1) 3+1 Mountain Divisions
2) 3 x Infantry/Mtn Brigade Groups
3) 2 x Armored Brigades
4) Rejigged one more infantry division for north.
- If anything, all this posturing by the Chinese will lead to further hardening of stand by India. And pumping of new resources against the Chinese across the board.
- That is what news reports and think tank circuit will have us believe.
- Why?
- Because we've build new roads.
- Some even want us to suspend building new roads.
- I mean, seriously?
#GalwanValley #LadakhBorder
"China has since rejected this exercise, viewing it as adding another complication to the on-going boundary negotiations"
Or may be, just may be, they don't want to do this because +
ambiguity suits them. They can maximize their claim depending on the situation. Claim more tactically superior territory. Or, they can claim what is held by India and then, in negotiations, agree to give it up for tangible gains.
- Having said that, author says that cutting through Galwan-Murgo axis can provide alternate to Karakoram Highway
- How?
- People don't consult map before writing such stuff?
(1) In my opinion, all the border mgmt related agreements which we've sighed over 30+ years with China, are irrelevant.
(2) Let me explain - China is a revisionist and an expansionist power. It is looking for world domination, starting +
with dominating Asia. India on the other hand is looking for status quo.
(3) For India, these agreements are stepping stone for final border resolution. For China? These are temporary measures to keep things calm in those regions which are not its priority at present
(4) Chinese make very little concession while getting the other side to yield major ground.
(5) Not only that, China throws tantrums from time-to-time to remind the other side that things are not settled or when it wants to send a message.
(6) By signing various border
management agreements with India, China could focus on its main rival - USA!
(7) Just map the massive naval build-up which the Chinese have done to secure their sea claims. All this was possible only if its borders with its biggest rival in Asia, India, remained calm.
(8) True, we also needed this quite period to focus on economy but unlike us, Chinese concentrated on building infrastructure for future.
(9) Chinese know they will settle the boundary dispute at their terms. And hence, they put in infra for a conflict which was to happen
15-20 years in future.
(10) But what did we do? Well, not much. We've instances of our Finance Ministry raising question mark on certain acquisitions saying that Chinese are unlikely to be a threat in future!
(11) But Chinese being Chinese, they couldn't stop themselves from
trying to show India its place. So, from 2008 onward, they started needling India and we had some major stand-offs in this decade.
(12) So much so that a lethargic institution like GOI, which generally lacks strategic vision, gave permission to Indian Army for a massive
increment in numbers.
(13) And Indian Army embarked on its biggest expansion after 1985, adding new formations from Daulat Beg Oldi to Arunachal Pradesh.
(14) Even today, as India and China square-off in eastern Ladakh, Chinese are sending three messages.
(15.1) I think they will ask India to stop its infra and troop build-up. Why?
(15.3) With US breathing down their neck, and they now getting push-back in the Pacific
last thing they need is to take-on India.
(15.4) They need another 10 years minimum to take-on India, after having settled their Pacific question.
(15.5) So, they need peace on the Indian border and they need India to remain weak with respect to Infra and troops.
(16) Message 02 - This is quite straight forward - Chinese are facing hostility across the globe for how they've conducted themselves with respect to #COVID__19. Plus, they've a blow-hot, blow-cold relationship with US. In this situation, they don't want India to ally
against them.
- Indian Government allowing participation, even though online, of two of its lady parliamentarians, in the swearing-in ceremony of Taiwanese PM, is a big break from the past.
- GOI really really wanted to send across a very strong signal to the Chinese.
And the signal is very clear, two can play the game! Anything to do with Taiwan is a big red-line with the Chinese, so this act would've been seen a big red-flag by them.
- Rather than talk, the Han is using coercion to get India to fall in line.
- So much for Sun Tzu quotes!
- This is separate from all out war.
- This is putting the other side in a such a situation where he's left with little to no maneuvering space
and has to agree to a reconciliation at other party's terms.
- This is what happened to the Chinese in Doklam. Their only option was to escalate full blow conflict or back-down.
- And they did back-down.
- Here again, Chinese would be expecting India to back-down and accept
- And as mentioned in Message 01, get some concessions also in the bargain.
- Don't be surprised if Chinese ask for a mechanism to regulate future infra development along the border.
- With themselves having developed their infra, guess who is at disadvantage
- Yup! India.
- They can always play tantrum and raise objections at any of our project, claiming it violates the 'spirit' of some XYZ agreement.
All said and done, we've in for a long haul here.
- Chinese looses face if is not seen to have explicitly won here while India wins by simply standing its ground.
- If India is willing to go the whole hog here, Chinese are going to have a very nasty surprise.
- Simply because while the
Chinese have mobilized troops to match our immediate strength, but these are not sufficient for a shooting match.
- For that, Chinese need a much much larger mobilization.
- We're much better placed on this aspect.
- Chinese could get a quick drubbing here.
Wait & Watch!
@elmihiro @hukum2082 @Aryanwarlord @YusufDFI @ramana_brf @CestMoiz @desertfox61I

