👉🏼 #climatechange paired with alarm / hysteria / exaggeration / cult / irrationality
👉🏼 Of course can't resist a dig at @GretaThunberg
👉🏼 Implying, without directly saying, that #fossilfuels are a net good

👉🏼 Fearmongering RE green jobs / policies, particularly aimed at those in #poverty
👉🏼 Some casual China xenophobia
👉🏼 Classic #strawman argument using @LeoDiCaprio & @princeharryh
👉🏼 More alarmist language ("green altar")
Check out this @DeSmogUK article and other amazing research on the organisation here: desmog.co.uk/2020/03/02/mem…
This starts part way through. They use #covid19 as an excuse to halt green policies. It's full of so many false assertions I don't have space to list. All pretence is dropped by this video.
(Tweet 10/13 has a link to full vid & other content)
I honestly find them hard to watch for that reason.
In 2014 the @ChtyCommission stepped in, so the Global Warming Policy FORUM was created as the "campaigning arm" of the Foundation.
Yet this same content is now running Facebook ads under the guise of a "Science Website"🤷🏽♀️
(Yes I made a shortlink in their name 😆)
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