Doesn't matter how hard you have prepped and worked, things will go wrong. Things that you didn't even anticipate or expect.
When that happens, focus on the things you can control and fix. Don't have a melt down. It will get sorted.
2/ The run up to launch week. Give yourself time.
Started thinking about the launch in Dec. Got shot down due to work and Covid-19. Restarted again in April. Locked down July date in first week of June.
Seems like a lot but you will need the time. There is lots to do.
Early. Like real early. Like 8 to ten weeks early. Listen to their feedback and comments.
Unlike a #publisher, in self #publishing mode, you can change stuff all the way to launch. Try not to do that.
Lock a version down early.
4/ Retain perspective.
You are not writing for yourself. You are writing for your readers. Keep them involved in the journey.
Ask for comments. Share outlines, topic lists, writing leads. Do twitter threads.
5/ Pre-orders is the way to go
When you are ready and you know you are going to hit the date, open pre-order forms. Don't worry about making them pretty. Do give them depth and substance.
Pre-orders will keep you sane. Keep you working because you know readers are waiting.
6/ What is the book about?
You need a one liner that works. Talk to @Huk06 He helped me figure it out. It was painful but it was necessary.
Settle on half a dozen candidates, let your audience decide which one works. Use the rest for social posters and campaign
A single customer credit transfer made on the SWIFT network.
The bane of remittance/ free lancer / tech founder challenge across banking sector in Pakistan. More so for small businesses / founders that receive sub $ 1,000 wires.
Once upon a time in a different life we wrote, ran and supported treasury systems that generated MT 103 messages for local banks.
Given how treasuries front / back offices are structured and how all $ payments are consolidated and cleared via NYC, workflow was simple.
Collect all outgoing payments, bundle them together into one balance for one market / relationship / target account.
Send a shorter message to primary US$ Nostro account targeted for out going transfers for one amount.
Open to all undergraduate and graduate programs in Karachi.
If you are:
a) Avid game player
b) Aspiring game designer
c) Care about creative expression
d) Curios about what make games playable, addictive, instant hits, or
e) Love real time community feedback
First and second half marathon.
Remote work + Zoom Cohort based live training.
Founder Puzzles. Product launch.
Surviving Covid + recovering.
Close call.
3rd half.
Context switching. Fixing my knee.
Growth and Economic Complexity.
Raising 6 at 18 post.
Scale multiples and idea selection framework.
The Pakistan dataset.
Ed-Tech and crypto deep dive.
Teaching Venture Capital + Fintech and Financial Innovation.
Shipping FP, 2nd Ed.