In Pakistan, the use of social media is on rise. However, there are contradictory views on usage-percentage of each social medium, i.e. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest. According to estimates of AlphaPro there were 35 million social media
Despite of relatively small percentage of
1)Verified Account (VA): whose identity is verified by Twitter
2)Genuine Account (GA) but not twitter verified, like @zarrarkhuhro or @SaeedRizvan
4)Veiled Genuine Accounts (VGA): these accounts seem genuine based on their twitter activity but not revealing name, gender or location. Considering cultural context of Pakistan, where many girls can’t disclose
5)“Veiled Propaganda Accounts (VPA). These accounts have suspicious identities, might be
“Identity-based Propaganda Accounts (IPAs)” are bigger threat to online forums as well as to general harmony of the society than “Veiled Propaganda Accounts (VPA)”.
No checks on IPAs by the State authorities give a message
IPAs are setting social trends that may lead society to generalized intolerance and abusive-culture. The negative impact of IPAs
If timely actions are not taken to free Twitter from