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Hey #CDNpoli, remember how @Comey got Trump elected with a fake investigation story just before an election?

You should. It's the same thing here...
Remember how Republicans got caught extorting Zelensky to force him to announce a fake investigation into Hunter Biden?

The president got impeached and everything... was big news.

They say it was all Trump, but you know that guy can't run a popsicle stand on his own...
Remember when #CDNmedia said Brenda Lucki was mean to her employees and made them cry, all to make Justin Trudeau happy?

They called it "government interference into an ongoing investigation..." when the Libs asked a simple question of the #RCMP. ImageImageImageImage
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Yes #Canada has a problem with #China #CCP interfering in our elections but we also have a problem with foreign infiltration of the very institutions charged with protecting our elections from foreign threats. Case in point: this #RCMP officer … (1/7)👇🏻read on: Image
….this #RCMP officer works in a detachment in #BC . He makes videos promoting the #CCP and… (2/7) Image
…recruitment videos that he posts on Chinese social media encouraging nationals to join the #VPD and #RCMP . (3/7) Image
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The inquest has begun. Housekeeping details. First piece of evidence is the statement from Melissa Gray, Myles' sister. #JusticeForMylesGray
Full witness list available here:…
Lawyers present at the inquest include Ian Donaldson KC (counsel for the family of Myles Gray), inquest counsel, VPD counsel are David McKnight and Naomi Krueger. Counsel for VPD members is Christine Joseph. It appears she is a former VPD officer herself 👀…
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Caryma Sa'd 🧵

This morning I received a phone call from the #RCMP who had been contacted by Caryma. I was informed my tweet had made her feel threatened. I was also informed that she believes I coordinate with drag defenders to harass her.
The officer informed me that there was nothing criminal about the post but that it has the potential to become a civil matter if things escalate. At no time did he request or ask me to remove the post.
I explained to him my version of events from the last few months. Caryma calling people to get information on me; releasing enough information that dangerous people could find me; and the weaponizing a picture of my son to accuse me of abuse.
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This report from @OttawaPolice is not an intelligence report. It is a propaganda report. Shocking in its bias, faulty information, logically fallacious, willful blindness & a rank inability to assess the situation. #EmergenciesActInquiry #CdnNatSec… ImageImage
A word or two about Srgt Chris Kiez who has since deleted/cleaned up his LinkedIn & social media. Even the Reddit post about him has been removed. Thankfully @CyKoore saved a bunch. #EmergenciesActInquiry #OttawaOccupation #OttawaPolice #FluTruxKlan ImageImage
Some screenshots of Sgt Chris Kiez’s posts from @Leenintome2. #EmergenciesActInquiry @OttawaPolice #cdnpoli ImageImageImageImage
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ADMITTEDLY, WHAT FOLLOWS is complicated. The downing of Flight #PS752 has many facets.

THAT SAID, Coalition for Criminal Accountability for Flight PS752 in conjunction with Mr. Joubin, lawyer for the complainants, have jointly decided in the interests +

of transparency and public awareness, to release ALL correspondence with National Security and Intelligence Review Agency (NSIRA-OSSNR) @nsiracanada.

Correspondence contained within this Thread will appear in its entirety, ⟨UNVETTED⟩ - *except, contact information.
DECISION by RCMP Commissioner Lucki @CommrRCMPGRC to ⟨NOT⟩ open a Canadian criminal investigation into downing of Flight #PS752 and murder of 55 Canadian citizens ❮DISREGARDED❯ provisions of the Criminal Code of Canada.

This resulted in a formal Public +
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Thread. 1/4

DOCUMENTS: #RCMP sent blacklist of #FreedomConvoy bank account holders to investment industry, bank & credit union lobbyists, mutual fund dealers…… @grcrcmppolice @CommrRCMPGRC @PrivacyPrivee @adamchamb #cdnpoli
… Unencrypted EMAILS sent by #RCMP included names of #FreedomConvoy sympathizers, birthdates, phone numbers, addresses, vehicle registration, more.

