Genuine question. We're all angry beyond belief at the way #GeorgeFloyd lost his life. Most of us are just as angry at the related subsequent deaths of LEOs & other innocent parties this week.
This thread is about coping strategies for you & me.

A large number of the people you know, including me, and possibly you, live with this terrible disorder.
It causes lifelong daily potential to be instantly transported back to the moment where you believed your life was in danger.
Please hear my message that help is available, and plenty of us do understand, and we've got your back.
I know first hand how y'all can get antsy about each other's belief or non belief.
Can we just put that can of worms to one side for now?
Live & let live. Allow folk the right to cope in ways that work for them.
If you're a believer, of any stripe, you can access a plethora of options online and irl.
I'm going to offer a few things below.
I've had my favorite artist of the moment, Michael W Smith playing in the background all day and I swear my blood pressure is lower by several points as a result.
18 hymns to warm your soul:…
Also, pray. Just take it to the Lord in prayer. You know that helps.
Don't feel guilty about it, as if you should just be strong.
That doesn't mean we should ignore the level of stress, worry or pain we are feeling. That's within our control and the only person whose job it is to attend to it is ourselves.
Survivor guilt is a thing.
America is an exceptional country and always has been.
She has survived worse than this.
For every act of evil there are many other acts of love and grace, so remember that.
I have found this a helpful way to look at other acts of evil.
Most Americans are good and are doing good.
Thank you for that.