So after that nervous introduction, the finale to this awesome #MEGA #THREADFEST falls upon my shoulders & it’s a big task judging by the quality of the preceding threads by a host of genuinely talented writers.

1st of many 🧵’s 2 Come [& yes the next one will move away from 80’s]:

Most casual fans will know about this song & for them it will be one of the best things he ever did.
Maybe because it comes from one of the only Prince albums they own or pay attention to.
This frustration is understandable & there are valid points to it.
I do agree that Purple Rain shouldn’t be the primary focus of this great artist’s illustrious career.
I got into #Prince in 1982 with the 1999 album & the 2 yr gap between 1999 & Purple Rain gave me all the time I needed to explore all of his back catalogue.

We lost our secret & Prince now belonged to the world #bittersweet
But the Summer of 1984 was awesome & we were young (not so much now) & beautiful (I still am 🤣).
PriNcE RuLed ThE WorLd.
What propelled those tears.
It saddened me & I didn’t know why.
Whenever I listen to Purple Rain, I am reminded of Jackie’s beautiful tears.
I began to appreciate it more as time passed on.
But it was & continues to be the most intense, intriguing & intellectually thought-provoking song on the album.
It always sends my mind in overdrive.
1. Basic facts
2. Background 2 its creation
3. Title Inspirations
4. Influences
5. Prince’s State of Mind
6. Symbolism of Purple
7. Symbolism of Rain
8. The meaning of Purple Rain.
🎥🎬🍿Context: Purple Rain
*is dedicated to his father
*each verse ties into a different strained relationship Prince's character (The Kid) has with his parents, Apollonia & his band and his desire to reconcile with each
*it’s the tear jerker that unites everyone
*the script was originally called “Dreams” — changed after Director Magnoli attended a Prince concert & heard "Purple Rain," & upon P’s request agreed to re-name it.
*Vanity was suppose to play the lead but ($$$) she dropped out early
Other Facts:
*P’s vocal range spans from the low note of Bb2 to the high note of C#6.
*It was the 3rd single from the album
*It is certified Platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America #RIAA
*Ranked no. 144 on the @RollingStone list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time
*in The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame's 500 Songs that Shaped Rock & Roll
*@pitchfork — Best song of the 1980s
*After his passing in 2016:
*No.1 number US & UK iTunes
*No. 4 Billboard Hot 100
*No. 6 UK Singles Chart
*No.1 France
*Prince performed it w/ @Beyonce at 2004 Grammy Awards.
P famously played it at the end of his set w/ the performance going down in history after the heavens opened up & ‘actual’ rain began to fall in the middle of the song & with the stage being lit with Purple light — it created the song's signature image #WTF

*Played on every tour except 1995 Ultimate Live Experience Tour
*It was the last song P ever performed live during his final concert in Atlanta, Georgia on April 14, 2016.
*He transcended a week later.
Both the Cincinnati, Ohio sound check version of 82’ & the 10+ minute Warehouse demo/rehearsal version of 83’ remain unreleased.
Bobby, Dez & BrownMark about the song

Is it an allusion to Hendrix’s "Purple Haze" or perhaps to “Purple Shades which was a song title Prince’s father had.
Is it a lyrical rip from @StevieWonder’s “Purple Rain Drops”:
“Purple rain drops, spotted flowers
I've daydreamed for hours & hours”.

It was penned as a country duet with Fleetwood Mac’s Stevie Nicks and so clearly she was in his mind, perhaps as his muse, when he was creating the song.
"I thought it was an amazing tune. I told him, 'Man, I'm just super-flattered that you even called. It shows you're that classy of a guy. Good luck with the song. I know it's gonna be a hit.'"
This song title also could be linked to PR’s theme.
“I can hear my influence in Purple Rain, in the harmony but I don’t know if that’s coming from him or Wendy & Lisa because they have also assimilated the modality of the open tunings”.
Joni’s influence on Prince here:👇

Dr Fink said he recalls conversations he had with Prince during the 1999 tour 1982-1983 & he also added information about his contribution to the song.
Taken from @Duane_Tudahl’s:
“Purple Rain Era”:👇

“PR is one of those BIC lighter songs”.
Wendy & Lisa also had much to say about their influence on the song.
Taken from @Duane_Tudahl’s:
“Purple Rain Era”👇

The @therevolution were credited as performing on the song which is a testament to their brilliance.
In 2011, Prince acknowledged Bobby Z’s importance on the track 👇

For Seventh Day Adventist’s, Purple and blue are the colors of royalty which remind them of God’s royal character.…
Some of this does echo with the sentiments of Purple Rain but I don’t know if Prince ever referenced or indeed practised it.
[I’ll take this moment to big up @DaysOfWild for sending me the Uptown editions 💜]

You can read here what Betty J. Eadie @BettyJEadie said about Prince:…
Rain is so fascinating & versatile & it can symbolise so many different things. It is impossible to choose which symbolism applies without the context of the story.
In music, literature & movies Rain can be of significant importance.
*spiritual rebirth
*regeneration & renewal
*change in society
*loneliness or ostracisation
*sadness & tears
*cleansing/washing away sins
*restless, boredom, confinement, 'wanderlust’
etc etc ...
@ledzeppelin: “Rain Song” - a metaphor for liberation & happiness
R.E.M.: “So Central Rain” - a metaphor for an apology
Graham Central Station: “I Can't Stand the Rain” - a metaphor for a
a broken relationship
@DaveStewart/ Eurythmics: "Here Comes the Rain Again"- a metaphor for depression
Oran Juice Jones: ”Rain” - a metaphor for infidelity
“Wuthering Heights” is drenched with furious storms & fatalistic love.
“Life of Pi” uses rain as a metaphor as religious allegory to depict the ebbs and flows of being stranded at sea
🎥 🎬:
Movies use Rain romantically where girls dream of having their kiss in the rain or singing & dancing in the rain.
The rain becomes one of the central characters in the movie.
Rain is a way to reach the “Truth”. The rain clears the clouds away from the Sun - a symbol of truth.
In this regard the symbol of the rain is an analogy for the relationship that people should have with the truth.
To achieve a better understanding of what underpinned Prince’s thoughts prior to & during the making of the Purple Rain song it is essential to try to understand his state of mind. If that is at all possible being the total enigma that he was.
Rolling Stone 1985: he disclosed some startling revelations about Religion & his depression:

