1⃣ The Sturgis event is larger in size than nearly all the 2,000+ #BlackLivesMatter protests that have been held over the last 2+ months. More people means more potential virus exchange.
2⃣ It's not just that 250,000+ folks are headed to Sturgis, whereas maybe 99% of the 2,000+ #BlackLivesMatter protests had 1,500 or fewer people in attendance. At Sturgis, it's a *cross-state* crowd, meaning people come from and return to a larger number of different locales.
3⃣ Because mask-wearing has been—wholly unnecessarily—politicized, i.e. treated as a metaphor and proxy for one's political views rather than just a public health measure, the more right-leaning crowd in Sturgis is *far* less likely to be wearing masks than at a BLM protest.
4⃣ We call the #BlackLivesMatter events "protests," but *most* of them were *marches*—which means more space covered, more movement, and more chance of social distancing than at an event like the #SturgisMotorcycleRally, where many people are spectators (not parade entrants).
5⃣ The #SturgisMotorcycleRally isn't a *time-sensitive political protest*—no matter how some may want to turn it *into* one. Even when/as Americans value longstanding traditions like the Sturgis rally, we *do* see when something is time-sensitive and/or engages rights issues.