1. Give a time perspective.
Paint a picture of the characters in your brand story. Create a life around them, acknowledge their impact and the role that they play, this happens because a story being narrated shines a light on the brand’s character.
Create a cliffhanger moment, a key unexpected event, something that leaves the audiences on the edge of their seat, with twists and turns, thereby sparking their interest in what your business or brand is offering.
It is important to show vulnerability. Brands aren't perfect, and admitting vulnerability can be difficult, but it is also a brave act and people will relate and connect to your brand when you are prepared to share these moments.
Having your message resonate with people requires authenticity, and nothing is more authentic to a business than the journey that got them there. Be honest, truthful and don’t be afraid to open up a little.
Giving your brand story the justice it deserves, along with the power to captivate and motivate, are skills that for some require conscious crafting, but it is achievable.