.@m_layton asks @ BOH should masks be worn in schools? Dr. De Villa responds that masks in schools are provincial jurisdiction. Her advice is due to being in a period of high covid19 activity we should use all tools. She highly recommends masks in school. #topoli#onpoli#onted
.@m_layton asks why TPH doesn’t have the authority to impose masks in school? Dr. De Villa notes the province has made clear that schools are their purview. They have some leeway at a school level to impose masking.
.@KateMMulligan asks about the PHO report that suggests reimplementing mandatory mask mandates is recommended. What can TPH do and not do with respect to mask mandates? Dr. De Villa notes risk profile will go up and down going forward. Recommends masks now. #topoli
Dr. Juni says we’re noticing increases in wastewater and other signals. Notes the lifting of mask mandates was too soon, done in the absence of supporting data. #topoli#onpoli
Will livetweet Minister Lecce's back to school presser, set to start 1:30, on this thread. You can tune in here: #topoli#onpoli#Onted
And we're 10 minutes late.
Minister Lecce up, thanks Dr. Moore. Acknowledges difficulty families are facing, notes that students should be in school. Pivots were required to ensure community safety. Confirms back to school on January 17th.
First Q at Minister Elliott's presser is about schools. What health data has led to the conclusion to reopen schools? Minister Elliott responds she knows schools are good for students, notes govt has done everything they can to make schools safe, doesn't answer Q. #onpoli#onted
Why not make PCR tests available to students, staff and daycare to increase their level of confidence that schools are safe? Minister Elliott notes PCR tests will be available for symptomatic students & staff. 3.5 million RATs have been received & are off to schools. #Onted
Matt Anderson notes that the demand for PCR tests have dropped since they changed testing requirements, now can redirect PCR tests to schools.