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RIVERS: Due to industrial pollution, a river in the midwest US caught fire at least 13 times, most famously on June 22, 1969, spurring the environmental movement. What is this river’s name?
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FILTERS: Not long after Pasteur’s germ theory had been publicized, many Americans and Europeans turned to Pasteur-Chamberland jugs, invented in 1884, for protection. What did these jugs filter?
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GOVERNMENT: What international climate protection document was signed on Earth Day in 2016?
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50/50: In the United States, are there more cattle or people? Cattle include beef cattle, milking cows, and calves.
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ANATOMY: In medicine, what organ does the word PULMONARY refer to?
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MATH: In forestry, one common measure of tree size has the acronym “DBH”. It’s taken at 4.5 feet above ground or roughly the breast height of an adult. What aspect of a tree is measured by DBH?
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GAMES: In 1990, the software company Maxis, which was then famous for games like SimCity, created another game that simulated entire global ecosystems as well as terraforming processes. Name this computer game.
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FOOD: Mass agriculture in Southeast Asia to produce this type of plant-based oil has caused incredible habitat destruction and species loss, the poster child being the Sumatran orangtuan. Name this oil.
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R1 Q1 Answer
The CUYAHOGA River. It’s been extensively cleaned since then. The famous photo of the river on fire in Cleveland is actually from the much larger 1952 fire.
R1 Q2 Answer
WATER. These jugs had a porcelain filter through which water could pass but bacteria could not. They were a popular household item until cities built large water treatment systems.
R1 Q3 Answer
THE PARIS AGREEMENT. Unfortunately, the President of the United States has indicated the US will withdraw from the agreement ASAP, and has already implemented policies counter to the agreement.
R1 Q4 Answer
There are more PEOPLE (328 million) then cattle (94 million). Cattle do outnumber people in nine states (from highest ratio to lowest): SD, NE, MT, ND, WY, KS, ID, OK, MO.
R1 Q5 Answer
The word pulmonary refers to your LUNGS. The lungs of vertebrate animals likely evolved from sac-like pockets in the esophagus of our fish ancestors that helped them gulp air in oxygen-poor waters.
R1 Q6 Answer
This would be its DIAMETER. “DBH” stands for “diameter at breast height”. Imagine a tree trunk as a circle, and the diameter as its width. You can use DBH to estimate other numbers, like the volume of timber for that tree.
R1 Q7 Answer
This game was SIMEARTH. It was remarkably forward-thinking and comprehensive, allowing the player to toggle greenhouse gas effects, industrial pollution, and other variables to keep "Gaia" happy. Really a fantastic educational game.
R1 Q8 Answer
We are referring to PALM OIL, made from the fittingly named oil palm tree. Palm oil has been mass produced for globally traded products from shampoos and soaps to cooking oil to most notoriously, candies and chocolates.
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SPORTS: This animal, which mates for life, is the mascot of Baltimore’s National Football League team. Name this animal.
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GEOLOGY: The Champagne region of France is prized because of calcium carbonate in its subsoils, which contains varying ratios of limestone, marl, and what other material formed from the remains of ancient plankton?
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BOTANY: “Pando” is the nickname given to a massive interconnected colony of trees in Utah, and it is the largest known individual living organism in the world. What type of tree is Pando?
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METEOROLOGY: This phenomenon refers to a southwesterly air flow that brings cool air into the Sacramento Valley in the evenings after a sufficiently warm day. Name this phenomenon.
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BREEDING: What familiar dog breed was renamed in the UK to “Alsatian” during World War I, and was not reassigned its original breed name until 1977?
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GOVERNMENT: CA and Quebec have entered an agreement that limits the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by industrial users each year, but in a capitalist-friendly manner. What is the name for this type of agreement?
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FOOD: Albumen, spelled A-L-B-U-M-E-N, is found in what kind of animal product?
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TREES: Julius Morton created the first Arbor Day in Nebraska on April 10, 1872. Roughly how many trees were planted in Nebraska that day?
