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Mar 8, 2022 19 tweets 19 min read
Aug 19, 2020 10 tweets 15 min read
Today is Aug 19, 2020. Darling Evee wud ve been 2 yrs old today. We share in the loss of her parents n siblings that they r parted temporarily too soon.

Let’s SHARE in her story that’ll change the world today right now. It starts with YOU #NoToMandatoryVaxProtestsWW

🙏Evee 🥰 ImageImageImageImage #EveeDayforHumanity - because you were taken from us, TOO SOON. ImageImage
Aug 16, 2020 10 tweets 16 min read
@soul_hollowed #PeopleWakeUp. #NoToMandatoryVaxProtestsWW

Pls read 👆🏻n embedded threads to be aware. Then Unite, Pray, Arise n #RESISTTOGETHER We need to do it now. Influencers n all leaders, get cracking else when they ve their legislations in place, it’ll be too late. @soul_hollowed #PeopleWakeUp

Use #HCQisC19Vax.

Organize #NoToMandatoryVaxProtestsWW

Aug 14, 2020 9 tweets 13 min read
#AustraliansWakeUp Look 👀 at these figures. The C19 Plandemic is paving the way for the #NWOEvilAgenda for Mandatory Vaccinations. U need to Unite, Pray, Arise n #RESISTTOGETHER NOW before they advance any further.

Organize #NoToMandatoryVaxProtestsWW. ImageImageImage #SaveOurChildren #SaveOurLives #SaveOurEconomies frm the #NWOEvilElites with their #NWOEvilAgenda.

Use #HCQisC19Vax as PROPHYLAXIS and #C19willDisappear.

Say #NoToVaxChip
Organize #NoToMandatoryVaxProtestsWW……
Jul 29, 2020 10 tweets 22 min read
@Martha86791287 @slackernneed @theblaze Look at THIS 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻too. It’s all very clear now. The Evil Elites’ NWO Agenda. Also beware of snopes and fact check. Best to ignore them bcos they are also “owned” by the Evil Elites. #WWG1WGAWORLWIDE #TRUMP2020 @realDonaldTrump @kayleighmcenany @SecPompeo @FLOTUS ☝🏻☝🏻👇🏻👇🏻💥 @Martha86791287 @slackernneed @theblaze @realDonaldTrump @kayleighmcenany @SecPompeo @FLOTUS 1) I just saw this 👇🏻. Apart frm these seeds possibly biowarfare, those seeds could potentially grow all over the USA. They may be GMO seeds, patented by somebody. When the crop, this seed produces has blown all over the US farms, someone will claim patent
Jul 22, 2020 10 tweets 16 min read
@twhfsu @kva2cad @but_abta @TeamTrump @realDonaldTrump I’m in the process of looking and found👇🏻 too. If you ve the time, listen. Find out that Bill Gates prepared for contact tracing last year, Aug 2019. This research was done by top financial researchers who r very serious & not just to lie to create “Manipulated Reality” like MSM @twhfsu @kva2cad @but_abta @TeamTrump @realDonaldTrump 1) Ok, found this 👇🏻. WHO gave directives that the C19 deceased are NOT to go for autopsy. Also majority info frm WHO in the beginning as to the sequencing of the C19 virus i.e. SARS-CoV-2 (SARS 2.0) came frm CCP.…
Jul 17, 2020 9 tweets 13 min read
@MagaBillClay @dlomane @realDonaldTrump 1) I ve been following the C19 Agenda frm the beginning. I appreciate what u want to do to help others since u had “it”. But I just want to draw u to the fact that the C19 Agenda is an engineered ploy used by the NWO Elites to roll in their plans. Don’t get me wrong, I m not @MagaBillClay @dlomane @realDonaldTrump 2) disputing the fact that there is a coronavirus. In fact there r many versions of bioengineered coronavirus which can be just be SARS type or combined with HIV and/or MERS. These r released all over the world. I suspect the deadlier versions require ingestion thru tainted food,
Jun 23, 2020 8 tweets 7 min read
@qland007 i) After all my research n postings, I can mention at least 3 conclusions on why they are bad-mouthing HCQ (1)Bcos POTUS TRUMP directed them to look into it for treatment since Mar 20, when at that time deaths frm C19 were still very low. ALL parties who didn’t act on Trump’s @qland007 ii) orders are directly or indirectly complicit for negligence culminating to manslaughter or worse. That’s why they are fighting HCQ bcos HCQ cannot be seen as the miracle drug that it is, for Early Treatment n Prophylactic Use in the fight against C19. (2)The pharma industry is
Jun 23, 2020 25 tweets 24 min read
@realDonaldTrump TRUMP ALERT 🚨 @realDonaldTrump “This is a WAR between the CULT (Elites/Cabal) and the entirety of HUMANITY.”

