People get so excited when I tell them I'm reading the bible.
(Had to do something after catching up on JoJo's...)

They also lose that excitement as soon as I start asking questions.

It's the strangest damned thing.
How on Earth does someone know the perspective of the Pharisees after the death of Jesus in Matthew?

Matthew 28:11-15, specifically.

Did the Holy Spirit reveal this to the writer?
If yes, why was that part not mentioned?
If no, where does this narrative come from?
According to?
Here's another question:

Even if he was shouting at the top of his lungs...
How could 5,000 people HEAR Jesus?

(Bread and Fish aside.)
Matthew 15:21-28, & Mark 7:24-30

How they describe her and where the scene took place aside:
Did someone follow her back to to her house to see that the daughter was healed?
Matthew simply says it happened.
Mark tells of her going home and finding the child in bed.
And theeeeeen....?

"The Yahweh of my Adonai..."
The LORD of my Lord...

Is in reality:
God said to David.

Because Psalm 110 is in third person...
About David.

But in the New Testament, it becomes:
"Jesus is the Lord beneath The LORD..."
Aight, so...
I'm having trouble finding something.

Jesus went off to pray with Peter, James, and John, but he left them somewhere and went on his own. While he was gone, they fell asleep. This happened three times.

At what point did Jesus tell them what he prayed?
I've made it to Luke and outside the repetition, I'm left wondering...

Where did the stories of what Jesus did before he picked up the apostles come from?

Sure, Jesus could have claimed that he did it, but I thought the power of the apostles came from their being WITNESS?
Still working through Luke.

Not sure why the others felt the 72 weren't worthy of mention.

That and the likely many, maaaany conversations they had with him.

One would think that, with the time spent with Jesus, there would be more to say, instead of NLP style repetition.
Skeptical and open.
Butterflies eventually return, as per The Norm.
Ain't that right, @farfalleus?

Luke 15:11-32 is relatable.
Mine was never found.
I'm always held to the higher standard.
Wondering about where I'd be if I'd had the sense to fall.

How much easier is corruption?

There's something to be said about being thankful that "at least somebody worries about you."

And it's a lonesome position to be one no one has to worry about.
That's what makes it nice when you do.
Couple things:

Between Mark, Matthew, and Luke... first it's a Donkey and a Colt, then for the other two it's just the Colt. What happened?

Story of Lazarus... doesn't Jesus raise Lazarus later? Where did all the embellishment come from?
Something else that's bothering me...

"By whose authority do you do these things?"
"Well, by whose did John do anything?"

The Pharisees would have said "John is just doing the Essene stuff, which is man made", but they were afraid of getting their asses kicked by his followers.
It's a weird "don't anger the mob" sorta thing, because they had been convinced that John was Holy.

Compare that to the Democrats not admitting that George Floyd killed George Floyd via a fentanyl overdose.

They are afraid of the mob, so they must act accordingly.
Beyond that, every time I read "And the crowd was totes amaze by all the awesome things Jesus said!", all I can imagine is an SJW claiming they made a point followed by everyone standing on their tables and clapping.

Uh... Luke?

Where's the "Father! Why have you forsaken me?!"
Why was it replaced with: "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!"???

You'd think the last words of the Christ would be ALL written down, right?

What's going on?

Mark and Luke's timeline has the women arriving after the boulder was already moved and there's no mention of guards.

Was there one being or two?
Sitting on the boulder, in the tomb on the right, or beside them?

Ooooooh, riiiiiight!

The one who met Jesus after he'd been chillin' with the apostles.

You remember good ol' Cleopas and all them great memories, don'tcha?!
Just finished Luke.

How.... hooooow did none of the stuff at the end make the cut for Mark and Matthew?

Good Ol' Best Buddy Cleopas went and told THE ELEVEN, and then he hung out with the eleven "while they were still talking" and then went and ascended.

Not worthy?
Just started John and already I'm scratching my head.

