When signing the #GreatBarringtonDeclaration, you are signing a declaration by the neoliberal AIER which is a think tank of the #AtlasNetwork.
Would you trust hardcore Liberalists with an Ayn Rand fetish that are funded e.g. by the Koch family and ExxonMobil to protect the weak?
1/ In nearly every argument about the necessity of a lockdown the phrase "...but Sweden" is used all around the globe.
So the question is:
Is Sweden 🇸🇪 really a role model for saving the economy by refusing to lockdown?
Spoiler alert: NO
2/ With Eurostat's data for the GDP development in Q2/20 and the Cumulated deaths until the end of Q2 and the respective Government response Index within Q2/20 from Ourworldindata, I analyzed the given data.
Data file with sources can be found as a reply to this tweet
3/ It's worth noting that also Sweden implemented measures like banning public gatherings with more than 50 people and banning visits of homes designed for older people.
So the argument that Sweden didn't implement measures at all, is just false: folkhalsomyndigheten.se/the-public-hea…
(1) Self-proclaimed "experts" are spreading this type of chart where I added lovely remarks.
From this chart you can calculate e.g. monthly Excess Deaths. Here for Sweden.
But does it allow you to calculate the Excess Deaths correctly?
Spoiler: NO
(2) In general, Excess Deaths are the difference between the observed deaths to an average death count in a defined time period.
So, you need 2 values:
#1: The observed value. This value is correct on the chart
#2 The average or baseline. This value is wrong
(3) Authorities and real experts would calculate the monthly average of deaths by averaging the value of the respective month of the previous 3 years.
But in this chart a rolling average of the previous 36 months is used.
1/n Grüner Wasserstoff in der EU: #Klimawandel Thread
Eine Säule des #GreenDeal der EU ist grüner Wasserstoff (H2).
Laut @BMWi_Bund will Deutschland die jährliche H2 Produktion auf 14 TWh ausbauen bis 2030. Das entspräche ca. 420.000 Tonnen H2 pro Jahr. bmwi.de/Redaktion/DE/P…
2/n Bei einem Elektrolyse Wirkungsgrad von 70% braucht man hierzu 20 TWh neu ausgebauten grünen Strom. Nur dann wäre der produzierte H2 auch wirklich grün.
Das derzeit stärkste "Windrad" ist nach meinen Infos das GE Haliade-X mit 12 MW Leistung.
3/n Setzt man 5.000 jährliche Volllaststunden an für eine Windkraftanlage, erzeugt solch ein "Windrad" eine Energie von 60 GWh bzw. 0,06 TWh p.a.