❌ "Individuals with hemiplegic #migraine may have attacks frequently (once a week) or very infrequently (once a year)."
✔️ You can have this kind of fun ALL WEEK LONG!
❌ "fully reversible" HM @ihs_official
Tip to other rural HMers: a wheelbarrow is an excellent wheelchair replacement on grass but you need a St. Husband to drive you.

@NHF's good intro to HM: headaches.org/2007/11/02/925/
headsUPmigraine's all-time favorite #migraine paper without all the brain chemistry: docs.google.com/document/d/e/2…
See a neurologist if you have trouble using 1 side of your body, difficulty speaking or seeing, or feel pins/needles w/ or w/o head pain.