- @niknuspliger from @NZZ opens up our debate
@Palgrave_ @MichaelKaeding @JohannesPollak
Today we're talking about 🇨🇭 but you can learn about any one of 39 countries in the upcoming TEPSA Book!
- Frank Schimmelfennig from @ETH outlines the main takeaway from this presentation
- Frank Schimmelfannig from @ETH breaks down the current blockage in negotiations
- @ChristaMarkwald from @FDP_Liberalen brings us up to speed from the political point of view
- @stefwalter__ from @UZH_en takes us through the extent of optimism or pessimism in Switzerland
- @stefwalter__ explains the EU's wish to avoid losing their advantages
- @stefwalter__ elaborates why the EU is stubborn in its negotiations with third parties: Switzerland, and the UK in #Brexit
- @stefwalter__ explains different reactions to #Brexit in Switzerland
- @_PaulSchmidt brings in the perspective of the Austrian public as a proxy for other Member States' attitudes to cherry-picking
- @stefwalter__ explains how permissive consensus has influenced the public conversation
- As we begin wrapping up, @_PaulSchmidt looks towards the future of Swiss-EU relations
Frank Schimmelfennig from @ETH
@stefwalter__ from @UZH_en
@ChristaMarkwald from @FDP_Liberalen
@_PaulSchmidt from @oegfe