The only solution is to topple this government. Time to answer the question:
#HowStrongAreWe? #Portapique
Story @ChrisHalef…
They had come from 34 @SchulichLaw professors who told Stephen McNeil in a May letter that, “a public inquiry would be necessary in order to promote public confidence in the NS legal system.”…
"Why leave those loopholes in the process by choosing a review?"
Furey, "I understand where the families are coming from."
FUREY: "We have engaged the legal community. We have engaged academia."
@SchulichLaw @DalhousieU @ElaineCraigDal #nspoli #NSJustice
May 15 story by @emma_dsmith.…
(If, as he insists, both he and @BillBlair have the power as ministers to compel these agencies to act, why would we even need their "commitment"?) #TalkingPoints

"There's Minister Blair's connection to the RCMP, your connection to the RCMP. There may be a perception that you're blocking an inquiry into this matter."
Testimony and documents collected by the panel will not be public, although the panel can refer to them in its two public reports — an interim report and a final report — 15 months after the event. #Portapique…
So how can you support a review that you said needed to be done just last month?
McNeil, "These are three distinguished Canadians."

McNeil, "These are three distinguished Canadians."

"This is the antithesis of transparency."
My THREAD on this story running it back to July 20.…
Mark Furey, you have a massive problem on your hands. #Portapique #PublicInquiry #nspoli @NSLiberal @NSNDP @nspc @toddveinotte

"A paternalistic approach by @StephenMcNeil just won’t fly. I listened to Mark Furey’s comments and answers to questions, and I haven’t seen so much manure-shovelling since I was a kid," Greg MacDonald, Halifax.…
@BillBlair @JustinTrudeau @BernJordanMP…

But now he supports the current process — which lacks this feature. #MistakeNotAPromise…
#PORTAPIQUE #HowStrongAreWe…