There are many more than what i hv mentioned.
Hope u like it
300 versions of Ramayana exist, many outside India. Ramakien (Glory of Rama) which is the National epic.


In HP Snape was originally a Death eater on Voldemort's side but joined Dumbledore & helped in bringing down Voldemort. Similarly although Vibhishan was Raavan's brother - he joins Rama after not agreeing with Raavan's adharma.
#snape #vibhishana

You can teach your kids about righteousness from the story of Vibhishana.
#moral #righteousness #vibhishana
#hagrid #kumbhakarna

in Harry Potter we had Mandrake juice administered to cure basilisk poison. In Ramyana Sushena applied Sanjeevani plant extract to cure the posionous effect of Indrajit's astras on Lakshmana.4 herbs are important medicine in Ramayana -
Check out the research paper here…
They have so much of information - provided you search.
I hope u like it.
If i hav made any mistakes - let me know.
I do not wish to hurt any sentiments.
Vibhishana helps in bringing down of Indrajit.
In a hurt mixed up the names..
It is a MARVEL and a Guide!
Hoping that more youngsters and parents make use of it and teach our new generation of the importance of Ramayana 🙏