THREAD 🧵 on why #BlackLivesMatter
This week I presented to my GP practice about this topic covering:
Socio-economic/health differences
Genetics/Race science
History @DavidOlusoga
Being anti-racist/education
It's designed to start conversations and be concise. You have to put the work in to work on yourselves to be anti-racist.
Please feel free to distribute.
If there are parts that are wrong, I am happy to amend/take down. @MelaninMedics @olamide_dada @KhadijaOwusu
Please circulate if it resonates @Dr_Ayan @OrthopodReg @yvonnecoghill1 @trishgreenhalgh @AmeenKam @omaromalleykhan @aftertheletters @RoshanaMN @parthaskar @JohnBoyega @SoniaAdesara @raceandhealth
Also call me out if I've got stuff wrong too/can be better.
Huge societal differences:
Ethnic minorities inc black people more likely to be poor compared to white people (45% vs 28%, 2019):…

Black children in the UK are 70% more likely to be excluded from school. See Timpson review (2019):…

Black people are more likely to be unemployed compared to white people (9% vs 4%, 2019):…

Black people are more likely to suffer work stress compared to white people (30% vs 18%, 2000):…
Black people (and many minorities) feel they are less likely to be promoted (32% vs 23%, 2017):…

Ethnic minorities including black people, adults and youths are more likely to be in prison (2017):…

Many health disparities:
"Black women are 5 times more likely to die in pregnancy (@mbrrace)
Black men are twice as likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer and proportionately more die of it.
"Black people are more likely to have severe mental health symptoms, but less likely to receive treatment for them. Black people more likely to be sectioned
South Asian and Black people are 3-5x more likely to start dialysis.
"South Asian and Black people are 3-5x more likely to be diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.
Black people are more likely to have hypertension.
Black people are more likely to be diagnosed with asthma.
Heterosexual Black men more likely to receive a late diagnosis of HIV
Higher rates of sexually transmitted infections are highest in Black communities especially Black Caribbean.
Read @crageshri's @BMJLeader post for more:…
Watch @DorothyERoberts talk about race-based medicine here:
It's socio-economic factors that are the likely contributor:…

There are bigger genetic differences between 2 black people than a white person and a black person
Read more Angela Saini's book (cc @jesswade) "Superior" in all good book shops and libraries.
Here's a short clip:
From @AdamRutherford:
🗣️ “We think of certain areas, lands or people being isolated either physically or culturally, and these boundaries are insurmountable.
But that is neither what history nor genetics tells us.
No nation is static, no people are pure…
🗣️ "Neither race nor racism has foundations in science.
Race is real because we perceive, racism is real because we enact it."
Short video here:
British Empire / colonisation is not taught in secondary schools but there is a clear need to teach about
benefits: shared language, trade
legacy: huge human cost of slave trade (14 million enslaved), rape, pillage, etc
Particularly worrying to watch the "Doll Test" in PRE-SCHOOL children and identify prejudices in a black doll and white doll:
It's hardly surprising given the lack of representation of ethnic minorities including black people in children's books (5% books vs 14% population:…
Or young adults (8% books vs 14% population):…

Angela Davis
🗣️ “In a racist society it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist.”
@IjeomaOluo 🗣️ "Anti-racism is the commitment to fight racism wherever you find it, including in yourself. And it’s the only way forward."
Read about black history, search @DavidOlusoga anywhere online and he's written a huge book called "Black and British":
@Twitter - please can you verify him? He's a leading authority on black history in this country!
Watch films/documentaries
When They See Us (Netflix)
Dear White People (Netflix)
Malcolm X
12 Years A Slave
Hidden Figures
13th (Netflix):
'The Good Immigrant' ed @nikeshshukla
'How to Argue with a Racist' @AdamRutherford
"Why I'm not talking to white people about race" @renireni
"Superior: The return of race science" by @angeladsaini (cc @jesswade)

“The Autobiography of Malcolm X"
"Black and British" @DavidOlusoga
"Brit-ish" @afuahirsch
"The Good Immigrant USA" ed @nikeshshukla @chimenesuleyman

"Natives" @akalamusic
"White Fragility" Robin Di Angelo
"Me and White Supremacy" - Layla F Saad
"How to be an antiracist" @DrIbram

Watch/listen to @Santandave1's powerful message about what it means to be black and British at the @BRITAwards:
I've written about what it means here:…
@rizwanahmed goes deeper into what the question "Where you from?" and what it means:
I explore this in a blog here:…
I would look at @whynotadoc about a different take on science:…
Check out the @jhalakprize here (cc @ProfSunnySingh @nikeshshukla @WritersofColour:
Great reading lists in their short and long lists here.
Congrats to @johnypitts for winning this year. Need to read your book mate!