Why would he be in the meeting over Ukraine? He's an #MSNBC exec.
It's an American news network favored..
Russia's had "unusually bad weather" blamed yearly for the failure of Socialism to feed its own country.
The US fed Russia for YEARS, ...
They plan ahead. It's their job. It's no coincidence that the best chess players are Russian.
#Bernie wasn't a player, he was barely a Useful Idiot, but he managed to con our college kids...

So the "protest vote" became the *cool* thing to do.
Even that wasn't enough, so the GRU jumped in to support #Bernie.

Does that sound right to you?
That's what 27,643.8% means, but here, it's the ratio of votes counted to registered voters.
I've been working with numbers and computers since '70. I know hacked data when I see it.
It was no local hacker
While we worried that Google was keeping track of our purchases, Z handed the GRU enough content to make Big Brother...
Their software is cheap, that's why they could never keep "your/you're" or "their/there/their" straight.

She's a cheerleader of SpecOps and a darling amongst the fans of her Chicken Feed.
Tell 99 truths to sell ONE BIG LIE.
I've also been a long-time fan of @DearAuntCrabby.
Louise declared her a Traitor.