2/4 #cdnpoli
“RCMP has given to financial institutions names of leaders & organizers of protests & of people whose trucks were part of occupations & blockades. That’s the ONLY information, according to #RCMP, that RCMP has given to financial institutions.”

@cafreeland February 21

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I’ve posted about radicalized current & former members of law enforcement previously, but today’s article from @CBC underscores the seriousness of the problem. Full article here:… #CoupTruxKlan #EmergenciesAct #FluTruxKlan #cdnpoli #RCMP
Once again I highly recommend the entire 3 prt series by @willcarless & Michael Corey. This investigation into radicalized members of 🇺🇸 law enforcement was written in 2019. 2 yrs b4 #January6th.…
Prt 2…
Prt 3…
Remember this clip? The uber friendly @rcmpgrcpolice officer telling Elliott McDavid at the #CouttsBlockade how he supports what they’re doing? Seditious disruption of cross border trade because they ideologically buy into the toxic disinfo of an op?
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I've read the stories describing the apology tour of Pope Francis. On Monday after his first visit near Edmonton I decided to comment after the saga had unfolded. It was an emotional week for so many!
1/ #PopeFrancis #Canada #residentialschools #truthandreconciliation
We heard apologies, pleading forgiveness, more apologies, recognition of "cultural destruction" and finally on the flight home #PopeFrancis said "yes, it was a genocide, yes, yes, clearly. You can say that I said it was a genocide."
2/ #residentialschools…
The genocide was justified by the #DoctrineOfDiscovery & while #PopeFrancis, #CatholicChurch, & Crown gov'ts are reluctant to rescind it, the actions I witnessed against the #Wetsuweten in their own territory are empowered by the Doctrine.
3/ #bcpoli #cdnpoli @bcndp @BCNDPCaucus
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HONOURED to join @sauga960am @richardsyrett to discuss the politicization of #RCMP under Commissioner Brenda Lucki @CommrRCMPGRC.


USED WITH PERMISSION: the story of a retired RCMP officer is shared who was +
#PS752 #cdnpoli…
contacted by Division HQ during #Elxn43 2019 and brusquely advised, QUOTE:

☞ "Your comments are embarrassing the Prime Minister."

The ⟨RETIRED⟩ RCMP officer had been critical of Prime Minister and policies of Government of Canada government on a social media platform. +
Retired RCMP are not subject to provisions of Royal Canadian Mounted Police Regulations, 2014 (SOR/2014-281) surrounding Public Statements, specifically SCHEDULE (Section 18 and subsection 23(1)) Code of Conduct of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Section 9.2 (below): +
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"Mendicino said Lucki's success will be based on whether she meets the objectives laid out in the new letter. We will be able to track that progress, I think, very specifically, because the language itself is specific,"

.@CommrRCMPGRC appeared before Special Joint Committee on Declaration of Emergency (DEDC) on May 10, 2022.

She (flat-footedly) tried to sidestep questions concerning the invoking of #EmergenciesAct; BUT ultimately; she failed, ... miserably! +

NO SURVEY IS REQUIRED to state that with the exception of a very few, NO ONE would be surprised if this government now views her as a ⟪LIABILITY⟫.


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@giftedtypist⁩ This whole chapter piles on another layer of trauma and distrust for families who already feel they have been disrespected and left in the dark by this inquiry. #MCC #Portapique #RCMP…
(Imagine the family members of victims who’ve had to wait two fucking years to hear this and other important testimony!)

@GregMercerGlobe Chris Wortman, GW’s uncle, and a former RCMP officer, was interviewed 10 days after the mass shooting in April, 2020.…
Remember @RCMPNS’s Darren Campbell and the yarns he was spinning in 2020 about the #NSMassMurder?

Looks like RCMP kicked him upstairs. #MCC #Portapique Image
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The #RCMP is aware of the material circulating on social media pertaining to a chat group that includes some of its members. We can confirm that we are looking into the matter. 1/3 Text on image: Statement
This material is not representative of those who have committed themselves to serving Canadians with integrity and professionalism. 2/3
All members of the RCMP know that, whether on or off duty, they have a responsibility to hold themselves to the highest professional standards and are subject to the Code of Conduct of the RCMP at all times. Read the full statement:… 3/3
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If you think #OttawaPolice & #RCMP went in alone, you’re living in a false utopia.