- Please understand, Karakorum Pass on India-China border has NOTHING to do with Karakorum Highway between Pakistan and China.
- See the attached map.

- No transgressions in the Galwan Valley
- ~3 km into Indian territory in the larger Hot Spring Area (Patrol Point 14, 15 and Gogra Post) and Fingers Area of Pangong Lake.
- 600-800 Chinese soldiers near each point
- India makes its position clear.
- Openly names the Chinese.
- Basically, telling the Chinese that you've miscalculated big time.
Read more at:
#LadakhBorder #LadakhTension
(pic courtesy: @elmihiro )

- Series of videos courtesy @scorp18th which shows Indian-Chinese patrol engaging each other.
- This appears like the Galwan river valley; Chinese are coming from east, we're moving from west to east.
- Please focus on the terrain.
(1) Look how steep the mountains are on each side, these are near vertical cliffs.
(2) There valley is very narrow; with water flowing in the middle, there is hardly any space on either side for troop movement.
(4) Please ask yourself this - how could have 000's of Chinese troops come down this route, as some journalist want you to believe?
(5) And mind you, this part of Galwan River (see map in next tweet)
- I have said this before, we have more than enough resources to outmatch the Chinese.
- And if Chumar 2014 incident is any template, we aim to dominate in 2:1/3:1 ratio.
(1) Turned off vehicle lights to prevent detection by hostile drones - OK. This has to be the most funniest bit. Lights were switched-off but engines were running! Those vehicles would +

genius PLA scouts unit is not obliterated before hand and some do reach perimeter of 'enemy' defensive position, how many drones can you launch and exactly what kind of defensive obstacles can they neutralize?
- Never mind that you've already given away surprise and 'enemy' +
- (3) Sniper/enemy search-light? - An enemy who potentially has UAV to search the area, will use search-light to illuminate its defenses? It won't have IR sensors or battlefield surveillance radars?
- this whole exercise is like a bad Hollywood movie!
- '...seema par iss samay Cheen ke log bhi hai'..
[There are Chinese soldiers AT the border. Not WITHIN Indian borders or claim line]
-'..aur acchi khasi sankhya mein Cheen ke log bhi aa gaye hain'.
[There are considerable no of Chinese troops]

- Therefore, it is logical to assume that LAC should run along Finger 8 because Chinese forces stood to its east in 1962.
- By advancing LAC till F4, Chinese want to give more depth to their position in Sirijap complex.
- Alignment of Chinese claim line from Rejang La to
Ane La is in such a fashion that Chinese control all the mountain passes and mountain ridges to ensure India cannot (or, it is very difficult to) attack from west to east.
- (Fingers have been numbered as per map shared by @sdinny14 during his conversation with @nitingokhale.
-That's an idiotic statement!
-Check the map for alignment being talked about.
-I explain in follow-on tweets why this is nonsense

