where he states:
- "We have it All"
- "Make the deal MFer or your going to DIE"…
Robert David Steele was a Judge in the ITNJ, International Tribunal for Natural Justice. He passed away in 2021 and was issued a memorium statement by the ITNJ. ImageImageImage
Read 10 tweets
Feb 6th 2023
Well, the first puff piece on Eliza Bleu has dropped.

Highlight to start- remember how @elizableu made a seemingly throwaway tweet about "Wait til I collaborate with Ye"?

Yeah. Shane gave Ye her number. So Eliza Bleu is now texting buddies with antisemitic Hitler-admirer Kanye.
@elizableu And no, not joking. Shane asked Eliza Bleu if he could connect her with Kanye West, she agreed, and now we have this text screenshot included in the TimCast 'reporter' puff piece.
#grift #trafficking #extremism #elizableufiles
@elizableu TimCast 'reporter' states he'd also been in talked to interview... Andrew Tate.

This guy wants to hang out with a really horrible group of people- I think Eliza is the least of these three evils.

Yikes. Evli triumphs through indifference from people like Shane.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 6th 2023
🧵NEW: Reporting shows continued deceptive messaging of Eliza Bleu, Ella Irwin, and Elon Musk re: CSAM on Twitter.

CSAM "persisted on the platform, including widely circulated material that the authorities consider the easiest to detect and eliminate."
Staff on Twitter responsible for detection/removal of Child Sexual Abuse Material have quit or been fired.

AND ALSO Twitter STOP PAYING FOR DETECTION SOFTWARE that is KEY to its detection and elimination from the platform.
#trafficking #safety
"All the while, people on dark-web forums discuss how Twitter remains a platform where they can EASILY FIND the material while AVOIDING DETECTION, according to transcripts of those forums from an anti-abuse group that monitors.."

Twitter: "It's a good choice for #CSAM" -abusers
Read 16 tweets
Jan 11th 2023
I am a victim of child #trafficking We were drugged raped photographed and more. I spent the night trying to make her be ok, but she died beside me under the covers. I was 9. This is my most precious painting. Please speak out, please be outraged #HumanTraffickingAwarenessMonth
It’s #HumanTraffickingAwarenessMonth i’m going to tweet about us, me and the other children who were trafficked with me each day for the rest of this month. Please help me share their voices. They should not be forgotten. It matters what happened and it matters who did it.
This painting, painting it and having it, helps me bear the weight of the pain and terror of that. I made us safe, put us into the water suspended in time, quiet, covered in lily pads, and flowers for her. No one could get us in that moment. #HumanTraffickingAwarenessday
Read 4 tweets
Dec 20th 2022
I really never thought I’d see the day---bestow your eyes on the next gateway to widening the #trafficking gates: “Sex Worker Rights” (it’s a façade)
They have been priming for this for a long time. @TeenVogue in 2019 printed this article, “Why Sex Work is Real Work”… 𝗧𝗢 𝗧𝗘𝗘𝗡𝗦!!!! Their target demographic is 12-18 yr olds. Still up:…
I mean I get that this is a Euro-centric org (TGEU), but we are not putting it beside us that 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 is a globalist effort to destabilize our civilization. It’s already on our shores.
Read 11 tweets
Dec 15th 2022
This designer used a 𝗖𝗛𝗜𝗟𝗗’𝗦 𝗦𝗣𝗜𝗡𝗘 for a handbag handle.

Arnold Putra. #FashionGate Image
We mentioned him, briefly, in this thread.

Pictured is him sitting with #Ye, Julia Fox, Michele Lamy (wife of designer Rock Owens)
Here sitting again with Rick Owens and Michele Lamy, Paris Fashion Week earlier this year Image
Read 19 tweets
Dec 11th 2022
WHAT is going on in the 'Fashion World'..& Related..
How many real women are involved...
How many Supermodels are actually real women...
How many designers posing as women are blokes?
What are the connections...👀💊💊💥💥📢📢
Donatella Versace...a bloke?
Read 42 tweets
Dec 10th 2022
For #HumanRightsDay2022 let’s remember that #ModernSlavery is a #HumanRights issue first and foremost & so the surest path to ending this severe form of exploitation once and for all is to put #HumanRightsFirst.
Why do we fight to end #PrisonSlavery? Because every person has an inalienable right not to be held in #Slavery or #Servitude. Put #HumanRightsFirst and take action today:…
Qatar still has yet to effectively end its #Kafala system leaving its majority #Migrant worker population vulnerable to continued exploitation. Tell @FifaWorldCup to put #HumanRights before #Football today:…
Read 5 tweets
Oct 27th 2022
Nearly 28 million people around the globe are estimated to be trapped in jobs so oppressive that they amount to modern slavery.

