Today I read a very interesting thing about Arundhati, the wife of Sage Vashishtha and its symbolism as a star of Saptarshi Mandal. I didn't know this symbolism of Arundhati to such a detail. 1/
" The image of Arundhati is of iconic proportions such that her name is found invoked across the country irrespective of the languages spoken and the background of the people. Not many know that the true persona of Arundhati can be known from old Tamil texts!
Arundhati is held as an epitome of pativratatva — a virtue that has no equivalent word in English, except the term ‘chastity’. Interestingly this virtue has a word in Tamil as “karpu” with two ancient Tamil texts giving elaborate description of what this virtue stands for.
An exclusive chapter on this virtue runs into 53 verses in Tolkappiyam while the world famous text, Tirukkural has devoted 18 chapters with 180 verses dealing with various facets of a woman of this virtue.
The reason for such detailing comes from the fact that it is core of the third Purushartha namely Kamal44l, This virtue is common to both the genders, and one from each
gender has been acclaimed for all times in the past.
Among men Rama is cited as a model for this virtue and it is Arundhati among women. Of the two Rama is revered as a God, and Arundhati has been elevated to the celestial sphere as a star in the constellation called Sapta Rishi Mandala (Big Dipper).
Marriage vow of firmness in the name of
Taking a vow in the name of Arundhati is an integral part of the Vedic marriage. This is done by sighting the star Arundhati before the couple are united in conjugal bliss.
This tradition continues in the marriage ceremony of Tamil Brahmins even today giving rise to the famous phrase in Tamil, “ammi midhitthu Arundhati parthal” that combines two rituals of the marriage ceremony.
One of them is the ritual of the bride stepping on the
grinding stone as a mark of firmness expected of her. This is followed by the other ritual — that of sighting the star Arundhati with a vow of firmness.
Like Arundhati, the woman should never waver from her path, is the import of this sighting.
The bride is first shown the Dhruva star (Pole star) known as a fixed or firm star. She takes a vow that she will be firm, i.e. rooted in her husband’s house.
Then she is shown the Sapta Rishi formation. From
there she is shown Vasishtha and then finally Arundhati. This practice has lent the name of Arundhati to a philosophical mooringl4s] of reaching the Unknown from the Known.
From this one can imagine how spiritually rooted and culturally inspiring the icon of Arundhati has become in the Hindu society since time immemorial.
Taking the vow of firmness by sighting the Arundhati star can be seen across the fabric of the society, irrespective of the background of the persons. There exists a reference in a Tamil Sangam textl46] to a Ksatriya woman, the wife of the Chera king taking such a vow.
Two verses in Silappadhikaram in the context of Kannagi’s marriagel4] establish that this custom was followed by Vaishyas also.
To cap it all an ancient Tamil text called ‘Tirikadugam’ — a name originally referring to a combination of three herbs of medicinal value —having in all 100 verses, with each verse giving a combination of three aphorisms, like medicinal Tirikadugam to cure the ills of life,
begins the first line of the first verse that a person should have a wife having the virtue (karpu) of Arundhati!48) Can there beany better statement on Arundhati that she has been a household name for virtue?
The established position of Arundhati as
follower of Vasishtha.
In the Hindu society it is customary for the woman to stand on the right side of her husband. She won’t be standing exactly in line with him, but a little behind.
In that position her left shoulder would be just be behind the right shoulder of her husband. This is also the customary position of the couple-deities in temple processions. This is the position of the couple when their right hands are united at the marriage ceremony.
When the man is taking the right hand of his bride standing on his right, her position comes a little behind his stretched right hand. That is the traditional position of the couple in all sacred rites and also when they are
walking in public glare.
This is exactly the position of the two stars, Vasishtha and Arundhati (Mizar and Alcor) in the sky.
This perception had given rise to a belief that to be like Arundhati means following the footsteps of the husband.
The virtue associated with Arundhati is not something that makes the woman subsidiary to her husband. It is also not about towing the husband and taking his
From the inputs of Tolkappiyam and Tirukkural we can deduce that a virtuous woman always had her mind following her husband through thick and thin.
The decipherment of the name Arundhati further reveals this nature of Arundhati that is reflected in the positional alignment between the two stars.
और कह रहे हैं कि, जैसे वर्णाश्रम ऋंखला के लिये नारीजाति का प्राधान्य है, वैसे ही आर्य पिण्ड मात्र की विशेषता है । यद्यपि आर्यपिण्ड ओर अनार्यपिण्ड दोनों ही मानवपिण्ड हैं, परन्तु सृष्टिके आदिकालसे आर्यपिण्डपिण्डरूपी वर्णाश्रम धर्मी मनुष्यजातिके शरीरकी विशेषता प्रसिद्ध है।
क्या सभ्यताके विचारसे, क्या आचारके विचारसे, क्या सामाजिक व्यवस्थाके विचारसे, क्या धर्मज्ञानके विचारसे, क्या आध्यात्मिक लक्ष्यके विचारसे ओर क्या स्थायी जीवनशक्तिके विचारसे, यह मानना ही पड़ेगा कि, आर्यपिण्डकी विशेषता है
Socialist-Sarkari Bania is one vertex of the that blood sucking triangle of Neta-Babu-Socialist-Sarkari Bania to siphon of people's money with facade of Socialism.
