1/ Just out today (free) in @JAMASurgery @Guyettef@Jjasonsperrymd@joshua_b_brown et al. #TXA During Prehospital Transport in Patients at Risk for Hemorrhage After Injury: A Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Clinical Trial
4/ The authors conducted a multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled RCT
May 1, 2015 to October 31, 2019
Treatment arm: 1g #TXA during helicopter transport.
On arrival to L1TC, this arm got either:
-no further #TXA
-1g infusion only
-1g bolus then 1g infusion
5/ Inclusion:
-injured pts at transported from scene or w/i 2h from outside ED to L1TC
-at least 1 episode of SBP<90 or HR >110
-age 18-90 years
-lack of IV/IO access
-isolated fall from standing, drowning, hanging
-traumatic arrest>5min
-penetrating TBI
-opted out
6/ Methods:
-randomized 1:1:1:1 with block size 12
-computerized randomization
-sealed drug kits according to allocation sequence
Community consultation was done for approval with an exception from informed consent clause
Intention to treat analysis
7/ Outcomes:
1º outcome: 30-day mortality
2º outcomes:
-24h & in-hospital mortality
-blood volumes at 6/24h
-crystalloid volumes at 24h
-incidence of multiorgan failure, ARDS, infection, seizures, PE/DVT, coagulopathy/hyperfibrinolysis
8/ Results:
927 enrolled (24 excluded)
-447 to #TXA, 456 to placebo
Trial was halted at 93% enrollment due to financial limitations and slow enrollment
Patient characteristics below:
9/ Key numbers for all patients:
Median ISS: 12
All cause 30-day mortality: 9.1%
Initial prehospital SBP<90: 22%
Required blood in 1st 24h: 34%
Operative procedure in 1st 24h: 45%
10/ Key numbers TXA arm:
TXA delivered in 98% assigned patients
>92% in each sub-arm received their assigned TXA dose
30 day mortality: 8% (vs 10% placebo) difference: −1.8; 95% CI: −5.6% to 1.9%; P = .17
Assignment to the TXA group didn't change hazards of 30-day mortality
11/ There were also
-no group differences in 24-hour mortality (difference: 0.15; 95% CI: −2.3 to 2.6; adjusted P = .98) or in-hospital mortality (difference: 1.1; 95% CI: −2.7 to 4.9; P = .94)
-similar 6- and 24h blood transfusion requirements in both groups
12/ No differences overall in incidence of:
- PE/DVT (hear that 🇺🇸😉)
- seizures
- multiorgan failure
- infection
13/ Interestingly-when comparing each TXA regimen to placebo, that group that received both prehospital and repeat bolus regimens had lower 30-day mortality after adjusting for site (7.3% vs 10.0%; difference: −2.7%; 95% CI: −5.0% to −0.4%; P = .04)
14/ Also when comparing for time to treatment & shock, there was a ↓ 30-day mortality in:
-group that received #TXA w/i 1h (4.6% vs 7.6%; difference, −3.0%; 95% CI, −5.7% to −0.3%; P < .002)
-those in severe shock (SBP<70) (18.5% vs 35.5%; 95% CI: −25.8% to −8.1%; P < .003)
15/ Overall these results (similar overall 30-day mortality b/w groups) is similar to other trials.
Importantly (for 🇺🇸!!)- the VTE risk was no greater in the TXA group
Specific advantage may be found in giving #TXA early (w/i 1hr of injury) and in sicker (SBP<70) patients
16/ The trial is of course limited by
-low overall injury severity
-low blood transfusion requirement
-overall low mortality rates
-variations in Rx at individual centers
-variable adaptability to other (esp US) EMS systems
-some missing data
-underpowering of study
17/ Nevertheless, hats off to the investigators.
This trial certainly adds to the literature addressing #TXA's role in major trauma, and importantly highlights the critical importance of pushing the envelope in research and delivery of life-saving interventions at point of care
18/ And of course don't forget the read the excellent accompanying editorial by @PMH_Trauma_RPD and @docmartin22
1/ How does a city's trauma system come together to both prepare for the expected surge of the #COVIDー19#pandemic & manage the ongoing #epidemic of #gunviolence & other trauma?
RCT of amoxicillin for pneumonia in #Pakistan - the world’s largest community-based assessment of the use or withholding of antibiotics in children with mild pneumonia
2/ .@WHO recommendations for pneumonia recommend amoxicillin, but this conflicts with trial data showing possibility noninferiority of using amoxicillin.
Overuse of course leads to antibiotic resistance
3/ In this RCT
Kids 2-59 months (all from #Pakistan) who met @WHO criteria for nonsevere pneumonia with tachypnea
Assigned to either amoxicillin for 3 days or placebo
Recently our team had to manage a patient who presented critically unwell from post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage - something you may not see that often but can be a true life-threat!
This patient did well because of excellent #teamwork from scene to OR. We received an alert from the EMS team, and informed ENT early (not in house) to the situation and need for OR. Anesthesia and OR team were also informed to prepare for this
Tip 2: Keep the patient sitting upright
Position is key. This patient was awake & alert, and keeping them upright allowed them to spit out the blood. Give them the suction to use also.
This document focuses on the use of REBOA
in civilian trauma patients & integration w/i
civilian trauma systems in the US. Emphasis
is on patient safety as the most important principle
while recognizing the variability in trauma systems, centers, and clinician training 2/x
The quality of clinical evidence to support REBOA use in trauma
patients is poor with no Class I or II data demonstrating that it improves outcomes or survival compared with standard
Many studies also do not report patient outcomes beyond the
initial resuscitation 3/x