- For China to connect with Pakistan through this axis would mean going west from Murgo, crossing Shyok River, crossing the 17,752 feet high Saser La pass, and then going down towards Sasoma (which is ~50 Km from Siachen Base Camp)
- Then it has to reach Diskit near confluence+
of Nubra and Shyok River.
- From there, it goes west to THOISE and then along the Shyok River, reaches Turtuk (last point in India along LOC in this sector).
- If anything like this were to happen, it would mean we've lost Siachen Glacier and the entire Nubra and Shyok Valley
including THOISE and all villages along the river as it flows into Pakistan.
- If it ever comes to this situation, it would mean India has been defeated at such a scale that 1962 will appear benign!
- Oh! and BTW, Border Road Organization (BRO) is actually working on creating
- a road going from Sasoma towards Saser La Pass and thence, going down the other side of the mountain, reaching Shyok River, crossing from west to east bank and then, reaching Murgo.
-From Murgo, route goes to DBO and Karakorum Pass.
- As of 2016-17, BRO had constructed
a 52 km road from Sasoma to Saser La road.
- Road from the pass towards Murgo is WIP.
- When this road is ready, India will have an alternate route to new Shyok-DBO Road.
- Always good to have alternates in a shooting match!
- Here is some bit of history for you -
-- Summer route for caravans traveling from Leh to Yarkand in Xinjiang was Leh->Khardung La Pass ->Sasoma->Saser La->Murgo->DBO-> Karakorum Pass.
-- Winter Route: Leh -> Chang La pass - > Shyok Village->move on/along frozen Shyok River-Murgo->DBO->Karakorum Pass.
- Typical Chinese propaganda of super efficient Chinese soldiers and PLA!
- Tragedy is, many buy into such propaganda as well.
- Time to burst this bubble:
(1) Chinese 15 Airborne Corps is based in northern part of their+
aircraft (of the type in which Chinese troops are seen traveling in the Global Times video).
- But as our calculation shows, PLAAF will need about 20 a/c minimum to transport 70% of airborne brigade troops by air.
- Coupled with additional time required for an a/c to enter +
parking space/apron (because of single runway as explained earlier) and limited parking space within apron itself, the balance 12 a/c will have to spend considerable time in the air till first wave of 8 a/c are able to off-load their troops+cargo, turn-around, go to start of
runway and then take-off.
- This will have to be a sequential process as there is only one runway with added handicap of apron entrance being in the middle.
- All this will add time to transport the airborne brigade.
- To the 11-12 hours required from 'GO' to reach airspace
above this airport, you can easily add couple of more hours.
- Other options is for the airborne troops to land at Hotan airport. It has the required infra to host 20 a/c transporting the airborne brigade.
- BUT - if troops land at this airport, they will need ~ 2 days
to reach operational area opposite Aksai Chin.
- Long story short, there is NO way in which the Chinese/PLAAF can transport a full airborne brigade, with its compliments of infantry fighting vehicles, light tanks and other assets in a 'matter of hour' opposite Aksai Chin.
(1) Elevation above sea level (Wuhan area) - ~100 feet
(2) Avg Ladakh elevation - 14,000 feet.
- Time required for acclimatization to effectively work and operate and fight at this altitude - 3 WEEKS!
- In subsequent tweets, lets take a look at these roads and why they are important.
was full of fast flowing water. Men and animals drowned while trying to cross Shyok river in summer.
- River of death - This is the reason Shyok is called as Shyok!
- But Sasser La pass was no less dangerous and took a toll on men and animals
[Present Status of Route 2]
- As per news reports, as of 2018, a road has been constructed from Sasoma till Sasser La pass which is under further development.
- The next challenge will be extend the road from Sasser La pass to Saser Brangsa on left bank of Shyok River and then+
As for what happens next, honestly don't know. But what is for sure is that GOI has lost maneuvering space here. Blood has been spilled and people will demand blood for blood. On a larger geopolitical scale, how we react now, will have long term consequences +
The world will be keenly watching our response. Chinese are the aggressors here and if they're allowed to go w/o VISIBLE retribution from Indian side, in my opinion, it will dent Indian reputation. In 1962, Chinese launched a full scale war to 'show India its place' and if +
this goes unanswered, I'm afraid we'll have a repeat of the same situation. At no cost to the Chinese. One of the reasons for Chinese attacking Vietnam was to showcase to the world that USSR cannot come to the aid of its allies (Vietnam+ USSR had a treaty)
If India cannot safeguard is interests, how will it become net safety provider to other countries? Also, the strongman image of Narendra Modi will forever become dented. Let there be no doubts about it. China has relied on Indian reluctance to escalate to get away +
with such transgressions. About time we used their playbook against them. Lets see if the Chinese are willing to escalate? Chinese will have to literally bring their whole bloody army to take on India. Are they ready for it? We've such entered into an uncharted territory +
here. The Narendra Modi government has just been served its biggest security challenge. How they respond, might well decide the trajectory of India on the global stage.
genuine concession from the Chinese. And I don't know if the Chinese will be willing to do that.
Pic-1 source: @ShivAroor Pic-2 Source: @defenceglobe

