Let’s SHARE in her story that’ll change the world today right now. It starts with YOU #NoToMandatoryVaxProtestsWW
🙏Evee 🥰


Today is the day for reckoning. Evee joined us on earth 2 yrs ago on Aug 19, 2018. She was taken too soon on Mar 1, 2019. Let her memory lead us #NoVax

Evee, you are a most precious baby n although you are safely in Abba Father’s hands in Heaven, your deeds continue in us. #EveeDayforHumanity #NoToMandatoryVaxProtestsWW

#PeopleWakeUp Unite, Pray, Arise and #RESISTTOGETHER
Organize #NoToMandatoryVaxProtestsWW
Support your Good Doctors, Good Leaders.