Norm Di Pasquale 🇨🇦 Profile picture
@NDP Candidate Spadina - Fort York. Co-Chair @OnPlace4All, volunteer @SaveOSC. Chair @NoJetsTO. Former School Trustee, TO council candidate 🚲
Apr 11, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
.@m_layton asks @ BOH should masks be worn in schools? Dr. De Villa responds that masks in schools are provincial jurisdiction. Her advice is due to being in a period of high covid19 activity we should use all tools. She highly recommends masks in school. #topoli #onpoli #onted .@m_layton asks why TPH doesn’t have the authority to impose masks in school? Dr. De Villa notes the province has made clear that schools are their purview. They have some leeway at a school level to impose masking.
Apr 9, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Geez, never give up on this #BlueJays team. Just tied it 7-7! Now they’re winning! 🤯 #BlueJays
Mar 17, 2022 23 tweets 14 min read
Watching this now. Tune in! Will livetweet here. #topoli #onpoli Tonight’s episode features @picardonhealth, @SabiVM and Dr. Peter Juni of @COVIDSciOntario. @picardonhealth and @SabiVM say it’s too soon to lift mask mandates. Easy to implement, cost effective, prevents future lockdowns. Dr. Juni says we need more data. #topoli #onpoli
Jan 12, 2022 41 tweets 7 min read
Will livetweet Minister Lecce's back to school presser, set to start 1:30, on this thread. You can tune in here: #topoli #onpoli #Onted And we're 10 minutes late.
Jan 11, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
First Q at Minister Elliott's presser is about schools. What health data has led to the conclusion to reopen schools? Minister Elliott responds she knows schools are good for students, notes govt has done everything they can to make schools safe, doesn't answer Q. #onpoli #onted Why not make PCR tests available to students, staff and daycare to increase their level of confidence that schools are safe? Minister Elliott notes PCR tests will be available for symptomatic students & staff. 3.5 million RATs have been received & are off to schools. #Onted
Dec 7, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
Great listening to @DavidElfstrom and @DFisman discuss the airborne nature of #covid19. CO2 meters are a great way to monitor whether an intervention is needed. #topoli #onpoli Great to hear that @agotoronto has phenomenal ventilation (like breathing outdoor air, says @DFisman). It protects painting, and it protects us!
Sep 21, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
My goodness! Catherine O’Hara and @Realeugenelevy just won the @TheEmmys for best actor and actress for @SchittsCreek! #Emmys2020 Whoa! @danjlevy just won an @TheEmmys for outstanding writing!
Sep 18, 2020 15 tweets 9 min read
Back to school update at our Board meeting! All students are now back in school, orientations complete. We’re so glad to have them back! Working with city & Archdiocese to secure space in churches, parks and community centres. #topoli #onpoli #onted Permits for Community Use of Schools are suspended for October. Staff working on process for some access for November. Communicating with permit applicants. #topoli #onpoli #onted
Sep 17, 2020 24 tweets 16 min read
.@AndreaHorwath up now at the Ontario Legislature debating her motion to cap class sizes at 15, wonders why the government didn't ready a back to school plan sooner. The plan that came out ignored advice from Sick Kids to keep class sizes small. #topoli #onpoli #onted As a result we have class sizes of 28, 30, 32, and 35. (Norm's note: I have heard of classes of at least 28 in my ward). These sizes put extended family at risk. We've seen photos of desks less than 1 ft apart, with 30 little ones crammed in a classroom #topoli #onpoli #Onted
Sep 17, 2020 5 tweets 5 min read
.@AndreaHorwath up at the Ontario Legislature. Asks the Premier if he'll finally lower class sizes to a safe number to protect students, families and staff? #topoli #onpoli #Onted .@AndreaHorwath says families are having increasing concerns about covid19, and worried about a 2nd wave, while they are returning their children to unsafe class sizes & buses. Lines for tests are growing longer. Where is the fall plan? #topoli #Onpoli #onted
Sep 14, 2020 8 tweets 8 min read
Listening to Ontario Legislature. @AndreaHorwath noted #covid19 case numbers are over 300. School buses are cancelled because drivers are scared. The Premier said he would spare nothing to ensure September's safe. When will he make good on this promise? #topoli #onted #onpoli .@AndreaHorwath says experts say 2m of distancing is required to ensure safety. How many students should be on each bus to achieve this? (Norm's note: certainly less than the current full capacity.) #topoli #onpoli #Onted
Sep 11, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
Finally! On the back to school item! Staff here with an update. Staff is looking into outdoor tents and wood for benches from some outdoor ed motions from last week. 95% of families have responded. Got many schools in the Covid zones down 15, and some are at 20. Working on them. Staff looking into French Immersion schools and where those students come from to see if the students are from Covid hotspots. Staff is now comfortable with the numbers and can setup classes. Staff working through accommodation requests.
Sep 4, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
Listening to Premier's press conferece. Question from @l_stone about why the government hasn't done enough to ensure a Safe September? The Premier responds with exaggerated funding amount, calls the call for safety "fear mongering". Says he won't spare a penny, not true #onted .@l_stone asks about @RNAO's call for Dr. Williams to resign. Premier says he has all the confidence in Dr. Williams. Ford says he has a great relationship with @DorisGrinspun; says he's offended with the calls for Dr. Williams to step down. #topoli #onpoli
Sep 4, 2020 9 tweets 5 min read
TCDSB back to school parent registration starts: 69% of parents selected face to face and 27% selected virtual school. We are adding 64 staff to the 36 schools in high risk covid19 areas to get cohorts down. Trying to leverage larger spaces to keep students put. #topoli #onted Wait lists from January registrations will start to clear once staffing models for virtual and face to face are set. Face to face to virtual is easy to accommodate, virtual to face to face much more difficult. #topoli #onpoli #onted
Sep 3, 2020 15 tweets 13 min read
Listening to this live. @JILLSLASTWORD calls for a #SafeSeptemberON. Our children are our most precious assets; must protect them at all costs. Let's get it right for our school communities. #SmallerIsSafer! #topoli #onpoli #onted .@AndreaHorwath up now, introduces @etfopresident as well as a local St. Paul's parent. Horwath notes the superhuman efforts of parents since March. Notes the "bargain basement" back to school plan that doesn't inspire confidence in our school communities. #topoli #onpoli #Onted
Aug 26, 2020 8 tweets 9 min read
Listening to the @JustinTrudeau Back to school press conference. He says school matters, and getting them back to school safely with confident parents really matters. He tells a story of a family concerned w/going back to school; they want a #SafeSeptember. #topoli #onted #onpoli .@JustinTrudeau says we must follow all local public health advice, and to provide the funding necessary to take action for a #SafeSeptember. The federal government is investing up to $2 billion through the Safe Return to Class fund. Our children must be our top priority. #onted
Aug 18, 2020 33 tweets 27 min read
Thank you Dr. Vinita Dubey of @TOPublicHealth for joining our Back to School @TorontoCPIC meeting to answer parent/guardian questions! #topoli #onpoli #onted CPIC VP asks "What are the long term effects of #covid19 on children?" Dr. Dubey notes that this is a new virus and we are still learning more about the long term effects. It's only been 9 months, and this is why we must take every precaution. #topoli #Onpoli #onted
Jul 30, 2020 30 tweets 21 min read
Waiting for the back to school announcement to start, think I saw the two minute warning just now. Will try to livetweet between meetings, tune in here:… #topoli #Onpoli #Onted Sorry, just saw the two minute warning now. Should start at 1:11PM.