⚫️ 1.Scientific Session
a. 🟡 Dialysis Related
b. 🟢 Others
🔴 #PAD-CLI Bootcamp
🔵 Practical Controversies in #PAE
(Long thread, use color code to jump to relevant sections)

@roblookstein presents the much awaited economic impact of use of DCB in for AV access stenosis.
DCB use can lead to substantiative per-patient and health system benefits (upto 250 m to medicare)

EXTRACT-PE: Aspiration thrombectomy for PE with Indigo aspiration met primary efficacy and safety endpoints with 27.3% reduction in RV/LV and a low 1.7% major Adverse event rate. @akhileshsistaMD

@SandeepBaglaMD presenting ⚡️ BREAKING NEWS ⚡️ for #Irad.
A sham trial showed #GAE did better than sham in improving pain and disability #GAE for #OA

@SandeepBaglaMD @AriIsaacsonMD lead the forefront in #MSK embolization showing significant VAS, ASES and SANE scores . Needs further research!
One more new frontier for #Irad!

86% technical success
All patients symptom free at 1 year
Safety to be determined- better patient selection?
This may prove to be a great solution to a debilitating condition!

Feasible with reasonable safety profile
No fluoroscopy! So great avenue for performing gastrostomy tubes without anaesthesia, without a scope and NOW bedside in ICU without fluoro?

#Irad #BetterMedicine

James F. Benenati talking about Current Role of Balloons, Stents and Atherectomy Devices in SFA, touching on DCB and atherectomy CONTROVERSIES and road ahead!

@paragpatel_IR gave an excellent CLI: Disease Review and Pre Procedure Evaluation...so many awesome take home pearls!
@DrBobBeasley spoke about DCB and new self expanding microstent for difficult tibial disease!
While @bretwiechmann showed some awesome new tools, @arslanmd spoke to complex pedal interventions and @kmadass said that "NO-OPTION CLI" is really a misnomer unless ALL OPTIONS irrespective of experience and ego are explored!