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May 6th 2023
1/ šŸŒŒšŸ§¬ Delving deeper into the realms of AI, consciousness, and the cosmos, we'll explore emerging technologies, theories, and insights shaping the future of our understanding. Get ready for the next chapter in this exhilarating adventure! #AI #Consciousness #Cosmology
2/ šŸ”®šŸ“” As technology advances, we're witnessing the rise of quantum computing, neuroprosthetics, and brain-computer interfaces, expanding the horizons of AI and consciousness research. #QuantumComputing #Neuroprosthetics #BrainComputerInterfaces
3/ šŸ§ šŸ’” Cognitive science and neuroscience have made strides in understanding the mind's inner workings, contributing to our grasp on consciousness and its connection to AI. #CognitiveScience #Neuroscience #Mind
Read 11 tweets
Apr 26th 2023
_____ #ShastaCounty California _____



Ran for Mayor of #Portland


Embedded himself > Shasta County

Yesterday, I got a Visitor from RUSSIAN OREGON

ALICE : I'm intimate with 'ALICE' whether 'she' knows it or not

Dear Russian Orthodox Slut,

Is VLADISLAV DAVIDZON home yet? Will he run for MAYOR of #PORTLAND, OREGON again or head south and try #BERKELEY again? Image

( Really - " ORTHO NET " )

Read 33 tweets
Apr 14th 2023

atalyaan spells what ?

Your Guess Here
(Answer to Follow)
Same Entities - All

( Where am I going with this...) Image
Read 83 tweets
Nov 18th 2022
The possible collapse of twitter has made me super sad and reflective about what this site has meant to me and how it shaped my work as a literacy researcher and educator and now as an early platform ceo.

i have 45 minutes and i'm about to tweet my guts out.
i was thinking of pitching like a "eulogy for twitter" to @TeenVogue but i'm gonna tweet first instead, unroll it later, and see what i can do with it.

this is off the dome first draft material, we'll see what themes come out. stay with me.
i want to think through how i've used twitter since i made my first account in 2008, how it impacted my teaching and research, what i wish this site could've been, the rise of the multiracial patriarchy whitelash, and ultimately how and why i founded @germnetwork this year
Read 64 tweets
Nov 4th 2022
"The 21st Century Question: Emergently Engineering the Future"

Follow this šŸ§µ today and tomorrow for highlights from our 2022 #AppliedComplexity Network and Board of Trustees Symposium:ā€¦

#Web3 #Cities #Polarization #EmergentEngineering #Decentralization
We start with a talk by SFI President David Krakauer:

"Would anyone care to guess why we're so GOOD at building transistors and so CRAP at designing drugs?"

"This thing [points to transistor] lives in a centralized system. This thing [points to cancer drug] lives in US."
"I'm going to pick on economics, because we like to do that at SFI. 'Ooh, look at that cover! So techy. Global, heat maps...' But here's 'Networks' [in the textbook]. THAT'S IT. Here's '#ComplexityEconomics.' NOTHING."
Read 111 tweets
Oct 26th 2022
"#Emergence, #SelfOrganization, & #Complexity"

šŸ§µ In today's SFI Seminar, Visiting Scholar @cgershen presents the second in his series of talks on core concepts in #ComplexSystems science, streaming now:

"In high school #physics class you are taught that with the initial conditions of a system, you can predict its future states. In #complexity, this is not means #reductionism is not appropriate, #Platonism is not appropriate..."
- @cgershen
"You can see a layer of circuits computing something. What is it computing? Itself. In a 248x248 array, you can program the #GameOfLife inside the game of life. Computers allow us to explore #Complexity, and it's no surprise complexity became a science in the 1980s."
- @cgershen
Read 7 tweets
Aug 24th 2022
Okay. So I haven't slept for 2 days, I'm running on Adderall, Coffee and Cheeeeeescake, Gromit.

Now that I set the stage, I need to document some stuff here before I crash. Because: I'm seeing things 'from my archives matching realtime' that I need to save before, 'smoked'. Image
Awhile back...

...I did a thing on top of a lot of other things and then more things since those things.

What FOLLOWS is a #MindDump jumbled out-of-sequence set of affinities around 'a Theme'

THEME : '#Memeplex and #Q' Image
Dan killed his 'name' account (Known-Known) and created a completely new one (Identical User ID).

It hasn't changed, externally, from immediately after it was created. '3/0' Zero Tweets. Behind the curtain? Who knows. Image
Read 112 tweets
Jul 17th 2022

I haven't made it past pg.8 of Professor @laura_greenaura's just-released paper on #QAnon because 'stuff'...