- Facade of peaceful LAC stands shattered today.
- If count of fatal casualties rising to 20, the whole paradigm of LAC management stands shattered.
- We cannot keep on loosing soldiers or them suffering grievous injuries in such brawls. What is the point of a
'peaceful' LAC and 'no shots being fired' if the soldiers continue to die or suffer debilitating injuries?
- What next?
- First, be ready for a short, sharp skirmish at the LAC.
- Act. Don't react.
- Shift the onus of escalation on the Chinese; whole Chinese strategy of such +
aggressive behavior rests on India not escalating. And that's what we've done since mid-80s.
- Go and sit across LAC on the Chinese side. As it is, the land is ours and occupied by China.
- For example, alter the LAC at locations where it is close to DS-DBO Road.
- Push LAC eastward in other sectors. There are vast open spaces in Aksai Chin. Draw a new Line-of-ACTUAL-Control.
- Use your advantage in numbers; Chinese simply don't have enough troops to counter India at all places.
- From Arunachal to Ladakh, China has managed to hold
against India with 1/10 the forces as compared to Indian commitment.
- Why?
- Because as an expansionist power, it knows it will fire the first round. And India in its desire to accommodate them, will keep on reacting and adhering to various border management agreements.
- In the meanwhile, the Chinese violate accepted boundaries and even LAC at will.
- They attack our troops and kill/injure them.
- This is how bullies behave.
- Only way to handle a bully is to hit back. And hit hard.
- Let the Chinese react to Indian aggression.
- What will they do?
- Bring more troops along the border? Well, good. Why? Because all this while, our troops were sitting on the border, Chinese troops were sitting comfortably in large cities 500 to 000s of km away.
- Make China commit those troops.
- You know how it screws them?
- Chinese have massively downsized its army. It hopes to use this army as per requirement. So, troops sitting in Chinese cities outside of Tibet will be moved against India or used in other theaters as well.
- Well, if they commit them to +
- Second, it involves cost. Big money to maintain a large body of troops in a theater like Tibet.
- We as it is are sitting there.
- At least the full spectrum of Chinese threat will reveal itself.
- We won't be lulled into modern version of Hindi-Chini Bhai Bhai.
- Now, coming back to border - Will China be ready to go to war? Knowing that it will need to move most of its army against India to have any hope of successful outcome.
- If we've an economy to care for, so +
- Remember, India wins by not loosing and China looses by not winning. That is the curse for being a supposedly bigger power.
- And any loss of face will be a deathly blow to the Chinese reputation.
- But there is going to another fall-out of Monday night's clash - there will be very high level of suspicion between troops on both sides. Indians for sure.
- Any future stand-off can quickly degenerate into actual fire-fights.
- We've to be ready for this and ensure that +
Indian soldiers don't react. If the situation demands, let Indian soldiers be the first one to fire.
- Tell the Chinese that if they come within 2 km of our LAC, we reserve the right to fire. Simple.
- So, about time we change the rules of engagement.
About time the Dragon experiences what happens, when an Elephant looses its cool.

- Pulwama became a catalyst for Balakot because of large number of casualties from across India.
- Similar thing will happen with 20 shaheeds of 16 Bihar. The whole nation will see their last rites.
- Emotions will run high; GOI will not have maneuvering space.
Read both the pieces with context to present stand-off and guess what has changed?
Do these troops or tents or vehicles have any place to hide?
Image @IndiaToday

- What if the Chinese suddenly break-out from their positions on their side of LAC in Galwan Valley and make a dash for DS_DBO Road at confluence of Galwan and Shyok River?
(2) Exact location of this build-up
(3) Close-up of the area showing Chinese road alignment here.

