Full text: tsaco.bmj.com/content/4/1/e0…
Key points (thread): 1/x

in civilian trauma patients & integration w/i
civilian trauma systems in the US. Emphasis
is on patient safety as the most important principle
while recognizing the variability in trauma systems, centers, and clinician training 2/x
patients is poor with no Class I or II data demonstrating that it improves outcomes or survival compared with standard
Many studies also do not report patient outcomes beyond the
initial resuscitation 3/x
a larger system of damage control resuscitation, definitive
hemorrhage control, and postoperative critical care.
It is a temporary and not a definitive hemorrhage control procedure. 4/x
rapid access to resuscitation and hemorrhage control.
Not appreciating the time-critical system elements to implementation of this seemingly straightforward procedure will likely lead to worse outcomes. 5/x
REBOA should only be placed by a physician/surgeon trained and qualified in this procedure integrated within an appropriate system of care 6/x
and efficiently cannulate the common femoral artery (CFA)
in a hypovolemic patient
Ultrasound guided percutaneous access is the preferred approach 7/x
15 min for Zone 1 occlusion
30 min for Zone 3 occlusion
REBOA programs will fail without the right system
In the US currently, this is limited to a few agencies 11/x
Military use is dictated by the @JointTraumaSyst CPG: jts.amedd.army.mil/assets/docs/cp…
Several training options exist, but should include core elements as described.
Courses should be supplemented by team-based training in individual institutions 13/x
Data should be contributed to national/multicenter trials (both positive and negative outcomes) to best inform future practice.
They are based on best-available evidence and where this was not available, expert consensus opinion.
Continued efforts to conduct high-quality trials/evidence should continue