A. 1,000 trees
B. 10,000 trees
C. 100,000 trees
D. 1,000,000 trees
E. 10,000,000 trees
#CapSciCommLive @TriviaWithBens
R2 Q1 Answer
It’s the NFL draft this week, and the animal and the team we are looking for is the Baltimore @RAVENS. Ravens are highly intelligent, have incredible vocal skills, and complex social life, and are revered creatures in many cultures.
R2 Q2 Answer
That magical third component is CHALK. Amazingly, chalk is composed of the calcium carbonate remains of microscopic algae known as Coccolithophores, laid down in marine sediments long ago in bygone ages.
R2 Q3 Answer
Pando is an ASPEN, specifically QUAKING ASPEN. Above the ground, it looks like a forest, but every tree is genetically identical (and male) and connected to a single root system, occupying more than 100 acres. Pando may be dying.
R2 Q4 Answer
This is our famous DELTA BREEZE. Here’s a clip of @10MonicaWoods explaining the interaction between warm terrestrial temperatures drawing in cool marine air from offshore low pressure systems.
R2 Q5 Answer
Britons didn’t want to call their faithful military dogs GERMAN SHEPHERDs while they were fighting the Germans. German Shepherds are used in scent-work roles due to their keen sense of smell and ability to ignore distractions.
R2 Q6 Answer
CAP-AND-TRADE. By shrinking the GHG cap each year, companies can either adopt new technologies to lower their emissions, or trade with companies who have extra allowances.
R2 Q7 Answer
EGG. The purpose of the albumen, or egg white, is to protect the yolk and provide additional nutrition for the growth of the embryo.
R2 Q8 Answer
On the first Arbor Day, D) ONE MILLION trees were planted. He had Nebraskan schoolchildren do it. Back then, the trees were planted more to reduce wind erosion and provide a food and fuel source, than to improve the environment.
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OIL: West Texas Intermediate, the main oil benchmark for the United States, hit a particular mark on Monday it had never reached before. What happened?
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BEACHES: Glass Beach in Fort Bragg, CA is visited by over one thousand tourists daily during the summer season. Where did the majority of sea glass on the beach come from?
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GOVERNMENT: The Montreal Protocol was signed in 1987. What resource does it protect?
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The Soviet Union began a spaceplane program modeled after the US Shuttle program. Two spaceplanes were constructed but never brought a crew to space. What was the name of the program?
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FOOD: Last week, The Open Notebook—a respected science writing website—awarded its prizes for the best homemade dioramas depicting scientific processes or discoveries. These dioramas all had to be made with what kind of sugary confection?
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MOVIES: In this 1988 screwball comedy film, Priscilla Presley turns down a date with Leslie Nielsen with the excuse: “I’m afraid I have to get my rest this evening—tomorrow being Arbor Day and all.” Name this film.
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LINGUISTICS: One of the toughest animals on our planet are water bears—better known by their technical name, tardigrades or Tardigrada. But what does “tardigrade” mean in its Latin roots? Give us these two words.
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OUTDOORS: Land trusts are nonprofits that purchase and keep open spaces out of development. What is the name of our local land trust that manages properties like Deer Creek Hills and Camp Pollock?
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R3 Q1 Answer
The WTI price WENT NEGATIVE. Due to a lack of demand for oil products, storage facilities were filled to brim and sellers had to pay people to offload the extra oil in the system.
R3 Q2 Answer
THE TOWN DUMP. Ocean-facing communities used to have their town dumps on the beach, and let the water carry the refuse away. Sometimes the trash came back. The @CaWaterBoards closed down the dump in 1967.
R3 Q3 Answer
The Montreal Protocol protects the OZONE LAYER, which protects us from ultraviolet radiation. Secretary-General Kofi Anan called it “perhaps the single most successful international agreement to date.”
R3 Q4 Answer
BURAN, which means “Snowstorm.” Only 2 were built and 1 orbital test flight made. A prototype of the shuttle, however, was capable of unassisted horizontal takeoffs.
R3 Q5 Answer
This is a callback to our Easter theme last week: the answer is PEEPS. The @Open_Notebook began the #PeepYourScience contest in 2019, inspired by the peeps diorama contest once hosted by the @washingtonpost.
