#COVID19 has profoundly amped this malady for millions...
ICU Doc asked: “Wes, what’s the difference between delirium & encephalopathy?” I chuckled, “Got an hour?” & distilled it down in 2 min.
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20 years ago we started publishing our ICU Delirium papers. The biggy was in JAMA after being rejected by NEJM’s main Neurologist Reviewer because “we used the term delirium & not encephalopathy.”
So this confusion is STILL going on…
To help with this nomenclature problem, Arjen Slooter led us & we published this 2020 delphi study and paper endorsed by 10 med societies.
Intens Care Med:
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Bottom Line:
Use delirium & encephalopathy interchangeably ONLY for “quiet” delirium. Add Coma & you have major spectrum of acute brain dysfunction in #ICU & hospitalized “confused pts.”
Delirium is a broader term than encephalopathy & includes BOTH hyperactive & hypoactive acute brain dysfunction.
CAM-ICU positive w/ high RASS is hyperactive delirium.
CAM-ICU positive w/ normal or low RASS score is hyooactive delirium.
Hyperactive Delirium =
🤔 DTs. Agitation. 90% “withdrawal” from drugs like Alcohol, Benzos, & Narcotics
Hypoactive delirium = Encephalopathy. It’s QUIET delirium, manifested by an ABSENCE of symptoms & analogous to a petit mal seizure.
Interesting History:
<1% of papers use BOTH terms delirium & encephalopathy in same study. 99% pick one or other. Neurology literature pushes “encephalopathy” for hypoactive delirium & “delirium” just for hyperactive state = TERMINOLOGY SPLITTERS
BILLING: One thing driving the ongoing use of “encephalopathy” is that ICD-9 CODING is more geared to that term than to “delirium.” Delirium coding is a work in progress. So as usual, 💰is at the heart of much.
The problem with using “encephalopathy” for hypoactive states is that ALL valid & reliable delirium tools (eg, 4-AT) call someone “delirious” at BOTH hyper- & hypoactive states of acute brain dysfunction. So documentation gets tricky/messed up.
BONUS: Delirium duration is a predictor of what 4 relevant outcomes?
1. Death
2. Length of stay
3. Cost of Care
4. Acquired dementia
Friends, this matter! Monitor patients for #delirium. Talk & fix it on rounds via Dr. Dre & A2Fbundle

Delirium= clinical phenotype
Encephalopathy= patholophysiology / cause
see paper by @MarkOldhamMD