Anti-Chinese push noticed.
Strategic stability in bad shape, and the US does not like these words at all, preferring 'strategic security' etc.
US withdrew from the INF Treaty, this instrument is dead.
US never addressed Russian concerns w/ INF Treaty: UCAVs, Mk41, target missiles.
NATO Nuclear Sharing - violation of NPT. B61-12 will turn this bomb into battlefield weapon.
Still, some domains work - counter-terrorism, some regional topics. But this is not enough. No interest in cyber dialogues, non-interference statements etc.
RU not naive, understand the limits of possibilities for cooperation, especially in the election year. But ready for positive work in any domain.
#Elbe75 statement - rare example.
1) Inspection visits, verification etc. postponed due to COVID, is it possible to have a proper talks in virtual domain, especially on nuclear issues? Can 'non-papers' etc. be shared this way?
3) OST: Trump yesterday that they are ready to discuss new better treaty. What the hell? Official US position or an improvisation, current POTUS-style?
US asks to bring China to the table. We believe that it is a sovereign right of any nation to join any talks.
But we understand that at the moment due to trust deficit within P5 such mechanism is next to impossible to achieve. That's why we invite the US to extend New START.
Back to Open Skies Treaty: notes received by all states-parties. Now Canada nad Hungary should gather a conference. There might be different options.
A: RU works actively through our media and embassies, offers dialogue. Unfortunately, the US put itself into a position that cooperation is impossible.
A: Sure that the announcement yesterday was a surprise for allies. Many allies are ignored.
Meeting Billingslea - ready.
A: Americans like to label right and wrong sides of history. Ryabkov does not feel a basis for a change. There is a broad mainstream anti-Russian consensus in the US.
A: Ryabkov does not want to make such statements. There is a BCC where everything is addressed. Spring BCC was canceled due to COVID, now we wait for Autumn BCC.
A: We won't wake up in a different world on February 6, 2021, w/o New START. Missile-nuclear domain has a great degree of inertia, rapid changes hard to implement.
A: RU will work with everyone.
A: There's hardly any other domain with such detailed and mutually agreed terminology, thanks to decades of work.
Now within P5 there have been a huge volume of work done, also agree Glossary.
We have an instrument for future talks.
A: RU relations with European countries might have a stabilizing role.
A: There has never been a more crazy idea. Let's grab some coke and pop-corn and continue to watch the show.
A: OST is not dead! When US withdraws in November, it does not mean that the Treaty will die. US said that it is a decision, not an intention, than we'll have a 33 parties. Or less. But it still doesn't mean OST death.
A: This Q sounds fatal. Can't even think about any limitation on arms trade w/ Iran after October 18, 2020. RU will do what it can.
A: A lot on the world depends on how effective US recovery would be. Volume of economical stimulus packages are unmatched.
Q: will RU continue to raise the question of Missile Defense, if there will be new talks with the US?
Q: will US OST withdrawal affect the initiative to hold a P5 summit?
A: Nagorno-Karabakh is one of the domains where cooperation continues.
A: P5 initiative won't be affected by US OST withdrawal. Arms control is a part of the agenda for the summit, and not the most crucial one.