This arrangement was devised by Sekoolar-Savarnas and still operational since 1947.
It works like this.Socialist-Sarkari Bania gets loan from Govt owned banks to run business per verbal order from Neta and executed on the paper by Babu.They just eat up all the money with some facade of industrial activity.Finally SS Bania is closes it showing it as failure. 1/2
Now, Socialist-Sarkari Bania is back to the bank again on the pretext of another industrial activity and cycle repeats.
Take for example the scam involving Ahmad Patel and Sandeshra group with total loan amount of Rs 14,500 crore. 2/2
I was reading a book critiquing Nilesh Oak's work on the dating of MBH. I guess this criticism is true about his work. 1/ "Analogies as astronomy positions
The Voyager- Simulation Nyaya is capable of proving even analogous statements.
A verse in Mahabharata compares seven Kaurava brothers attacking Bhima with seven planets attacking the Moon.
An enthusiastic Oak armed with this Nyaya runs the simulator and finds seven planets –
that include Uranus, Neptune and Pluto – lined up in the sky from east to west in his Mahabharata date, corroborating this analogy![34]
Analogies have a special place in Nilesh Nilkanth Oak’s claims on ‘logical reasoning’.
काँग्रेस (सेकुलर-सवर्ण)-अशरफ की प्रेम कहानी का एक और प्रमाण बेंगलुरु से। यह हमेशा याद रखें कि यह कोई नयी चीज नही है जो हाल के वर्षों में हुई है। इस प्रेम-कहानी की शुरुआत महात्मा गाँधी द्वारा १९२१ में हुई थी। 1/
जबतक आप इस बात पर विचार नही करेंगे कि भारत पर इस्लामिक शासन के दौरान अस्तित्व में आया आक्रमणकारी विदेशी मुसलमानों (अशरफ वर्ग जो भारतीय मुसलमानों को बहुत ही हेय दृष्टि से देखता था और उनसे बिल्कुल अलग-थलग रहता था) का वर्ग और इन अशरफों की(और बाद में अंगरेज की) स्वामिभक्ति करने1+
वाला हिंदूओं का रायबहादुरी वर्ग २०वीं सदी की शुरुआत में एकाएक कहाँ गायब हो गया, तबतक आप १९२० से २०१४ तक की भारत की राजनीति को आप समझ नही पायेंगे।
सतीत्वमूलं तत् ॥ ४४ ॥
सतीत्व उसका मूल है ॥ ४४ ॥
वर्णाश्रम-शृङ्खलाकी भित्ति और उसका विज्ञान हृदयङ्गम करानेके अभिप्रायसे सबसे प्रथम पूज्यपाद महर्षि सूत्रकार कह रहे हैं कि, यदि विचारके देखा जाय, तो यही सिद्ध होगा कि,
वर्णाश्रम शृङ्खलाका मूल नारीजातिका सतीत्व है। आश्रमधर्मका मूल वर्णधर्म है और वर्णधर्मका मूल रजोवीर्यकी शुद्धि है, रजोवीर्य शुद्धिका मूल नारीजातिमें त्रिलोकपवित्रकारी सतीत्वधर्म है। गृहस्थगण चाहे कितना ही सदाचारसे रहें, पुरुषगण चाहे कितने ही संयमी हों,
यदि नारीजाति अपने तपोधर्मकी रक्षा न करे तो वर्णकी शुद्धि और आश्रमकी शुद्धि दोनों नष्ट हो जायगी और दोनोंकी शृङ्खला बिगड़ जायगी। दूसरी ओर विचारनेयोग्य विषय यह है कि, पुरुषका कदाचार उसके व्यक्तित्व तक ही पहुँचता है और स्त्रीका कदाचार उसके व्यक्तित्व, उसकी सन्तति, उसका कुल,
As a Hindu what do you make of a description this in your Scriptures?
उभय बीच श्री सोहइ कैसी। ब्रह्म जीव बिच माया जैसी॥
सरिता बन गिरि अवघट घाटा। पति पहिचानि देहिं बर बाटा॥2॥
भावार्थ : दोनों के बीच में श्री जानकीजी कैसी सुशोभित हैं, जैसे ब्रह्म और जीव के बीच माया हो। नदी, वन, पर्वत और दुर्गम घाटियाँ, सभी अपने स्वामी को पहचानकर सुंदर रास्ता दे देते हैं॥