Simon Cephas Peter and Andrew were followers of John the Baptist who were just hanging out and heard someone passing by say something about Jesus and they followed him.

The story about the Samaritan woman at the well, with Jesus and only Jesus... again, if the others were there after, why did they not mention it?

What's more, something was added in John.
The ability to tell time.

How were they telling time?
"It was 4pm."
"It was exactly 1pm."
^^^ Were there just a bunch of sundials everywhere or something?
John 6:21

How is it that the other three didn't think BEING TELEPORTED TO THEIR DESTINATION (the opposite shore) was worth writing down?

Did it just sorta slip their minds?

John 6:25-27

"The crowd then asked Jesus a straight forward question. AND HE PROCEEDED TO COMPLETELY IGNORE IT, in his wisdom, BUT INSTEAD PRATTLED ON LIKE A POLITICIAN AND MOVED ON HOPING NO ONE WOULD NOTICE! And they didn't, and it was good."

John 7:7-34

From whose perspective is that story told?
Did they go with the blind man?
Were they around when he was talking to the Pharisees?

This one's a classic question: John 12:6

"Judas blah blah blah moneybag, which he would help himself to."

Mmmmm... how would anyone know this?
What was he spending that money on?
Who was looking into the money bag?
WHY were they?

Or was just added for flavor?
Makes no sense.
Aight. Hol' up.
Why is it that, in John 17, Jesus no longer went off by himself to pray, but instead prayed aloud for everyone, and it's wildly different than when he was asking for God to save everyone through a different means?

And then...

That's an entirely different set of events. -_-

Now, Jesus wasn't pointed out to the Romans with their secret "common greeting" code... oh no!

He went to the Romans to tell them HE is who they were looking for!
I... just... WHAT?!
I'm just gonna pause right here.

If I keep reading this and find out that Jesus had magical powers because of Midi-Chlorians, I'm gonna lose it.

Why is John such a retcon?
Were the first three books not convincing enough?

Something I didn't notice by reading them out of order.
I've already wondered how anyone knows things they weren't present for, let alone had no reason to be told.

John 18:38.

"What is truth?"
(John's) Pilate should have waited for an answer.

Imagine if Truth had been capitalized.
How about you pray for some gnosis on the matter?
Now Jesus carried his own cross?

What happened to Simon from out of town?
The Cyrene.

Not even a "Father!" this time?

Just... "It is finished?"

Jesus said three things at once and then took his last breath?

Who is to be believed?
What is Truth?
And then afterwards, Jesus pops in on the 12-Thomas (this time)... after appearing to Mary Magdalene at the tomb, in this version.

And then the "too many fish" from Luke (closer to the beginning), except this time he'd already been crucified.

How is there so little consistency?
And the end of John conveniently ends with "and Jesus did a bunch more stuff but that'd be a whole lot of reading and would fill too many tomes, so don't worry about it."
Cuz, y'know, people don't need more convincing and "who'd even be interested in reading all that?"
Acts 5:1-11 straight sounds like a mafia shake down.

"You've sold all that you worked for! Great! Gibbz the money!"

"What's this?! You got more than this for your land! We demand ALL OF IT, or you will die!"

And Ananias am die.
Followed by his waifu.

So scary!
Must gibbz.
Acts... why tell the story of the "No Lord, I will not defile myself by eating unclean animals!" multiple times outside of NLP?

Secondly, did Simon Peter forget that Jesus said that nothing that goes into the mouth defiles the body, but only what comes out?

Dafuq, Pete?
Why does Acts randomly switch to "we"?
Who was the writer of Acts (and Luke)?
Was it Saul/Paul? Silas? Timothy joined the group, too... so was it his perspective?

Where did the first person come from?
Why does it stop after Acts 16?
Does it randomly happen again later?
Finished Acts.

The "we/us" came back.