Mercenaries & Defence Contractors Are as #Canadian as Maple Syrup

Let me introduce you to Predator Security Defense™️

@JustinTrudeau knows these guys all to well Amongst others, Like #Academi / #blackwater .. He’s used them in his security detail in Canada and overseas.

These guys are the best of the best.

Security or paid mercenaries? 🤔

Let’s see what services the predators have to offer
Their employees 👉 Prior military combat veterans, US Special Programs (Special forces, navy seals) or Tactical Law Enforcement (Swat).

Our operators are highly trained counter terrorism expert across the entire spectrum, as good as any and better than most.

Says the company
Read 14 tweets
My kid, underage in BC, was arrested twice (trial soon) for peaceful protest at #FairyCreek summer 2021, where #surgical #RCMP swat-style units would pull down protestor masks to pepper spray them directly in eyes 1/3
& would target Indigenous & Black protestors for removal. Their violence was called out by a BC judge. All to #defend old growth logging while protestors worked to protect climate & all of us by defending forests. But white nationalist organized 2/3
border #blockades & occupations see a few tickets issued. This is 🇨🇦 & we need to address our problems with policing, with white nationalism, & with values that put capital above & sanction violence over climate, Indigenous & Black lives. #canadaprotests
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🇨🇦🚔🛩️ With the Ontario Provincial Police #OPP circling the anti-vax rally today, I figured I should make a thread about what we can tease out of the behaviour of their surveillance Cessna, and if any of that can be applied to other aircraft in the fleet. 🧵
First, consult the Canadian Civil Aircraft Register (CCAR), and search using the name the OPP has their aircraft registered under:

"Province Of Ontario, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services"

Now you have a list of all their aircraft. 👍…
Pop that in a spreadsheet for later, and use the registration numbers to hand-roll a search for the aircraft using #ADSBexchange.

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Read our full 2021 Recap of Events on Wet'suwet'en Territory 🔥 Resistance to colonial Canada and genocidal CGL on Cas Yikh Gidimt’en Territory continues. We are still here.
Join the #WetsuwetenResistance
Take Action Dec 20-27 #DivestCGL #ShutDownCanada…
We call on all nations, allies, accomplices, and supporters everywhere to RISE UP in solidarity. We are in this fight for the long haul and we will not back down. This pipeline will never be built. Join the WET'SUWET'EN RESISTANCE! #wetsuwetenresistance Image
@iamjayohcee Wet’suwet’en land defenders enforced eviction of Coastal GasLink by blocking roads into the territory. NOV 14-17, 2021. 🔥 Join the WET'SUWET'EN RESISTANCE! #wetsuwetenresistance #DivestCGL
#ShutDownCanada #WetsuwetenStrong #AllOutForWedzinKwa #ExpectUs Image
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While the @bcndp gov’t struggles with the severe impacts of flooding that are a result of the worsening #ClimateCrisis they are diverting critical #RCMP resources into #Wetsuweten territory again to protect the gov’ts #frackedgas pipeline 1/ #bcpoli #LNG
When @geoffmeggs delivered the news to the @bcgreencaucus that the @bcndp were going to support the #CGL #frackedgas pipeline I asked him how they would deal with the long-established blockades on #Wetsuweten territory. He said it was under control. Clearly not! 2/ #bcpoli
The chaos in Crown-Indigenous relations has been created by a @bcndp gov’t whose words and actions are not aligned. Say one thing, do another. @MurrayRankinNDP was on the #Wetsuweten file since early 2020 when he was brought in to mop up the mess gov’t created. #FAIL 3/ #bcpoli
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"In the past week, I have received what I would call threatening and harassing emails from the lawyer acting for the Government of Canada. Very distressing emails." (18:11)

@ps752justice #PS752 #Elxn44 #cdnpoli
WHEN GOVERNMENT lawyers are so audacious as to (brazenly) threaten and harass a lawyer acting on behalf of the families of Flight PS752, during an existing proceeding before the courts -

WHEN strong-arming becomes visible ...
'obstruct,pervert or defeat the course of justice' CAN'T be far behind.