द्वन्द कहाँ तक पाला जाए, युद्ध कहाँ तक टाला जाए | तू वंशज है महाराणा का, चल फेंक जहाँ तक भाला जाए ||

11 of them were under 30 with youngest one being only 21. One was to retire next year.
OM Shanti!

(@ndtv image)

(1) Stopping water flow, w/o providing it with alternate channel, will mean that water will back-up along the channel. And create a small lake which will grown every minute.
(2) In the satellite image shared, there is no proof of this happening. Water flow is normal and +
there is no evidence of it backing-up and creating a lake. See image below from @ReutersIndia
(3) Further, comparison of historical and this satellite image shows that at multiple places, Chinese have expanded the river bank through land-fill.

(4) This they needed to do to park their troops, tents and vehicles in the river valley.
(5) These would've been inundated had water flow been substantially restricted or stopped all-together. Again, this has not happened.
(6) So, what is the possible explanation?
(8) Chinese earth moving equipment is visible at the last point from where water is supposed to have vanished.
(9) My assertion is that all this activity is muddying the water and changing +
its color, which matches closely with the color of sand bank.
(10) I've used images from @Iyervval to explain these. All images belong to him.
(11) Image 1 - download & zoom this image. You can make out the earth moving eqp and muddy river water flowing in the marked channel

But if you read accounts by some journalists, you'll get a picture as if Indians got slaughtered. As if only we were at the mercy of the Chinese. They make Chinese look at 9 feet supermen. And frankly, the language used in these articles is quite cheap. It is one thing to +
objective and factual and quite another to sensationalize an event and that too, with some really gutter level language.
- It is likely that three sub-sectors - (1) DBO/SSN (2) Chang-Chenmo/Chushul (3) Demchok are now responsibility of a division each for both defensive and offensive tasks.
- Now, each and every person, who called him a sell-out, including many veterans (one Lt Gen even wanted to impeach him!), will you please stand-up and apologize for your absolutely pathetic comments?

'War is too important to be left to the generals'
(All) Images from @Nrg8000 show that the Indian Army may have actually occupied the heights/ridge-line on one side of Galwan river flash-point. Read article linked in previous tweet to understand its military significance.

Takeaway - Don't take everything at face value. Use the basic smell test. If doesn't make sense, it might well be BS.
When analyzing reports about the Chinese having intruded 'X' km inside Indian territory, we ideally need these data-points:
1) Indian territory from which point?
2) Indian claim line?
3) What is the difference in km between the Indian and the Chinese claim line?
For example, in Pangong Tso, it is 8 km between F4 and F8.
3) How much of this claim does still hold? As in, how much west have the Chinese already come between 2000-2014?
4) How much of are on our side of LAC do they occupy and in how much do they patrol?
- In DBO sector, news reports talk about two things -
(a) area on our side of LAC under physical Chinese control + roads built further west.
(b) Roads built into our side LAC.
- Images below (source: defense.pk) of PAF fighters in Skardu (dates unknown):
1&2) JF-17 (No 16 'Black Panther Squadron)
3) Mirage-5 ROSE III (No 27 'Zarrar' Squadron) ??
4) F-7PG (No 17 'Tiger' Squadron)

- I've assumed that a division each for DBO Sector, Central Sector (Hot Springs, Pangong Tso, Chushul, Spanggur Gap) and Southern Sector (Demchok funnel and Chumur).
- Ideally, two divisions would be upfront while one division is held as overall sector reserve +
- but given the geographical and infrastructure constraints, I don't think we can rush troops to reinforce sectors quickly.
- Plus, it is quite possible that roads/passes would've been blocked due to enemy activity (missile or strike)
- Also, lateral/sideways movement of own+
troops is not possible/difficult due to unique geography of the area.
- So, I've assumed that divisions would be deployed upfront; they'll further commit their brigade(s) as per requirement and keep balance in reserve.
As usual, forgot something 😋
- From a one infantry division+ other elements for eastern Ladakh to 3 x infantry divisions.
- From 1 x armored brigade, I won't be surprised if we now have 2 or even 3 armored brigades
- Not to mention attack helicopters and air defense assets.