#TraffickingInc, a new ICIJ reporting collab, examines what is said to be the world’s fastest growing criminal enterprise. 🧵
2/ #TraffickingInc uncovers the people, companies, and business practices that draw profit from different forms of coerced labor across borders — and the well-known employers and entities that human trafficking is linked to.
3/ First up in #Trafficking Inc., — an investigation co-reported by ICIJ, @washingtonpost, @NBCNews and @ARIJNetwork reveals that many foreign workers for defense contractors on US military bases in the Gulf are trapped by abusive employment practices.
Read 14 tweets
Oct 12th 2022
Κοντεύουμε 2 χρόνια #metooGR #metoo
τι έγινε όλο αυτό το διάστημα
πέρα από τα πλυντήρια που δουλεύουν νυχθημερόν 24/7 σε όλα τα ΜΜΕ
στηρίζοντας απροκάλυπτα κακοποιητές
παιδοβιαστές, βιαστές και γυναικοκτόνους

πέρα από άδειο site και τη συλλογή γραμματοσήμων;
έχουμε δει σε πολλές γυναικοκτονίες
η δολοφονημένη γυναίκα
να είχε κάνει επίσημη καταγγελία στην αστυνομία
και την αστυνομία
είτε να αρνείται να την καταγράψει
είτε να την καταγράφει απλά χωρίς να αναλαμβάνει την παραμικρή δράση
λέγοντας ότι θα περιμένει απόφαση δικαστηρίου
σε περιπτώσεις βιασμών
είδαμε την αστυνομία να παραπληφορεί για τους ιατροδικαστές που εφημερεύουν 24/7 σύμφωνα με επίσημη, δημόσια δήλωση του προέδρου των ιατροδικαστών
και να μην πηγαίνουν τα θύματα για εξέταση
το είδαμε #με_την_Γεωργια
το θύμα τραφικιγκ στην #Ηλιουπολη
Read 30 tweets
Oct 10th 2022
Στον ανακριτή θα οδηγηθεί σήμερα ο νταβατζής παιδεραστής μαζί με 1από τους πελάτες
Απειλούσε το παιδί ότι αν μιλούσε
δεν θα έδινε φαγητό στην οικογένειά της
και θα την σκότωνε μαζί με τα αδέλφια της
(συχνή η απειλή ότι θα βλάψουν την οικογένεια)
#metooGR #παιδεραστια #trafficking ImageImage
Σύμφωνα με τα ρεπορταζ
εκτός από τους 2προαναφερθέντες παιδοβιαστές
το παιδί έχει καταθέσει ήδη στις αρχές
ότι το έχουν βιάσει 10περίπου παιδοβιαστές
Μένει να δούμε αν θα τους καλέσουν ΚΑΙ αυτούς για απολογία και αν θα τους απαγγείλουν κατηγορίες
ή θα τη γλιτώσουν όπως #Ηλιουπολη ImageImage
Εκτός από όσους την είχαν ήδη κακοποιήσει
υπάρχουν τουλάχιστον 200 που είχαν επικοινωνήσει με τον νταβατζή παιδεραστή για να μπουν στο πρόγραμμα να την βιάσουν

Η ΔΗΕ μπορεί χαλαρά να τους τσεκάρει για παιδική πορνογραφία και για κακοποιήσεις άλλων ανηλίκων
καθώς παιδεραστής δεν ImageImage
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Oct 9th 2022
Με την χτεσινή περίπτωση παιδοβιασμών της 12χρονης όπου πιθανόν να βρίσκεται κύκλωμα από πίσω καθώς ο "δεν είχε δώσει δικαιώματα" παιδεραστής την εξέδιδε σε τουλάχιστον 1 παιδεραστή ενώ υπήρχε αγγελία και πορνογραφικό υλικό της ανήλικης στο διαδίκτυο
ξαναερχόμαστε αντιμέτωποι με
τον πιο ισχυρό σύμμαχο ΚΑΘΕ κυκλώματος
την κοινωνία
δηλ εμάς