I loved the parts about:
"And Saul/Paul spoke very convincingly and many came to believe because of those great things he said that I, the author who slips in from time to time, will not burden you with because DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT, PLEB!"
Reading through Romans... one question sticks out:

Is the Bible about Jesus or Paul?
I feel like I know more about the activities of Paul than anything Jesus was up to...

Paul says that only God's elect will receive Da Wae, but the rest will have their hearts hardened and will not accept the Word...
Thus completely negating the point of giving anyone Free Will in the first place, since it doesn't matter what you choose.
Darned calvinists.

I know that folks suggest Paul was just shilling for the Romans when he said to follow all earthly authorities because God put them there because I guess Divine Right...

But on the flip side:
For the Pharisees had something to lose.
Romans 16:17-19

"I urge you... to watch out for those who cause divisions... that are contrary to the teachings you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites."

Y'mean like you, Paul?
Making it up as you go along?
Alright, surely Corinthians will get back to being about Jesus, the Son of God, Messiah, God's One And Only Spesho Boy!

And it's about Paul. Again.
Does this ever get back to the important stuff?
I know there's more from John at the end, so... hopefully?
I'm trying.
I really am.
I assume we're going to get back to Paul's appeal to Caesar at some point...

"Here's what we're gonna do: We're gonna take the reader to a cliffhanger, and then we're going to insert a bunch of flavor so that they really get attached to Paul, then behead him."

So out of order.
Does Luke/Lucius ever start writing again?

Was Lucius mentioned in Matthew, Mark and/or John and I spaced on it?

Seems like Lucius wasn't there for anything Jesus did, let alone even met the guy... and everything he got he got from Paul, who also wasn't involved, and Matt/Mark.

It's as if the authors were aware of people wondering, "Am I learning about Jesus, or what Paul claimed about Jesus through Revelation that no one else was privy to?"

Cor 1:16

How can you not remember if you baptized more than 1, singular, party?
"2? Who could remember?!"

And then in 1 Cor 2:4-5, we have a passage about... I guess Paul... not coming with wise and persuasive words...

So theeeeen... Acts 9:22 is to be forgotten? All those persuasive arguments that confounded the Jews and whatnot?
Oh my gooood....

I'm going through 1 Corinthians, trying not to jump on every little thing, such Paul's instructions to judge one another, even after telling everyone to give into the authority of earthly men, such as judges.

But then... Marriage is a lack of control?
1 Cor 7

17: "This is the rule -> I <- lay down in all churches."
25: "I have no command from the Lord, but I give a judgement as one who by the Lord's mercy is trustworthy".

There Paul goes... making things up again.

Is this supposed to piss me off?
1 Cor 9:1-2
-Am I not free?
As a Roman Citizen?

-Am I not an apostle?
Not as far as I'm aware.
What definition are ya going with?

-Have I not seen Jesus our Lord?
Have you?
Why should I believe you?

-Even though I may not be an apostle to others, surely I am to you!
1 Cor 11
"If we have sown spiritual seed among you, is it too much if we reap a material harvest from you?"

Paul, that's not the issue.
You're making it about YOU & YOUR claims to revelation about what Christ said, and not what he said and did on Earth.
You're a Paytrtiot, Paul.
Soooooo... the entirety of 1 Cor 11.
Can I leave it there?

"Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ."

And where does all this stuff come from if not the Pharisees?

No long hair for men? Head coverings for women?

When did Jesus say ANY of that?

Just Paul's word?
1 Cor 14:34
"Women need to keep silent in the church etc etc..."

According to whom? The Jews?
What if she was never a Jew?

Then there is no reason for her to remain silent since she is not bound by The Law... RIGHT, PAUL?!

Does The Law apply to everyone or only Messianic Jews?
1 Cor 15

Steinlarp has it backwards when he calls people "Q Pharisees".

He should be saying: "Pauline Qpostles".

Why is it that the only people who claim Paul is an Apostles is Paul and two of his friends? Why never the actual Apostles?

Does that happen later or just Brother?
Just finished first corinthians.