R3 Q6 Answer
This line was from the film THE NAKED GUN. Though first celebrated in Nebraska in 1872, it was Teddy Roosevelt who made the first Arbor Day national proclamation, directed to school children in 1907.
R3 Q7 Answer
Tardigrade translates as SLOW STEPPER or SLOW WALKER. The largest of them are visible to the eye, but you really need a microscope to get a better look.
R3 Q8 Answer
That would be the SACRAMENTO VALLEY CONSERVANCY. We took a CapSciComm field trip to hike Deer Creek Hills with @SacConservancy docents back in 2016.
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CHEMISTRY: Restrictions on emissions of which pollutant has most dramatically reduced acid rain in the United States?
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ENGINEERING: This type of ship is named after the device on it that, at high enough speeds, lifts the ship’s hull out of the water. What is the device called?
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BOXING: Boxing is known as “the sweet science” due the level of strategy required. Which boxer, who in 1999 became undisputed heavyweight champion of the world with his victory over Evander Holyfield, is also an avid chess player?
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FOOD: To have Coca-Cola be declared kosher, in 1935 the Coca-Cola Company changed the source of a chemical additive in Coke to ensure it was made from plant oil and not pork fat. What chemical was it?
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MUSIC: This epic score by German composer Carl Orff—based on medieval poems—is filled with pagan scenes of spring and fertility—but you’ve probably heard its opening theme in many action movie trailers. Name this musical composition.
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WOMEN IN CONSERVATION: This American female journalist was deeply influential in changing public attitudes to the Florida Everglades, which she called a “River of Grass”. Name this author and conservationist.
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ZOOLOGY: The Passenger Pigeon was once the most abundant bird in North America, estimated 3~5M in numbers. Humans caused its extinction, and the last individual died in 1914 at the Cincinnati Zoo. She was given a name—what was her name?
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Name at least one of the Indigenous Peoples whose historic lands the greater Sacramento region currently occupies. There are several, but please name at least one.
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R4 Q1 Answer
SULFUR DIOXIDE. SO2 is commonly emitted from the burning of fossil fuels, but also as a byproduct of copper refining and naturally from volcanoes.
R4 Q2 Answer
HYDROFOIL. By lifting the ship’s hull out of the water, the ship’s overall drag is reduced and even faster speeds can be reached. Top speeds are limited due to cavitation issues; hydrofoils are not the fastest boats in the world.
R4 Q3 Answer
British-Canadian Boxer LENNOX LEWIS. @LennoxLewis has a record of 41-2-1, and supports an elementary school chess club in Memphis, Tennessee.
R4 Q4 Answer
GLYCERIN, which can be made from plant oil or animal fat. A rabbi's ruling meant that all chemical additives in food, no matter little is used, must be kosher if the food product is to be declared kosher.
R4 Q5 Answer
This composition is CARMINA BURANA. The chorus lyrics are enough to make you blush—they are *very* fertile. Orff’s own history is troublesome: he chose his reputation over his friends during the Nazi era.
R4 Q6 Answer
She died in 1998 at the age of 108, and her name was MARJORY STONEMAN DOUGLAS. Whereas California school children learn about John Muir, Florida school children grow up learning about Douglas.
R4 Q7 Answer
Her name was MARTHA, and she died at the age of 29. Found east of the Rocky Mountains, Passenger Pigeons were called such due to their migratory patterns. Martha’s remains rest at the Smithsonian @NMNH:
R4 Q8 Answer
Sacramento currently occupies the lands of the NISENAN people, Foothills and Southern MAIDU people, Valley MIWOK and ME-WUK people, PATWIN people, WINTUN People, and the WINTU people.
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(Competitive Teams: Please tweet a pic of your answer sheet and tag @TriviaWithBens to be verified for an official top score!)
(No Twitter? You can also email a photo of your answer sheet to triviawiththebens@gmail to be counted.)
Until next time: #KeepScienceSpicy!!!

We accepted "sulfur oxides" but not "sulfides" alone for R4 Q1.
We did not accept "O Fortuna" for R4 Q5, as that's the name of the opening/closing movement of the entire Carmina Burana composition.
Until next week: #KeepScienceSpicy! 🌶️🌶️🌶️