This panel on experiences in recovery is COMPLETELY comprised of people of color.
This is a FIRST for @CollegeRecovery. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

The other responses were so vulnerable. 💜🥺
Do not go and recruit a bunch of persons from marginalized communities when your space is not safe for them. - Thenedra #AHRE2020

... that I will be plastering SOMEWHERE!!! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
While you're here, feel free to check out my sessions: one's on-demand and the other is tomorrow at 2pm!

The org has announced it's most diverse board ever, with the first representation from #HBCUs & #CommunityColleges on the board! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

Looking forward to your leadership!

We have to be willing to buck that system to better serve our students. - @counselnlaugh #ARHE2020

You have to focus on the 3s and 4s. Resistance will always be there-- you have to choose your battles. - @MzDeHoskins #ARHE2020
This is exactly what I live by!!!
Even if you leave with a 4-bedroom house, you didn't have a house AT ALL when you went in. - @MzDeHoskins #ARHE2020

Yes! Because some days I want to save the world and some days I wanna put y'all & your cousins on DND. 🥴

Sidenote: Yes -- because a prime example is that the case with Rayshard Brooks started with a call due to public intoxocation.

(The new SOR grants will allow the inclusion of stimulanta instead of solely focusing on opioids. S/o to @TheGenRx! 💪🏾)

Befor we started, I shared w/@Ahmed_Hosni03 & Erin that I've *never* shared my experiences as a Black woman in #CollegiateRecovery with THIS audience--- even though I literally wrote a dissertation on it. 🥴
I am far from disabled-- I'm DIFFERENTLY ABLED. - Trevor #ARHE2020

I no longer want to be your source of education. - Shauntelle #ARHE2020 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾…

(Same argument I had with Dr. Barnette ensued tho: bands! 😂 💙💛 #HBCUlove #OneHillman)

You need to speak the language that they do --- and you need advertisements that reflect them. - Dr. CJ #ARHE2020
#CulturallyRelevant programming!

Black Girl Magic: How Black Women Administrators Navigate the Intersection of Race and Gender in Workspace Silos at Predominantly White Institutions…

Yesssssss! A personal mantra: Lead With Service.
Tom, I appreciate your transparency in that moment! #ARHE2020

And here is the on-demand session that I have on the topic:

Lots of time I hear stories where some students were "given a break" or a second chance... all students are not given those breaks and/or chances though.

(1) presenting this info and (2) encouraging those who haven't already to watch @ava's @13THFilm & read Michelle Alexander's @thenewjimcrow.

There is only 1 @NIH-funded study on #collegiaterecovery--- that was done 7 years ago. - @noelvest #ARHE2020


P.S. - Hey @EdwardTedJames! 😂

As a formerly incarcerated person, being accepted into @UMich was the shock of all shocks-- and not only was she admitted but she helped to start the #collegiaterecovery program there! #ARHE2020

I'm personally grateful for the dedication, commitment & resiliency of everyone involved--- especially the student interns. 💜
Looking forward to #ARHE2021!