Who is Paul to claim that he is the greatest of all Aposltes?

The hubris of that guy.
2 Cor 1:12

"Our conscience tells us we're doing Right."

Keep telling yourself that, Paul.
You, who cursed God's Children if we do not believe in what YOU preach, especially without evidence.

When did God grant him such authority?
Or will he retcon that in, later?
2 Cor 2...
"I I I, ME ME ME!"
We get it, Paul.

"... the depth of MY love for you."
Wasn't I supposed to only be concerned with God/Christ's Love for me?
Who are YOU, Paul, besides a man who makes unsubstantiated claims?
God, help me temper my tongue.

What in the name of all that is Holy is so severely wrong with you?

Other than the Jesus WE preach?
You and those who roll with you?

It's like you know you're full of it & through God's Will do your words betray you.
"I know a nameless guy, either personally or in a vision Christ gave me, so take my word on it regardless, who was called up to Heaven 3.0 & couldn't talk about it, but I don't know any of the details. Then Christ gave me a meta/physical Thorn, which cannot be dis/proven."
Finished Second Corinthians.

How dare people want proof that Christ speaks through Paul. THE NERVE!

Ah well, hopefully Galatia-
"Paul, an apostle..."

Yeah, sure.
Just repeat it until it becomes true in the reader's mind.
After all that blustering, Paul couldn't bring himself to say that the actual Apostles accepted him AS an Apostle, just in fellowship like everyone else.
Then, even after Christ Jesus said to keep the Law, Paul tries to talk down to Peter for teaching so.
Paul is Fake News.
Pause to stress:
For all the warnings and rebukes from Paul about people teaching gospel that is not in line with THE Gospel... he's the one doing it.
Can we change the title from "The Epistles" to "The Pauline Projection"?
I'm really getting sick of this guy.
Galations 5...

Paul really had no clue about what Jesus taught, did he?

No wonder he was only accepted in fellowship as any other brother and sister and not as an Apostle.
Gonna take me forever to get through this if I keep pausing for commentary.

Galatians 5:12
"As for those agitators (who teach differently than Almighty Paul), I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!"

"Anyone who disagrees with Paul should lose their dick."
Was whomever arranged the New Testament, as we have it today, trying to get the reader on Team "Behead Paul"?

Cuz they did an excellent job of it.

Anyway, onto Ephesians!
"Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God..."

Beginning of Ephesians:

Got to a good part.

One of Q's favorites:
Ephesians 6:10-18

Why just those?
Because Paul then proceeds to make it about himself again.

Anyway, onto Philippians!
"Greetings from Paul and the one whom some call Tim!"
They really did leave a cliffhanger regarding Caesar.
Philippians ends talking about money.
Always seems to get around to money at some point.

What really stuck out was the "fragrant offering, a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God."

Why didn't Paul rebuke them?
Why would any sacrifice after Christ be "pleasing"?
Anyway onto Colossians aaaaaand it's Paul.

I find it odd that Paul seems to not know that Jesus resurrected people as a hobby...

He wasn't the first one to "wake up".
But oh wait... it's Paul.
This is all based on revelation, to him, personally.
I'll shut up and read.
There he goes again.

Stressing himself and how he's only staying alive for the sake of others, suffering as he goes because he just refuses to leave because he could be with Christ whenever he wants but he chooses to stay!

Why did he appeal to Caesar, again?
Beheaded by choice?
First Thessalonians done.
Onto Second.

Now with Silvanius!

Let's see what Paul pulls out of thin air, this time!
What else does he claim is pleasing to the Lord???
Straight up, where'd the intro to 2 Thessalonians come from? Was it more revelation from Paul? I don't remember Jesus saying those things.
Where'd the whole "man of lawlessness" come from, Paul?
Were you pulling from your language as a Pharisee?
Or just making things up again while you write to people in "an authoritative manner", even though everyone knows you have nothing to say in person, written by your hands?
Next is Timothy!
A letter written from Paul to one of his cohorts.

