Look at the graph: Initially, daily deaths accelerate. At the green point, they start decelerating, then recede, and phase out.
#Coronavirus #COVID-19

Our Lockdown became effective on March 23, the blue line.
It had no immediate impact, of course. From the medical literature, there is a delay of 23 days between infection and death.
April 15 is 23 days after the lockdown, where effects should have become visible.
But there are no effects. Deaths follow the usual epidemiological curve, the red line.
Emphatically not, because the deceleration on April 6 corresponds to infections that took place on March 14, long before the lockdown.
Germany’s lockdown came late. It was completely ineffective. The success of Germa-ny’s lockdown policy is mere propaganda.
Remark: The 23 days delay consists of 5 days incubation period plus 18 days from symptoms to death.
Lauer, S. A. et al. (2020) doi.org/10.7326/M20-05…
Verity, R. et al. (2020) doi.org/10.1016/S1473-…