First caller caveats "I'm not a researcher" then proceeds with fact that she's a member of @solidarityJC & a cogent statement about her opinion re: services the city provides. #CivilSociety flexing
She's asking council to NOT pass following
20-556 hiring of police officers
20-558 making JCPD perm presence
20-158 amending JC budget
She then itemizes budget facts
By the way speakers tonight are mentioning points itemized in this petition:…
"Underfunded young adults" need employment opportunities
"St Lucy's is turning away people."
"@Jermaine4WardF, Ward F needs you"
"Future bond debt- what is that all about?"
Challenges City Council re: CCRB related reform & cites Council's last-minute move of vote to closed door session…
This effort is so well organized. This is a wonderful civics lesson. Repeatedly linking the ordinance # w/ the cogent comments re: spending & resources
This is a fascinating action being run on the Council. Lots of public details being aired in public forum. How the council will respond will be interesting.
This is a really great example of: when you do your HW, you can step into the arena & have your say as a taxpayer. Really fascinating.
Why is JCPD budget going up (during a hiring freeze no less)
While youth and social services are getting cut.
"Defund the police" cast here as "reallocate public dollars to services we believe need higher prioritization"
Speaks of #RestorativeJustice (2nd time I'm hearing this)…
1-they've previously asked for changes to this budget, haven't been listened to
2-tonight's amended budget is not acceptable
At-Large are 1st 3:
@DeniseRidleyJC-Ward A
@miramira4-Ward B
@RichardBoggiano-Ward C
@yousefjsaleh-Ward D
@SolomonforJC-Ward E
@Jermaine4WardF-Ward F
Ward Map:…
Calling on #JerseyCity to reform, defund police & instead fund homeless, youth, mental health services
H/T to the organizing that led to the detail & specificity being cited by these speakers.
Hearing real anger & frustration on this call re: not being listened to in earlier meetings re: calls for reform & what this budget up for vote tonite should look like.…

"The safest neighborhoods are not the most policed, they are the most resourced."
Pain points of pandemic cited.
Consternation that city is funding police vs services to alleviate pain
@solidarityJC cited again as organizing influence that has led to 40+ speakers (I think) coming out against the budget.
Not sure if I got them all - apologies if not
Says County should support homeless
"Release these documents in clear language" - speakers asking for transparency to public data (Amen to that)
"It makes the same mistakes that the last 7 budgets under the Fulop administration have made"
Cites example: selling city assets (land sale) to fill budget hole which helps in near term but hurts longer term
Cites need for genuine & effective police force but also needs to fund & invest in communities. Invest is key word he says. "This budget doesn't do that."
Cites cuts to youth
Comparing JCPD to other cities' police depts. Says he's not for laying off officers, but questioning hiring of new officers when other community services remain underfunded……

FYI: crossing guards are part of city budget but they serve the public schools citywide. Critical resources.
Critical, they ensure safe passage for kids, caregivers, staff. Often fighting traffic
Common point here seems to be: more city budget $ for civic orgs providing essential community services.