This is probably the darkest book I’ve read - period
I discovered #Qanon & this book came to mind:

In FROM HELL, JtR literally gives a random man (too dumb understand) a tour of all of the evil symbols in London - and their horrific conclusion
The premise of this book is that JtR is the Royal Doctor

Johnny also appeared in another thread of mine - he was in “Fear & Loathing” which openly discussed the use of:
Adren0chr0me 🤮
Interesting movie choices, Johnny-boy

“After the Great Fire...” they chained the dome of St. Paul - as ancients did to “bind their power”
“The center of Masonic Lore”
When was the Great Fire?
1666 🤮
Burning Cathedral - sound familiar? 😳

Serving his own evil purpose
“Deliver half this population into sIavery”...
But at whose behest?

A nice “joke” about human sacrif!ce thrown in the first article I found about it
And I believe it was @CarrollQuigley1 or @austere1717 where I saw this room was used by Lady Gag-a for a music video

Thank you Carroll!
The timing certainly could work

[They] worship 5atan
“Symbolism will be their downfall”
“They don’t hide it from you
They don’t fear you”
Alan Moore showed this in 1989.
As @40_head & @austere1717 & others have pointed out: [they] have been doing this for centuries - in the open