Πάμε από την αρχή να πούμε μερικά πράγματα για την #παιδεραστία
(Mary Lou λείπεις, γύρνα πίσω ή έστω στείλε screenshots)
γιατί οι παιδεραστές δεν είναι φανταστικές έννοιες όπως η δικαιοσύνη
είναι δίπλα μας
ανάμεσά μας
1 παιδεραστής δεν γίνεται παιδεραστής στα ξαφνικά
πχ στα 52 του
είναι 1 sexual predator που κυνηγά ανήλικα όλη του τη ζωή
ξεφεύγει από την καταγγελία
αφενός μεν μέσω του grooming στα ανήλικα & τις απειλές αργότερα
αφετέρου δε λόγω της ισχύς που έχει
βλέπε #Λιγναδης #ορφανοτροφειο
Read 29 tweets
Oct 8th 2022
Προσπαθείστε να θυμηθείτε ΜΙΑ (1) υπόθεση #trafficking στην οποία έγινε εξονυχιστική έρευνα
και όλοι οι εμπλεκόμενοι οδηγήθηκαν στον εισαγγελέα και από εκεί σε δίκη και από εκεί στην φυλακή

Σκεφτείτε και άλλο

θυμηθείτε το #ορφανοτροφειο
το #Λιγναδης_gate
Όταν μιλάμε για κύκλωμα #trafficking μιλάμε για οργανωμένο έγκλημα
κάτι εντελώς διαφορετικό από κάποιον μεμονωμένο εγκληματία που τον καταγγέλλει θύμα του και βρίσκεται αντιμέτωπος με τις ποινικές συνέπειες των πράξεών του

Το οργανωμένο έγκλημα δεν βρίσκεται μόνο στα σκοτάδια
Είναι φόρα παρτίδα
έχει ανθρώπους σε θέσεις κλειδιά
ώστε να μην το αγγίζει κανείς
και προσφέρει τις υπηρεσίες του σε ανθρώπους που όχι μόνο μπορούν να πληρώσουν το αντίτιμο
αλλά και από θέση ισχύος να προστατεύσουν και το κύκλωμα και τους εαυτούς τους από ενδεχόμενη αποκάλυψή του
Read 19 tweets
Oct 5th 2022
When I decided that I was going to use my voice as a survivor of #JeffreyEpstein to spread awareness about the unique risks that young #autistic girls & women like myself face, I realized many of those risks were the same for me as someone who has mosaic #DownSyndrome & that my -
advocacy & education regarding #trafficking beyond being #autistic, but who may also have mDS, or any other type of developmental disorders. I wanted to point this out because October is #DownSyndromeAwarenessMonth & so many are unaware that there are several types of DS. -
Every few days I’m going to post some facts about what life is like having mosaic Down Syndrome & spread awareness about how having mDS (as well as being autistic) made me an easier target for #trafficking. If I’m able to show others signs to look out for, even if it’s just a -
Read 5 tweets
Sep 7th 2022
I was yesterday at the @Europarl_BE to represent @ENoMW in front of the group #LEFT and share our analysis of the directive proposal on violence against #women and girls by the @EuropeanCommiss
There is currently no specific legal instrument that comprehensively addresses violence against women at #EU level. The most comprehensive international framework is the @coe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Girls (Istanbul Convention)
The new proposal for a directive aims to provide for standards for prevention, protection and access to justice, & criminalisation of specific forms of violence against women. It is aimed to be an #EU instrument, with binding obligations on Member States.
Read 13 tweets
Aug 27th 2022
My long read on sex #trafficking in #Iraq is out as part of our @AJpeoplepower investigation.

Through exclusive access to authorities, traffickers and survivors, it sheds light on the power structures that fuel the exploitation of girls. 1/

For >than a year, @AJEnglish investigated the sex trade in Iraq, a growing phenomenon fueled by deeply entrenched socioeconomic factors & enabled by a tangled web of corrupt officials & armed groups, a toxic mix that has become the hallmark of the US' post-2003 legacy in Iraq. 2/
Prostitution exists around the world, but how are girls lured into it in a conservative society where extramarital sex is taboo?

Turns out that traffickers exploit these norms, literally SHAMING girls into the sex trade. 3/

Watch our doc here:

Read 23 tweets
Aug 16th 2022
I’m beyond humbled & honored by all the people who w/ kindness & compassion commented, retweeted, liked, sent me DMs & even courageously shared their own trauma after I shared my trauma from being a victim of Jeffrey #Epstein. Please know I see & hear each & every one of you. I -
am sorry I’ve not been able to get back to everyone, but please know I’m working diligently to first follow everyone back & then reply to all the supportive, courageous comments/messages. While I’m struggling immensely w/ my #PTSD, I wanted to share how much your support has -
meant to me. Your words have been literally life saving & I’m SO grateful but also heartbroken to see so many others as victims of #trafficking like myself. Prior to finding my incredible attorney & coming out publicly as a victim of Jeffrey #Epstein, I felt hopeless, esp as an -
Read 6 tweets

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