1 Tim 2

Paul hands people over to Satan?
Women aren't supposed to braid their hair?

"I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain silent"???

1 Tim 5
All this stuff about widows...
Paul hated women, huh?

But whatever happened to it being better to NOT wed?
Now he's saying to get married?

And this part about not bringing charge against an "eleder".. Something something catholic priests something altar boy something...
And the letter to Tim ends with Paul protesting too much, as usual, about people who teach differently than Jesus.

Y'know... If I were to listen to Paul, then I'd completely ignore Paul.

Onto the next letter to Dear Ol' Tim!
2 Tim 1

"You are aware that all who are in Asia turned away from me..."

A. Shocker!
B. It's not about YOU Paul!
C. Where'd they turn? Back to Jesus and HIS teachings?
2 Tim 3:10-11

"You, howver, have followed:
MY teaching,
MY conduct,
MY aim in life,
MY faith,
MY patience,
MY love,
MY steadfastness,
MY persecutions and sufferings..."

Paul Christ, everybody!
Don't worry about the other guy!
End of 2 Tim:

If Paul were truly an apostle, why did he have sick people among him that he would leave behind?

Surely he could have simply rebuked the demons in the name of Christ Jesus and they would be able to continue on, if his claims are legitimate, right?
Titus 1:14
"... not devoting themselves to Jewish myths..."
You mean the ones Christ was based on and fulfilled?
Paul's Roman side is coming out in this one!
You'd think a Pharisee who whimsically dictates that Christians follow arbitrary points of The Law would be more reverent!
Titus 2:9
This isn't the only place, but Paul sure is all about slaves not only remaining slaves, but being good little slaves.

Quick question:
How is a slave hearing about this stuff?
Especially if they never leave their master's house?

Is this supposed to be a Master's tool?
Just finished Philemon!
And I think that means I'm done with these dreadful, petty letters.
"I'll totally pay you even though you owe ME!"
Moooney money money.

But now the question is... who wrote Hebrews?
Was it Paul or a follower of HIS?

Can't seem to find a clear cut answer.
Hebrews 2:6
Hebrews 3:1-2
"...consider Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession, who was faithful to him who appointed him, just as Moses was also faithful..."

That... that's not the story at all!
Is Paul trying to knock Jesus down a peg to HIS (supposed) level?

Conceited much?
Just finished Hebrews.

"When Christ said..."
That's Psalms.

Melchizedek was a title.
Can't find that Jesus was from that lineage.

Reeks of Paul.

Finally. 😑
Am I supposed to poo-poo works like Paul says or perform them like James says?

Onto Peter.
Finished both Peters.

Surely, if Paul were an Apostle, Peter would have addressed him as such.

Onto 1 John!
1 John 2:26-27

It's like he's calling someone out but... gosh golly... I just can't put my finger on it...
Just finished the rest of # John and Jude.

Deeeeefinitely seemed to be calling someone out.

Revelations 2:2

Paul gets called out AGAIN!

"...but have tested those who call themselves apostles and are not, and found them to be false."

Dude reaped what he sowed.
Rev 14:3-4
"...the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth... they are virgins."

I'm sorry, what? How had I missed that part?
God's Elect, the 12(12 * 10^3)

Kinda throws a bit of a wrench into Calvinism.
Do you risk it & multiply?
What if your seed is Elect?
Aight, New Testament cover-to-cover read-a-thon is complete.

I'm not sure what #QAnon was hoping I'd get out of this, but I now have a newfound disdain for Paul, Luke, and the rest of their cohorts.

Why they got the majority of the focus, I have no idea outside of perversion.

• • •

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More from @PKekbar

12 Dec 20
Ooh la la...

There aren't many #Chinese Consulates in the #USA.
That means everyone has to go through a small batch of point people, "officially".

Ain't that convenient?…

@realDonaldTrump @LLinWood @CodeMonkeyZ @SidneyPowell1 #StopTheSteal #COMPEDSushi🍣
So that would mean...