Chinook ready for a sorties:
Need to find out which part of Sun Tzu philosophy on strategy talks about making enemies out of everyone around you at one go. Especially when you can't deal with even one of them decisively.
Since Chinese seem to be adept at tearing apart settled issues, well, two can tango!
- While observation by @SushantSin is correct, I never find anyone do realistic analysis of where these Chinese troops are going to come from? And how long will it actually take them?
- We just assume Chinese will make things happen.

- If PLA has to move more troops against Ladakh, it will need to pull all divisions from Xinjiang Military District (XMD).
- Still, it will lack 3:1 ratio required for attack!
- Can China send more troops from Tibet Military District (TMD) or 76 & 77 Group Armies?
- Basically, China will have to mobilize at national level and spend considerable amount of energy if it wants to fight an all out war +
- And it does not have it easy.
- They might have excellent infra but they also need to move a very large body of troops, their equipment and all support paraphernalia from a long distance away.
- Their best bet is a short-sharp skirmish were they can create +
- This way, they can claim victory and prove their point that they are the dominant power in Asia.
- Otherwise, while our lines-of-communication might not be A-Grade, they're shorter.
- And most of our troops are 24x7 +
- And wherever required, like his present case, we've enough troops to further reinforce these sectors.
- As the infra improves, our ability to move reinforcements +
- It is my considered opinion, that the Chinese Army is yet not ready, and in shape, to take on India in a full showdown.
- We're still 7-8 years away from that point.
---[END: PLA Ground Forces - Preliminary Assessment]---
- On our inquiry, Chinese gave coordinates of where their claim line passed through in this area. This is the point it passes through.

- There's a thin line in being a realist & being a defeatist.
- Former Indian FS, Shyam Saran, makes an ample display of latter sentiment here.
And worryingly, Shyam Saran is not the first one to display such a thought process.
- We recently saw similar sentiments being shared by another ex-FS, Nirupama Menon +
- Ergo, we're being bombarded with these sermons to be pragmatic.
- While the Chinese capabilities are raised to
mythical levels, doubt is raised over Indian capabilities.
- Chinese are made to look these 9-Feet tall supermen, who will win simply by showing-up.
- At start of this standoff in May, I'd made this prediction:
- I did two analyses earlier questioning this narrative of the Chinese ability to quickly move troops against India.
(1) Can China move its Paratroopers in a matter of hours against India in eastern Ladakh?
(2) Can China actually move troops against India in 3-4 days? I analysed geographical spread of the Chinese troops, distance from Ladakh, and possible time required to move them against India.
- We need a strategy of holding off one, while taking on the other.
-Create swing troops which can be shifted from one theater +
- For that, we need very good infrastructure (road+rails), and investment in airlift capability.
- Also, need higher mechanization in plains, with more firepower to punish Pakistan if it tries to intervene in Northern Areas when India and +
- And most important aspect in my opinion is to have a large and very robust IAF.
- That's a true swing capability.
- Best way to deter or punish Pakistan is our ability to overwhelm their air force, even in case of two +
- Pakistan cannot afford to continue any war if it loses 75-80 of its fighter a/c in 48 hours.
- And without air-cover, whole of Pakistan and army are sitting ducks.
- Finally, our political aim in case of Sino-India war should be absolutely clear.

shift in the exact point in the valley suddenly becomes loss of multiple square kilometers of territory. Unlike Pangong Tso lake, where we know the difference in perception of LAC thanks to @sdinny14 @nitingokhale, no such two separate LAC lines exist here.

pics: @neeraj_rajput

- From Claude Arpi, one of the foremost experts on Tibet, and Sino-Indian boundary issue.
- If you want to understand the nitty-gritties of McMahon Line, read this fabulous book by him:

-What is discriminate and indiscriminate manner in UAV usage?
PS: He mentions nuclear tipped Brahmos😲
- He suggests a force level comprising of 3-4 divisions and 3-4 armored brigades for India to obtain its objectives.
@ramana_brf @Editor_Orbat
@rotormagic @ramana_brf ramana, we did wargame these very possibilities.
- Multiple people have said we were surprised by the Chinese on LAC.
- I for one, don't buy this surprise theory.
- I've an alternate explanation - there (was) a delay in decision making as to how to react to the Chinese moves.
- Unlike Pakistan, where+
- You cross LOC OR threaten Indian troops/infra OR fire at us, we will shoot.
- Not in case of China and LAC.
- What does a local commander, say CO of an infantry battalion, do if Chinese come with +
- Does he fire at them? He can't. Best he can do is send a large body of troops and you'll see fisticuffs and a brawl.
- So, he sees the Chinese doing something out of ordinary, and he informs his +
- He takes precaution to ensure Chinese can't come across area in our control.
- But when it comes to Chinese actions in area between Indian and the Chinese LAC, orders come from very top.
- And by very top I mean the PMO and Foreign Ministry; MOD and Services will+
- In such instances, escalation is controlled from the top.
- Even in present stand-off, Chinese incursion has been Fingers Area of Pangong Tso lake where there is a difference in perception of LAC.
- But when +
- The fight happened over Chinese presence a few hundred meters of our side.
- Chinese were expecting a similar ambiguity or delay in response in Galwan +
- And when the violent counter-attack happened from our side, that's when they were stunned.
- But same thing did not happen in Pangong Tso or Depsang Plains.
- Because as I said, our mechanism to deal with the Chinese in this +
- Same thing has happened this time as well.
- By not confronting the Chinese at the time of encroachment, due to laid out mechanism, we gave them space.
- And now, we've to retrieve the +
- Going ahead, it will be important to put down SOP in place to ensure that decision cycle when it comes to dealing with such encroachment(s), is not delayed.
- And that we do not lose the initiative.
- 40mm UBGL: Well, this is a shame because while OFB lists both UBGL and MGL, it does not show ammunition for either of it under its catalogue.
- I would honestly expect the Army to work with DRDO on this and evolve a domestic platform.
- Again standard purchases.
(Read the report - Indian journalists have the ability to present even the mundane in most negative sense. Heights!]
- Google Earth has updated satellite image of a narrow area around Finger 4-8 and Khurnak Fort
- Update is as of 15 June 2020
- Remember, this analysis is of situation as of 15 June, it's been 45 days since, and we don't know what is present situation
(1) Instead of a brigade earlier (~3,000+ troops), we now have a whole division responsible for this area
- Report says we'd earlier committed a whole Armored Brigade to this sector.
- Which is 3 x Tank Regiments.
- In my opinion, this was done with reinforcements brought from outside Ladakh.
- But it seems we've increased this further with additional +
tank regiments from rest of the country.
- If we go by the news report, it is likely that we're using reserves from one of the Strike Corps.
- A report by @MandeepBajwa had spoken about Chinese having moved a Mechanized Division opposite DBO Sector.
- With additional tank +
- Here, it is important to add that while Indian Army tank regiments has 45 tanks, Chinese tank regiment has 33 tanks.
- Just for reference, 6 Indian tank regiments (270 tanks) is equivalent to 8+ Chinese tank regiments.
- India seems to have created a strong reception party for the Chinese, should they decide to invite themselves into India held territory.

- In my opinion, now that the shoe is on the other foot, it will be interesting to see how China responds.
- Chance of a localized sharp-firefight are high at this stage.

Hum hai Vikasi, tibbat wasi
Desh ki shyan bharayenghye
Jab jab humki milega moka
Jaan pe khel dekhayenghye
- Now, imagine what would be going through the mind of Chinese soldiers in Chushul sector, who know that there are some heavily armed & very dangerous Tibetans looking for an opportunity to hunt them!
- August 29/30 : PLA tried to fortify some heights in southern Pangong Tso lake to which IA reacted.
- August 30/31: Counter-Indian action by SFF troops to occupy some critical heights in adjoining area causing serious casualties to the Chinese