"How many racists do I see here?" asked a speaker. Three raised their hands.
"White Supremacy sucks!" the boogaloo boys and Black Lives Matter activists chanted as they marched back to where that speech was happening.
One guy accidentally dropped his mag and had to put it back in.
Mike Dunn, a marine veteran and the organizer of the event, talked to his group after the confrontation explained what happened.
Earlier, police had refused to allow the #BlackLivesMatter and #Boogaloo people in a certain area.
They linked arms and went into the area (armed) without police intervening. No arrests made today.
Stay tuned for a jam packed evening on my Twitter feed, and HD video from all the stories later. As reminder, here's my live of the full 2A event.
Here's my HD summary of their confrontation with the "propertarians."
#BlackLivesMatter and "#Boogaloobois" found common ground especially on the deaths of Breonna Taylor and Duncan Lemp, a black woman and white man respectively who were both killed in no-knock police raids this year.
I think this conversation may be illuminating to those having trouble understanding how these groups found agreement.
"Anti-authoritarianism is a broad spectrum, and a lot of people call fall under that," one explained.
Another says the media tries to vilify them and misrepresent their views.
Last night I uploaded my documentary news video of the unusual protest that occurred yesterday. It's a ten minute summary, not a livestream, but was removed for a policy on livestreams. I appealed. Please fix.

A woman complimented the guy with a Katana which reminds her of "Walking Dead." I then interview Katana guy.
Please note that CBS's video of the exact same rally with extremely similar (although less thorough) visuals is not only online, but monetized.
Read/watch my whole thread, then watch CBS's one-minute version of this story.
They outright ignore the armed Black Lives Matter activists and show one BLM guy who was PART OF THE EVENT and call him a "counter-protester."