Nothing is perfect, and seeking perfection will drive you insane. Done is better than perfect. Try to work everyday, no matter what. Routine is important to get your creativite muscles accustomed to the work.
They are perfect to take notes and to write down those ideas you have while doing something totally unrelated to gaming. BTW, do boring stuff. This lets your brain rest and help it germinate ideas. You will have great ideas doing the dishes!
It really helps to record how you are doing. This keeps me motivated. I set a goal to do something everyday, and when I do it, I mark an big X on the calender. After weeks of marking X everyday, I feel very happy and all I need is to keep going!
Play more games. Different games. Good games. Don’t limit yourself with just the think you know you like. Try new things. Ask around for games other people like and experiment with them. You can learn new things from all of them.
We are not perfect and our creations won’t be either. Everything can be improved. And people will tell you were you could be better. Don’t ignore this feedback, but control your impulses to immediately react to them.
Finally, be faithful to yourself and what you want from your creations. Always.
You need to really be interested in your work for it to be interesting to others. Making something you really like helps make it something others will like too. Additionally, be interested in other people’s work too.
Keep the momentum going. If you’re keeping the note book with you all the time, you’ll have tons of ideas. After you finish something, start another one immediately. Be like a shark and always keep swimming!
The action of writing, even without clear ideas, kickstart new ideas in your head.
Divide your project in small chunks so you can process it little by little.
Playtest as much as you can, with as many different people as you can.
Create the stuff you want to play!
From a pamphlet to a this: