No matter how many babies you have had, you’re always a New mum with each pregnancy.
See-Finish doesn’t apply to pregnancy and ANC.
No two pregnancies are the same!
Late ANC Booking visit could be the death of Mom and Baby😰.
To some, it’s a waste of time or money or for old timers😉... “Been here, know the drill” (See finish).
See guys, the thing is...
No two pregnancies are the same from the same woman or different.
Another woman in her 3rd of 4th pregnancy might have become hypertensive or Diabetic or Anaemic without knowing.
Miscarriage nko? Could be Rhesus issues.
ANC is beyond Folic acid and supplements. Or just the awareness classes (Equally important)
The best time to go see your Dr is immediately you suspect or know you’re pregnant.
- To prevent, detect and manage those factors that adversely affect the health of the mother and baby.
- To provide advice, reassurance, education and support for the woman and her family;
- To deal with the ‘minor ailments’ of pregnancy;
- General health screening
A blood test is confirmatory and an early ultrasound is Gold standard.
This first rules out False/ Pseudo pregnancy or Gestational trophoblastic disease. Here, symptoms MIMICK pregnancy.
This can be benign or even Malignant. Early detection is key!
1) Early detection and management of Non communicable diseases coexisting with pregnancy.
Women with known NCDs are encouraged to see a Doctor even while planning to get pregnant and as soon as they are pregnant.
Hypertension, Diabetes, Sickle cell disease, Anaemia, Malaria, Fibroids, Ectopic pregnancy and endocrine disorders, including obesity, can improve the outcome of the pregnancy or save life of mother and child.
No rocket science.
So, you see, sometimes, we are our own ‘Village people’. Not every adversity is ‘Spiritually induced’.
Early ANC can help.
HIV, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Clamydia, etc, these also when discovered early from routine ANC screening or testing can inform early management and improve the health of mother child throughout pregnancy and beyond.
Many find out in ANC
⁃ For women who haven’t completed their Tetanus Toxoid Vaccines, the earlier they come, the earlier they can commence their vaccination, so they can take at least two doses of before delivery, to protect them and their babies.
(Have you shared this thread yet)
To reduce chances of this condition caused by Rhesus incompatibility, women are given an immunoglobulin...
Many women don’t know this, book ANC late, endangering the fetus😰.
Early ultrasound has so much benefits.
Recommendation is that all pregnant women should be offered scans at between 10 and 14 weeks and 18 and 21 weeks.
10-14 weeks:
To principally determine, Gestational age, Detect multiple pregnancies and Down’s syndrome.
Scans performed after this stage is based on clinical indication, such as concern for fetal growth or wellbeing.
Evidence suggests that the earlier the ultrasound, the earlier the detection & better the management
This so important and while many women might think they have all the drugs figured out, they might actually need more care, SAFE drugs and observation if they are found to have any diseases or infection coexisting with pregnancy.
Now, about Folic Acid...
Did you know it even has more benefits when commenced before pregnancy. Once a woman is ready to get pregnant, a hack is to commence on folic acid.
Plus, it is especially needed in the 1st trimester for fetal spinal cord and brain development.
As soon as you know you’re pregnant and confirm with a blood test. Go register at a hospital of your choice.
As early as 4 weeks, or 8 weeks. Some Govt owned hospitals in Nigeria, due to health system lapses and understaffing say from 12 weeks and above, however...
It is not your portion, however, early ANC booking & testing can help identify & start early management of any complication.
So, If a hospital says too early, my advice...
But once you’re pregnant, you need to be screened, Scanned and tested early. Don’t delay, better ‘too early’ than late.
Also, please register in a verified hospital or maternity and adhere.
Men, create time to attend ANC with your partners as much as you can. You’re both pregnant.
I know things are hard, but please, don’t be penny-wise with your pregnancy.
Not everything is spiritually induced, play your part.
#DrZobo 🍷
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