Hua Chunying is point for Chicago.
Zhang Ping in Los Angeles.
"The consular district of the Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles covers ten southern counties of the State of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Hawaii and Guam..."
Then in San Francisco, we have:
Wang Donghua…

"Our consular district covers Northern California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska..."
Read 7 tweets
12 Dec 20
I've gotta ask.
What're y'all praying for?

God's got @realDonaldTrump's back. We know this.
And the rest of the patriots, like @GenFlynn.

God isn't stopping sick people from being corrupt.
We are.
And God's got our back, too.

The sickos will never "do the right thing".
We are.
Don't worry... I'm not questioning which direction you're praying in. That's a bit of a moot point.

God is God is God.
The Alpha, Infinity, Omega.

God's Plan doesn't bend to your whims and desires.
God may listen to you, but They do not listen TO you.

God will do as God Wills.
Even then, that's not to say that the Divine doesn't Intervene.

Was God "waiting for you to ask"?
If you don't ask for protect, will God not protect as they otherwise would have?

Or have you noticed that the protection comes whether you ask for it or not?

Whose Will be done?
Read 6 tweets
20 Nov 20
Got done with The Bible a while ago.
Got bored. Picked up another Holy Book.

So I decided on Zoroaster, right?

Already done with The Vendidad.
They sure love dogs.

Also, you find the common understanding of heaven'n'hell, judgement day, resurrection, savior figure, etc.
I'm not entire sure what order I'm supposed to be reading this stuff in, but I found a Zend Avesta that seems to have all the writings in it.

It's interesting to see all the similarities between Hinduism, Semitic, & Egyptian (including the monotheist version) all wrapped into 1.
It's likewise interesting to piece together why the Freemasons say that Jesus went to the East (India) & came back with all sorts of knowledge.

Turns out, that's backwards.
Hinduism > Zoroastrianism > Post-Exile Judaism > Messianics/Christians

Jesus "started in the East". 🙉
Read 26 tweets
21 Sep 20
So I'm going through the Old Testament, right?

Don't worry, I'm not planning on doing the same thing as I did with the New Testament. Twitter would have shut down before I'm even a quarter of the way through!
Trying not to do this but...

Genesis 39:22

Whyyyyyy would a keeper put a prisoner in charge of other prisoners? Slaves I can understand, but prisoners?

That makes no sense.

Among sooooo many other things so far. -_-
Oh, he went from prisoner to (bond)servant.
Makes more sense.

But then... Genesis 42:23
Whyyyyy would Joseph have needed an interpreter?
Or does that mean one of the brothers had loose lips?
Read 53 tweets
24 Jun 20
#QAnon @realDonaldTrump @DanScavino @parscale

Who was the New Black Panther Party?

Where are they now?

What is the punishment for voter intimidation?

Do you get punished if you intimidated for those who win?

Should you?
Why did to Obama Administration obstruct their prosecution?
What did Eric Holder have to say on the matter?…

Who is Malik Zulu Shabazz?
Where is he?
Where was he?…

#TrustThePlan @DonaldJTrumpJr #ArmyForTrump #CHOP
Read 10 tweets
22 Nov 19
Now that #QAnon has noted PGP (RSA) issues...
Any chance they'll comment on #VQC?

That'd be dope.

#QAnon @realDonaldTrump @NSAGov
@realDonaldTrump @NSAGov For anyone looking for context:

Back in the early days of #QAnon there was someone running around telling Nerds that RSA2048 could be not only solved, but the method to do so is beautifully simple and to be made publicly available.

Start knowing it can be done, work from there.
@realDonaldTrump @NSAGov What brought this up was #QAnon posting this:…

Forget what you knew about @Snowden and all the programs he aired out.

The VQC takes advantage of mathematically backdoors that are embedded into all cryptography. Unlocks all gates.

"P=NP. Proof me wrong."
Read 15 tweets

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