Editors' response:
Unconscious bias = implicit bias
Conscious bias = explicit, intentional
So in this is essentially misogyny and conflicts with human rights to free speech/private life.

Methodological concerns: unspecified definition of 'controversial'. There needs to a validated definition.
🗣️ "Controversial political and religious comments were
...directed toward...faith.
Controversial social comments...on abortion and gun control."
Moral concerns: clinicians performed searches on social media to conduct their research.
To be fair this is what patients could/would do. I'm not condoning this methodology.
I've had patients tell me that "I'm established" when I first met them from Googling me. 😳
Statistical concerns:
Univariate analysis is not a very strong position.
Was the sample size too small or unamenable to use multivariate analysis?
Analytic concerns:
🗣️ "Inappropriate attire included pictures in underwear, provocative Halloween costumes, and provocative posing in bikinis/swimwear."
Big question - provocative to whom? 😳 #heforshe
Editorial board concerns: as @GeeMcLachlan noted a huge majority of men on the board. (I'm guessing from the names - don't know for sure): jvascsurg.org/content/edbd

This problem of having a lack of women represented on editorial boards is not new: bmj.com/content/bmj/36…
Another issue is the peer review. I imagine women reviewing this would have rejected this paper.

The @JVascSurg invited editorial highlights 2 other similar papers: jvascsurg.org/article/S0741-…
You can't publish this stuff as it's far too subjective and no validated criteria if looking from a research standpoint.
See @heathsweensMD's thread:
"Sexually suggestive"?
"Polarising political and religious comments"?
@JSurgEduc (2014): sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

Objection to 'offensive attire' and "content of a political/religious nature" or "polarising social topic"
@BJUIjournal (2014): onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.111…

The irony being in the same issue of @JVascSurg is a survey about sexual harrassment: sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
"Flashed or exposed themselves to you" n=1.
There is a pretty sobering. Enough to make @OrthopodReg and I vomit until one of us passes out. 🤮

The flip side of all of this is huge pressure to publish...literally anything to get ahead. It's a toxic environment.
Goodhart's law "When measures become targets they cease to become good measures."
When you see this stuff - it's not ok. We have to call it out.
I'm not posting any pictures of myself here in a #MedBikini (don't have one, I wouldn't and I'm not paying for therapy) but support any of my colleagues who wish to do so.