Check out yesterday’s 🧵 from @ericathompson
B sure to check out the 🧵’s coming up over the next 8 days from:

Thanks 4 the encouragement & belief 💜💜💜
@EdgarKruize @NightEthereal @polishedsolid.

It’s not clear who plays on this track but the credits list the following:
Instruments by @prince with help from:
* Michael B. – drums & Sonny T. – bass
* Tommy Barbarella & Mr. Hayes – keyboards
It is well known that P reworked all the band recordings for Come.

Space & its remixes feature repeated vocal samples from Ninety-9's track “40 Ounces” which contained input by Prince.
It must be the repeated & sensuous vocal loop that appears throughout the song.

They would lure sailors off their course by their music & enchanting voices causing the sailors to crash their ships on rocky shorelines.
More later.
Incomplete of course as PL only includes Released & on Spotify & some key 1’s might be missing as this was super rushed.…
It’s a song that strongly identifies with the whole 1999 era, the Girl B side, TGE & the above playlist.
The drum programming & G Funk stylings could quite easily have slotted it in on the 1999 album & its Purple Galaxy - another Prince Space exploration.
Thematically, “Space” is closest to “Automatic” where Prince is preparing to take- off to journey distant worlds in his spaceship.
Space could have been at home on TGE which was recorded around the same time.
It has a similar mood, style, sound & vibe as tracks like Gold & Dolphin.
Indeed, many of the tracks are interchangeable.
Live - Space performances opened with a Gold Experience like segue.
It also draws cues with songs by other artists.
“Genius of Love” by Tom Tom Club has a similar beat & pretty synth motif.
It doesn’t sound the same but my point being the ideas are similar & Space reminds me of this.
‘Genius’- club hit in 81’.
The descending synth chord at the beginning of Billy Idol’s “Eyes Without A Face” does sound similar to the one at the beginning of Space.
Well, it always reminds of this Billy Idol song which is one of my favourites by the Plastik Punk!
The synth/key runs, video game & spacey sound samples evoke a floating, ethereal feeling.
It sounds like a sci fi movie soundtrack of a journey to distant galaxies.
Space might be a metaphor for the vastness of his emotions for his love interest.
His love for her being too big for this world that it reaches into the upper echelons of Space.
PULL UP......
I’ve always been partial to a bit of Popcaan & no Popcaan has nothing to do with Space but 🤣
DJ hit the play button on the video👇
RELOAD .........
P wants to be in her sky & in the space between her heavenly thighs!
Obsession, Hips, Confession, Strip!
Body & Head!
Cuddling on Mars with eyes like rubies & stars — waking up all covered in sex!
Horn dawg take a cold shower!
That still point when momentarily the world stops.
Where words, sounds, breathing, motion & even existing momentarily ceases.
The point where you can imagine what silence looks like....
Yeah, we'll, we'll try to imagine what silence looks like....
Yeah, we'll try👇...
The combination of Sex, Orgasm & Spirituality brings them closer to the ultimate destination!
For Prince the ultimate destination is always GOD!
The closer they both will be to God - the Space.
In matters of the 💜 P is vocal about his feelings to his love interest(s).
He is very vocal about his obsession, sexual fantasies & the deep love he wishes to give & receive.
But the highlight for me is the Universal Love Remix.
This Rmx took cues from the R&B sound of the times — TLC, Timbaland & Pharrell etc.
The tune remains almost the same as the album version but with a different set of lyrics, a new (TLC) vocal & the beats are delivered with a far more illuminating urgency.
WDC came out during Purple Rain - his first spiritual rejuvenation in 84’.
10 years later in 94’, he is now undergoing his third spiritual rejuvenation but the same feelings & words are being echoed about this world being a cold & bitter place.
Was this a shady move by P to further rile WB by leaving the best versions (including the Acoustic version) off the main album release to spite them.
The lyrics to the Universal Love Rmx actually echo this as they are about his dispute with WB.
Sirens bring about death. They know both the past and the future:
"Their song takes effect at midday, in a windless calm. The end of that song is death."
The Come album was P’s 1st posthumous release = P declares himself dead on its release.
The Sirens were also thought in some cultures to have prostituted themselves to strangers & made them forget their pursuits while drowned in unlawful pleasures.
I covered the “Dawning of a New Spiritual Revolution” on my “foreplay” thread which touched upon the point of Prince going through a process of purification throughout this album.
So the Sirens relate to Purification which underpins the whole Come album which is governed by death (Hades) - death of Prince!
When the ICU of one of the monitors is clicked, the intro to “Space” is heard.
I managed to find a short clip of it online:

It was known that Prince was a sci fi movie buff.
In the early 80’s he was influenced by Blade Runner which informed his stage show & look during the 1999 era including the inner sleeve.
“The Man who saw Tomorrow” predicted events that have come true & that might come true in the future.
The documentary ends with an apocalyptic montage.
This was featured in the 70’s Woody Allen Sci- Fi comedy “Sleepers”.
The same movie is notable for naming my Birmingham homies band “Duran Duran” some members of whom use to live nearby.
He also made a visual reference to it the 3 Chains O'Gold video in a scene where he is watching the movie in his private cinema.
That barriers & restrictions make people so frustrated that they wish to get out of this world and explore the outer space.
We know:
He wanted OUT!
He wanted an ESCAPE from it all!
This is evident from the lyrical content on the Universal Love Remix.
On 21st April 2016 — NASA paid its respect to Prince with a gorgeous Purple space image.
NASA tweeted:
"A purple nebula, in honor of Prince, who passed away today”.
Such stars burn incredibly brightly and die young — Prince was just 57 when he died.
Album version