☞ What is the likelihood that this government did not exert (political) pressure on @CommrRCMPGRC @rcmpgrcpolice to insure NO Canadian criminal investigation?
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IF LEFT UNCHALLENGED to its present course, this Liberal government will bury this crime.

RUNNING ROUGHSHOD over rights of victims and families, this government together with the RCMP are turning a deaf ear to the cries for justice.

ENOUGH. We'll announce the NEXT STEP.

Speaking about Ukraine International Airlines Flight PS752, a government spokesperson states the official position of this Liberal government:

"The Government of Canada does not consider this an intentional act."

Three (3) spokespersons (attempt to) explain what justice looks like to the Government of Canada.

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AS A FORMER @rcmpgrcpolice #RCMP (Ret'd), Criminal Code of Canada «DOES SUPPORT» a Canadian investigation and prosecution of the downing of Flight #PS752. Period.

This Liberal government does NOT want a Canadian criminal investigation. It wants the easier route.

DON'T LET Liberal wordplay befog you.

This government is maneuvering toward settlement and reparations, and away from criminal accountability.

@JavadSoleimani8 @esmaeilion @kourosh1959 @Daniel_Ghods @SalmanSima @Ardeshirz @NahidGhani @BehrangRahbari @AlsaadRafah @NahayatT
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URGENT REQUEST from @SaveFairyCreek for self sufficient folks to regroup at #FariyCreek HQ. "THE LIVES OF OUR GRANDCHILDREN DEPEND ON IT!"

RCMP are acting unlawfully with @jjhorgan & @mikefarnworthbc authorization. Indep media is being kept out. Where is MSM? Crickets. #bcpoli
@SaveFairyCreek @jjhorgan @mikefarnworthbc .."Join us at #FairyCreek (Ada’itsx) HQ! Please arrive prepared to self-sufficiently camp overnight. Arrestees & non-arrestees are needed DAILY.
Read our pre-arrival info sheet:
Worried about getting arrested? Some educational info:
@SaveFairyCreek @jjhorgan @mikefarnworthbc .."Indigenous Elder Bill Jones has called for help to get press out to #Fairy Creek immediately. The RCMP raided all the #FairyCreek camps on Monday, the one year anniversary, knowing many defenders would be in Victoria at the Legislature event.." cont'd #bcpoli
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IN MY OPINION - AS A FORMER @rcmpgrcpolice #RCMP (Ret'd), the decision by @CommrRCMPGRC is unjustifiable. (Attached) She has sloughed off (or if one prefers, sluffed off) and shirked her sworn responsibility under the laws of Canada onto the Ukraine.
Maintiens le Droit [Fr, "Uphold the Right"], the official motto of the ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE.

MY INTEGRITY, EVEN IN RETIREMENT, will not allow me to sit idly by or remain silent as this travesty

#JusticeIsNotNegotiable #PS752 #CrimesAgainstHumanity #RCMP #cdnpoli
of 'in∙justice' unfolds before our eyes. Enough said here, for now.

In the (lengthy) 16-Part Thread below, ask yourself after reading it: What is the likelihood that political interference has not cast its (ugly) shadow across this decision?

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.@CommrRCMPGRC makes the decision «NOT» to open Canadian criminal investigation into the intentional shooting down of Flight PS752.

AND, @JustinTrudeau is content to accept it.

TRYING TO APPEASE 'Who', we don't know, perhaps the Iranian regime itself.

@ps752justice #cdnpoli

Earlier 7-Part THREAD, containing @CBCNews story of the meeting by @AshleyBurkeCBC @NahayatT where the families of the victims of PS752 first learned of the decision.

#PS752 #ps752justice
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