@GovHerbert and @DrAngelaCDunn will hold a briefing around 1:30pm. @fox13 will air it on TV and online and I'll be live-tweeting.
#utpol #Utah

Again, @GovHerbert expected to hold a news conference in a few minutes. #utpol #Utah

They have the brightest/best people working to develop the best plan in America, he says. (He's touting "Utah Leads Together"). @fox13 #utpol #Utah
Utahns are following guidelines, @GovHerbert says. Most cities/counties are in lower risk categories. @fox13 #utpol #Utah #COVID19
@UtahDepOfHealth is analyzing the request, he says. No decision yet.
@fox13 #utpol #Utah #COVID19
"We've been able to save lives and slow down the spread," he says. Health care system not overwhelmed and could handle a surge.
@fox13 #utpol #Utah #COVID19
"Utah mourns with you," he says.
He is still concerned about those 65+ (about 70%) who are vulnerable.
He notes fear of life and livelihood. @fox13 #utpol #Utah
Seven companies have already agreed to expand here in the midst of the pandemic.
@fox13 #utpol #Utah #COVID19
He says goal is to protect lives and livelihood.
Goal is to move in the next few weeks into complete recovery mode. @fox13 #utpol #Utah #COVID19
She says people need to understand what makes you "high risk."
Long-term care facility
Underlying medical condition (immunocompromised).
She says it's our responsibility to protect them. @fox13 #utpol #Utah
@fox13 #utpol #Utah #COVID19
He says pandemic is not affecting everyone equally. Latinx/Hispanic, Pacific Islander, Black and Asian communities impacted more.
"Learn the facts of disparities," he says. @fox13 #utpol #Utah #COVID19

"Our data currently don't support it," she says.
"We will let the data drive us," @GovHerbert chimes in.
He throws out maybe 8 weeks. @fox13 #utpol #Utah #COVID19
@DrAngelaCDunn says you need to be aware of it and exercise good hygiene and protect them. @fox13 #utpol #Utah #COVID19
Q on Test Utah contract?
All testing contracts under review, @GovHerbert says. @fox13 #utpol #Utah #COVID19
@GovHerbert says we are NOT back to normal.
"We're in the middle of an emergency still," he says. "All of us have a responsibility to do our part."
Directives don't work if you don't follow them. @fox13 #utpol
"I know it's inconvenient... but it's probably the right and proper thing to do," he says.
@fox13 #utpol #Utah #COVID19

@DrAngelaCDunn says it is NOT linked to an increase in testing.
"We're asking the community to be a little more diligent..." she says, adding they could see a surge. @fox13 #utpol #Utah #COVID19
@GovHerbert says they might be able to hold a larger event if there's social distancing, screening, sanitizer, face masks and taking protocols seriously. He puts that on Kaysville to enforce. @fox13 #utpol #Utah #COVID19
"We've never really shut down," he claps back, questioning what they're protesting.
He calls for people to follow health guidelines. @fox13 #utpol #Utah