“To WIN that war, it has to DIVIDE and RULE the target population”


. ImageImage
Jun 18, 2020 10 tweets 6 min read
Patriots, this is VERY disturbing. Be alert n be vigilant. #WWG1WGA_WORLDWIDE #TRUMP2020 TIME TO ACT. Can’t let it continue and escalate‼️ THINK GLOBAL, ACT LOCAL. Patriots, start reaching out n grouping so that u can watch out for one another n ur community. If some areas are difficult to maintain peace, then u may need an exit plan ready. Pray. #WWG1WGA_WORLDWIDE
May 26, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
@UN_SPExperts @kjorene 1. Dear UN experts, we are specifically addressing your comments regards the Msian govt’s handling of illegal migrants in our country only here. We would like to emphatically point out that the entire Covid-19 Pandemic disastrous threat faced by the worldwide community today is @UN_SPExperts @kjorene 2. WHO’s serious blunder. Hence, we appreciate if UN does not make any more comments like the above which we, the Rakyat of Malaysia feel is an insult n a threat to the sovereignty n proactiveness of our Msian govt. We are very proud of our govt’s efforts n do stand behind them
May 22, 2020 17 tweets 14 min read
⚠️Good doctors who don’t want their patients to die n Patriots. Are you dismayed or confused with this report? Follow this thread to regain your faith n confidence in HCQ (+ zinc)‼️ #WWG1WGA_WORLDWIDE… 1. This study was based on ⚠️retrospective‼️data, meaning the study analyzes data frm medical records that included patients hospitalised between Dec 20, 2019, and April 14, 2020, with a positive laboratory finding for SARS-CoV-2.…
May 21, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
1. Big “Thank you” to the Msian govt for taking opportunity of the current slowing down of the economy due to Covid-19 to address this most important issue of illegal migrants (workers n refugees). As some frm PH have identified that… 2. the presence of many PATI in our country today is due to corruption on the part of past administrations, we the #MalaysiansWakeUp would expect all parties to be supportive of this good move by our govt. Two reasons. One is so that we can have a clean slate n go forward with Image
May 20, 2020 8 tweets 6 min read
1. Patriots,👇🏻is dynamite 🧨. Later I will identify some persons who may need to be prosecuted for negligent man slaughter. But first, the crime. POTUS TRUMP made the right call on March 20 to promote CQ n HCQ as “off-label” prescription in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic 2. However various persons pushed back n deliberately went against the orders of the POTUS, Commander in Chief of the USA. As a result, many many lives were lost unnecessarily. A rough calculation (US lawyers can do a better count later) shows that…
Apr 20, 2020 10 tweets 7 min read
1. Americans, I m a Malaysian chinese n I have no vested interest in your nation except for hoping that US, thru P. Trump can lead the world to fight Covid-19 globally by withdrawing frm WHO n setting up a global health org that is intent on fighting pandemics n saving lives. 2. I have been researchg on C19 since Jan ‘20 n have anticipated everytg abt it way ahead. That’s why I guided my whatsapp contacts to prep way ahead to avoid being caught in panic buying. Recently, with the mounting evidence that I have gathered, I paused to consider why P.Trump