He talks about suffering with depression before making Purple Rain and then encountering a great ‘spiritual revelation’ which led to the creation of Purple Rain
Things he said in those interviews provide the context for the backstory in Purple Rain & provide clues for the symbolism of “Purple” & for the symbolism of “Rain”.
So “Purple” & “Rain” can symbolise many different things & much depends upon the character & the context of the story.
Prince was deeply religious & spiritual, he had a great spiritual revelation during the creation of PR following depression.
I am going to offer two potential theories about the meaning of Purple Rain.
The first one focuses on Control (God Complex) & the second one is more Spiritual.
The song:
"Purple Rain" opens in solitary fashion with that now infamous & iconic chord progression on the guitar for the first few seconds.
The guitar, drums & vocals sway along in a hypnotic, anthemic slow burn before the mood illuminates, evoking a Purple Gospel as the electric grand piano makes its entrance.
‘Woo hoo hoo hoooo’
This is THE cue for the stadiums of the world to join in.
Preparations are underway 2 bathe in the Purple Rain - leave this world & enter the afterworld
This theory is based on the proposition that Purple is the color associated with royalty & the word "rain" is a pun on the word "reign."
Therefore, "Purple Rain" means "Royalty Reign." It is about Prince, with a God complex wanting ultimate
The lyrics mention a "leader" who will "guide" U & so this could be Prince In his God complex mode as the creator of this relationship.
"only want to see you underneath the purple rain."
Prince’s poetic way of saying, "my way or the highway"
It doesn’t quite fit the spiritual narrative or the spiritual revelation he spoke about.
This is my favoured theory.
The meaning of Purple Rain has to be linked to Prince’s backstory & traced to his other works during this period to comprehend its meaning.
Prince was raised as a Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) & as a child he spent time in SDA & Methodist churches.
He also mentioned “death” in celebratory tones in a number of different tracks around this same Purple Rain time period.
[Skull - @amysarkisian]

On this, he talks about his spiritual state of mind (Purple) & death.
“Don't need no reefer, don't need cocaine
Purple music does the same to my brain
And I'm high, so high”
All The Critics from 1999 also mentions a spiritual high:
“We need a purple high”
“Ronnie Talk To Russia” was all about the latter.
The simple message being the travesties & hardships of this world don’t compare to the beauty & peace in the afterworld.
Do not fear it, embrace it, submit to God
Purple Rain:
The preceding puzzle had to be put together in order to get to the meaning of Purple Rain which is a religious allegory.
Blending Blue - obedience to the law of God Plus Red - faith in Christ’s righteousness = Purple - transformation into Royalty.
In accordance with his upbringing in eschatological faiths Prince was wary of:
Celebration of Death
Preparing 4 Armageddon
The Afterworld
The first lines are self-explanatory revealing his intentions were not meant to cause her harm, he was only trying to ‘save’ her to live in the Afterworld.
He wants to be her lover not just in this life/world but also in “the afterworld”:
“Until I find the righteous one
Computer blue”
Hence why he is depressed - He will be computer blue (depressed) until he finds the righteous one.
She says she wants God’s guidance but is not submitting to God’s omnipotence.
‘Close it’ meaning close your mind to the things that make you stray from God’s guidance:
“Purple Rain” is Prince’s much cooler exclamation for:
ʾAllāhu ʾakbar’
Purple Rain is Prince’s PSALM of PRAISE.
PR is a metaphor for a religious rebirth & the “rain” is a symbol for the cleansing of the spirit & the light that will shine down on the saved ones.
During the Armageddon God’s spiritual guidance will shower upon the ’saved’ people who upon Jesus’ return will be taken to heaven for a millennium only to return to live for eternity on a recreated Earth (the Afterworld).
Prince is urging his lover to unite w/ him on the same religious & spiritual plane so that they can be together in the Armageddon — be saved & be transported to heaven.
For many others, possibly not & for them Purple Rain will continue to be just a cool set of words allowing them to imagine their own dream scenarios — to which they are entitled.
Hence, why he didn’t wish to explain it in full.
However, I do believe that there's something bigger at work within "Purple Rain", the most spiritual & holiest of rock anthems
Prince’s belief system prepared him for death at any time.
Prince might not have been ready for his transcendence on that fateful night of 21st April 2016.
*he was surely prepared for it.
*he was totally accepting of it when it arrived albeit in an untimely fashion.
*he had always been fully prepared to bathe in the Purple Rain.
*he was most likely ‘one time’ laughing too.

*movie - unified everyone during last performance
*it unified Prince with the Revolution
*if religious — it unifies U to the one most high
*if not — it unifies U with humanity
*everyone else — it unifies U 2 Love One Another
‘Woo hoo hoo hoooo”
‘Woo hoo hoo hoooo”
‘Woo hoo hoo hoooo”
May U Live 2 See The Dawn!
Thank you again to all the contributors who were aforementioned many years earlier at the start of this thread 🤣
Tune in to the next Mega Thread which will be coming soon on another seminal album with another round of Special Guests.
Without your support & active participation, this wouldn’t have been half as much fun.
[Special thanks to @EdgarKruize for the thumbnails].