In this regulation the transportation of essential goods are permitted from warehousing sites to essential service providers;
(ii)where a parental responsibilities and rights agreement or parenting plan, registered with the family advocate, is in existence, or
#Covid19inSA #COVID19 #LockdownSA #day21oflockdown #StayHomeSA
This regulation is amended whereby the Cabinet member responsible for justice and correctional services shall request a Constitutional Court Judge or Judge of the High Court
To ensure the continuous supply of energy and petroleum products to the society, a new chapter is inserted in the Regulations so that:
(b)refineries shall operate at full capacity to avoid shortages of fuel, and such operations shall include refineries, smelters, plants and furnaces
(a)A rigorous screening and testing program must be implemented as employees return to work;
(c)data collected during the screening and testing programme must be submitted to the relevant authority;
The addition and or amendment of the following essential goods and services is introduced:
#COVID19 #LockdownSA #StayAtHomeSA