Today I'm trying to work out how I can best serve up the data experience I want given the strengths, constraints of the tool. I'll live tweet thoughts as I go.

Ministry of Health:
Stuff (yet to do more critique):…

I tried to add an idea for this, but I can't lodge ideas any more.…
*Comparison to Australia
*Ethnicity/Age breakdown, weighted by demographic popn
*Map of incidence by DHB with spikes (probably thin bars) rather than bubbles.
*Small multiples allowing comparison between regional trends
* Whatever else U want to see
Please give us better access to better data @minhealthnz……

Another fail. C'mon!

I've added in NZ Census figures on the right that show 15% variation for Auckland. This affects per capital testing figures. What am I missing?…

MOH main page says 15 new in 24 hours to 8.30 am, 13 April
MOH Case Details page says 18 cases on 12 April, and 1 on 13 April.
Press conf at 3:25pm 13 April says 19 cases.
...and just don't show the latest day, as there is often just a few entries as at the time they upload it.
But then folk will say "Your numbers don't match reported ones"
Do you think they should? Should they crosstab too? I'm not sure...still mulling it over.

(I will in my dashboard)

@ChiefSciAdvisor any assistance appr

...but at the DHB level they just show the last data point. I think they should publish time series by DHB that ultimately includes data on false pos & neg. You?

There are a LOT of different requests for this over at the Ideas site. e.g:…

I believe @minhealthnz just uploaded the new figures for NZ, so here's the update. I probably should supress the last day, as it's not a complete was the numbers as at 9am.

The image below shows that @minhealthnz aren't even giving web tables unique names. So again I'll have to manually cut and paste from their webpage. Again, a fail in the age of open data.

C'mon @minhealthnz - do I REALLY have to get my ruler out or go through previous press releases to get a figure that should be available in a Table or by CSV?

But I'm NOT going to put a comma in that number format. No way. We won't be needing it. Not if you #StayHomeNZ

And also note that this isn't a longitudinal study :-)
I've also put Y axis on RHS, closer to where the action is. HT @TheSpinoffTV
Colours are placeholders. Need #Datafam advice!

Go. Vote.…
It's a valid argument. I just don't care for it :-)

Good idea. I think it works. I need some #Tableau #Datafam person to tell me what colours to use #PowerBI folk are "colour challenged" 🎨…

Also added deaths by cluster. Mission.

I'm not 100% happy with the grey background, but it helps the DataBars stand out more in conjunction with white gridlines.

I find colours hard in any tool, but especially loathe the colour picker in Power BI.
(Dark grey shows totals before @minhealthnz started breaking down further by active/recovered on 16 April)

Will add toggle to show this or just simple numbers.

Warning: Performant at *loading*, it ain't.
Performant at *insight-ing*, it is.

Vote for measure-driven datalabels here:…

(Some of course wouldn't...and I expect to hear from Mr @lapajne shortly 😂)

Not many people know you can do a 100% stacked databar in #PowerBI like I'm doing here....including @Will_MI77 😂