...prompts my index-finger to the TrackPad and Zzzzapāš”ļø!

šŸ§‘ā€šŸ”§ The Mechanic finds a broken 'cog' in a 'gear' in the 'Transmission Assembly'

MIA > '@LumpyNewsCom' Image
LumpyNews dot Com...

(I am going somewhere with this...) Image
'Ripple Financial' Re-Directs to 'Lumpy'...

(stay with me here...) Image
Read 28 tweets
Jul 6th 2022
šŸ§µ Group project presentations begin today for the 2022 SFI Complex Systems Summer School! We will share bits and pieces over the next two days...

#CSSS #ComplexSystems
First talk this morning by a team including @JenniferKBriggs @gatesdupont @maikemorrison @davidogara_ @simon_rella Ian Harryman & Haoyuan Luo on their contagion model ("Hopefully you'll see this published later" may as well be the official slogan of this summer school)
Our next group considers online #pornography a strangely under-examined domain for quantitative research & wants to bring #digitalhumanities approaches & multilayer network analysis to bear on it. @gulsahakcakir @AnaVybor @thomas_bssnt @prt_thibault @simon_rella

Take their poll:
Read 6 tweets
May 17th 2022
šŸ§µ "Transient dynamics: the key to ecological understanding"

Today's Colloquium by SFI External Professor Alan Hastings (@UCDavis, @theNASciences)

Streaming now on our YouTube channel:

#Ecology #ComplexSystems
@ucdavis @theNASciences "One might say that natural ecological #systems *don't exist anymore*..."

SFI External Prof Alan Hastings @eco_hastings (@UCDavis), criticizes classical approaches to deterministic/equilibrium ecological models, streaming now:

@ucdavis @theNASciences @eco_hastings "The long-term behavior of the #epidemic is not what you want to focus on. Let's focus instead on dynamics at shorter timescales."

SFI External Prof Alan Hastings @eco_hastings
(@UCDavis), criticizes conventional ecological models, streaming now:
Read 9 tweets
Apr 30th 2022
šŸŒ Our 2022 #Science Board Symposium on "The #Emergent #PoliticalEconomy or #ClimateChange" kicks off with opening remarks from President David Krakauer.

Follow this šŸ§µ as we provide live coverage of this event all day...
"For those of you who think behavior change can prevent #ClimateChange...behavior WILL change when climate changes. Shutdowns from the pandemic resulted in a reduction of #C02 emissions of about 7.5%."
- SFI/@Harvard Prof Dan Schrag opens our speaker series today
"We *used* to talk about #ClimateChange used to be something that would happen to people in Bangladesh fifty years from now."

Re: #ClimateJustice,
"Children born today are going to deal with climate change they had no role in causing."

- SFI/@Harvard Prof Dan Schrag
Read 56 tweets
Mar 23rd 2022
The Press Has Lied To Drag The United States Into War Before. Donā€™t Think They Wonā€™t Againā€¦
#propaganda, #disinformation, #NarrativeControl, #MainstreamMedia, #Profiteering
Read 13 tweets
Sep 16th 2021
šŸ§µ Global catastrophic and existential risks: the weightiest complex phenomena?

"Our job is to think about how humanity can have a happy ending...about how GOOD it can be."

- @anderssandberg of @FHIOxford speaking at SFI today:

#AIEthics #Biosecurity
"The idea that humanity actually *could* go extinct required a lot of ideas to come together. First you needed to know that species go extinct. This wasn't clear until [the discovery of fossil Mastodons]."
- @anderssandberg of @FHIOxford at SFI today:

"It's not just that the end of the world could be caused by a bad political decision. In principle, the *right* political decision or technology could *avert* these risks. In the 19th C, it was a considered merely a matter of natural causes."
- @anderssandberg (@FHIOxford) at SFI
Read 14 tweets
May 20th 2021
Human wastewater feeding harmful algae blooms off of Southern California's coastā€¦

#wastewater #algae #SouthernCalifornia
World first concept for rechargeable cement-based batteriesā€¦

#RechargeableBatteries #ConcreteStorage
Read 10 tweets
Apr 9th 2021
Europeā€™s third wave: ā€˜Itā€™s spreading fast and itā€™s spreading everywhereā€™ā€¦

#COVID19 #waves #surges #europe
PSYOP, Cyber, and InfoWar: Combating the New Age IED - Modern War Instituteā€¦

#cybersecurity #infowars #military #InformationSecurity
Read 10 tweets

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