White House @PressSec @KayleighMcenany raised a very important issue about various outlets in mainstream media.
This thread sheds light on the fact that MSM is also active in pushing the talking points of #Iran’s regime.
CNN is a mouthpiece of Iran’s regime
-inviting chief Tehran lobbyist @tparsi
-saying Iran's “small steps” actually "make sense"
-blaming everything on Trump
-expressing outrage over the terrorist-designation of the notorious Revolutionary Guards (IRGC)
Jan 4, 2020 – The New York Times published a piece by known Iran apologist @farnazfassihi
“Iranians Close Ranks Behind Leaders After U.S. Kills Popular General”
Soleimani led militias that wreaked havoc across the Middle East & killed U.S. soldiers.

Dec 16, 2019 – Newsweek
“If Iran falls, ISIS rises again”
This was just one month after people across Iran rose against the mullahs. @khamenei_ir responded by ordering his thugs to open fire, killing over 1,500 protesters.

Bloomberg has a series of pieces running Iran’s talking points written by @yarbatman, a known Tehran apologist/lobbyist who has close ties to Hamid Baeidinejad (@baeidinejad), Iran’s ambassador to the UK.

More of NYT publishing Tehran’s talking points.
Compare them to tweets by @JZarif, known as Iran’s chief apologist.

The New York Times could be the worst example of mainstream media parroting the talking points of Iran’s regime.
And there is good reason for that.
This outlet has direct ties to the regime in Tehran.
This thread explains.