#DCprotest #GeorgeFloydProtests

Police have moved up closer to the protesters now. #dcprotests #georgefloydprotests

Protesters flipped off the president’s helicopter.
#dcprotest #MAGANIGHT #GeorgeFloydProtests

#dcProtest #GeorgeFloydProtests

Police have moved right up to the barricades. Some people in the crowd throwing things (mostly water bottles) at the cops. #dcprotest

DC police, Capitol police, US park police, secret service.
People charged the barricade and grabbed it / tore it down. Cops fired a round of rubber bullets and deployed tear gas at protesters attempting to get past the fence. #dcprotests

Cops responded with lots and lots and lots of tear gas. Lots of people hit — to be clear, lots of people who were peacefully protesting.
People who aren’t police are getting hurt.
Josie Williams, 19, of DC got hit in the back of the head by a brick.

#dcprotest #GeorgeFloydProtests

Everybody else is hanging back and chanting with signs and trying to avoid being injured.
(Picture taken before BOOM)

(I would no longer classify this as a peaceful protest, to be clear.)
Your faithful @BuzzFeedNews correspondents have retreated from what I would now classify as a riot.
This is escalating and people have been hurt and will get hurt.
Riot police were blocking off the roads around Lafayette Square Park and funneling people back to that area.
Batons in use, not just shields. Vehicle on fire further down the street. #dcprotest
Thank you to everybody who's reached out to make sure that @kadiagoba and I are safe. We are.
We're both home, as is my military veteran fraternal unit, who decided to come with for added safety in numbers reasons. ~
Re: bricks. I have no idea where the bricks came from! I just saw them flying through the air and injuring people.
When you're in a crowd of 1k+, you can't always see who's doing the throwing, but you can see the explosion and then have to scramble to safety when everybody who's closer to the firework starts running away.
I’ve covered protests/riots (protriots? is there a word for one that turns into the other?) in DC for 4+ years now and I have never needed my respirator for extended reporting here before.

Thank you for following my reporting and the reporting of my colleagues @BuzzFeedNews who have been covering other protests across the country.