Many policies & utilies recognize the need for flexible #smartbuilding technologies, but are inhibited by barriers of pilots to increase usage & trust with voice assistants aka 'Alexa'
@Guidehouse identified lack of education/awareness within workforces & info to support this education
Also, people are hesistant to share personal info - and concerns for long-term privacy of data
Developing an easy info plan for early transitioners into #smartbuildings will be key to transition
In addition to these areas of research, utilities & companies need to build trust via #BehavioralScience in both message & deployment.
Some ppl recognize behavioral science is in its adolescents in a lot ways. While behavioral scientists have identified design that work really well (you know:
opt-out organ donation @ProfEricJohnson & @dggoldst
Save More for Tomorrow @R_Thaler & @shlomobenartzi)
These are wonderful & we should keep doing these!
But these are only a beginning manifestation of behavioral design & never meant to encompass all of behavioral science
The problem some see is that #nudges are designed in STABLE contexts & with specific demographics
"When making decisions, instead of asking ourselves which option will give us the best results, we should be asking which option will give us good-enough results under the widest range of future states of the world."… via @psyche_the_mag
"And satisficing with an eye toward a radically uncertain future might be called robust satisficing."
Good enough seems to be a better bet - especially as we become familiar with the variability and swift state changes common to #ComplexSystems
Market Transformation is difficult for energy!
The Midwest Market Transformation* Collaborative
—Molly Graham @MEEAee #SummerStudy20
Current problems within market transformations include: (1) diminishing opportunities for cost-effective #energy savings (2) there's a need for longer term savings to achieve goals
The Midwest Market Transformation initiative looks to align interests & provide the best regulatory practices given regional policy factors