The TSS is "new & unprecedented".
See @AnnaJerzewska's razor sharp analysis of quite what that means.
Never been done before.
It's only being announced now.
Still at procurement stage.
Yet UKG promise it will be operational in September.
Movement of goods from GB-NI will be depending on it come 1 January 2021.
Let’s just say, we are cutting it fine.
It is impossible to top @MichaelAodhan's summary of its 👍and 👎here:
•NI into GB ‘should take place as it does now’
•Changes for GB into NI ‘will be kept to an absolute minimum’
•Trade in goods NI-IRL & NI-EU 'will continue unaffected' 🇪🇺
•NI to benefit from UK FTAs 🌍
Some of these promises are somewhat tempered by the text itself.
E.g. UKG’s "unequivocal position" that there shd be no export or exit summary declarations for NI into GB "will require formal agmt… via the UK-EU Joint Committee".
It'll need a change of EU position too.
The #Protocol sets the relevant rules that will endure until at least 1 Jan 2027*
So there's alot to adjust to, inc in GB.
*longer than the TSS or this Parl
Here is a chart of what the UKG guidance itself notes that we still need guidance/info/detail on….
As you can see, it is rather a lot.
& underlines the immense importance of the UK-EU #JointCommittee decisions to come.