In Vedanta there is no alternative to "Shabda Pramana". If the truth Vedas was an objective reality (Drishya) then yes one could have tested and verified it with Pratyaksha, Anuman etc Pramanas.
But if Truth is Subject himself (Drashta), then by which Pramana Subject will know himself? There is no other option but Shabda Pramana ie Veda.
चैतन्य(ब्रह्म) तो महावाक्यरुपी(वेद) शब्द प्रमाण के अलावा अन्य किसी भी प्रमाण से जाना ही नही जा सकता है। 3/3
Think of this 10th man as having access to satellite imagery, drone, scuba divers etc as equivalent of Pratyaksha, Anumana etc and using it to find 10th lost man who he him self is.
Unless someone comes and tells him (Shabda) that it's he himself is the lost tenth person, no amount of search using Satellite imagery, scuba divers, drone etc can find him. Same is true about चैतन्य and other pramanas.
चैतन्य(ब्रह्म) is known only through Shabda Paramana in the form of Vedas.
Idiot!! Confuses referencing with "Shabda Pramana". First these "Scientific reasoning and logical acumen"( or whatever) self-conceited Dhakkans should develop the understanding of "Pramana" as it's stated in Scriptures.
Don't get fooled by the Sanskrit terms used by Oak in his books and talks eg like this one.
It has nothing to do with Pramana Shashtra of Indic Aastik or Nastik Darshans. Oak's methodology has been nicely deconstructed by @jayasartn in her book. Let me quote. 1/
"...he often talks about a methodology in his videos and blogs for dating Mahabharata war. He compared the
methodologies of sage Patanjali, Karl Popper and Richard Feynman and arrived at a combination.
और कह रहे हैं कि, जैसे वर्णाश्रम ऋंखला के लिये नारीजाति का प्राधान्य है, वैसे ही आर्य पिण्ड मात्र की विशेषता है । यद्यपि आर्यपिण्ड ओर अनार्यपिण्ड दोनों ही मानवपिण्ड हैं, परन्तु सृष्टिके आदिकालसे आर्यपिण्डपिण्डरूपी वर्णाश्रम धर्मी मनुष्यजातिके शरीरकी विशेषता प्रसिद्ध है।
क्या सभ्यताके विचारसे, क्या आचारके विचारसे, क्या सामाजिक व्यवस्थाके विचारसे, क्या धर्मज्ञानके विचारसे, क्या आध्यात्मिक लक्ष्यके विचारसे ओर क्या स्थायी जीवनशक्तिके विचारसे, यह मानना ही पड़ेगा कि, आर्यपिण्डकी विशेषता है
Socialist-Sarkari Bania is one vertex of the that blood sucking triangle of Neta-Babu-Socialist-Sarkari Bania to siphon of people's money with facade of Socialism.
This arrangement was devised by Sekoolar-Savarnas and still operational since 1947.
It works like this.Socialist-Sarkari Bania gets loan from Govt owned banks to run business per verbal order from Neta and executed on the paper by Babu.They just eat up all the money with some facade of industrial activity.Finally SS Bania is closes it showing it as failure. 1/2
Now, Socialist-Sarkari Bania is back to the bank again on the pretext of another industrial activity and cycle repeats.
Take for example the scam involving Ahmad Patel and Sandeshra group with total loan amount of Rs 14,500 crore. 2/2
Today I read a very interesting thing about Arundhati, the wife of Sage Vashishtha and its symbolism as a star of Saptarshi Mandal. I didn't know this symbolism of Arundhati to such a detail. 1/
" The image of Arundhati is of iconic proportions such that her name is found invoked across the country irrespective of the languages spoken and the background of the people. Not many know that the true persona of Arundhati can be known from old Tamil texts!
Arundhati is held as an epitome of pativratatva — a virtue that has no equivalent word in English, except the term ‘chastity’. Interestingly this virtue has a word in Tamil as “karpu” with two ancient Tamil texts giving elaborate description of what this virtue stands for.
I was reading a book critiquing Nilesh Oak's work on the dating of MBH. I guess this criticism is true about his work. 1/ "Analogies as astronomy positions
The Voyager- Simulation Nyaya is capable of proving even analogous statements.
A verse in Mahabharata compares seven Kaurava brothers attacking Bhima with seven planets attacking the Moon.
An enthusiastic Oak armed with this Nyaya runs the simulator and finds seven planets –
that include Uranus, Neptune and Pluto – lined up in the sky from east to west in his Mahabharata date, corroborating this analogy![34]
Analogies have a special place in Nilesh Nilkanth Oak’s claims on ‘logical reasoning’.
काँग्रेस (सेकुलर-सवर्ण)-अशरफ की प्रेम कहानी का एक और प्रमाण बेंगलुरु से। यह हमेशा याद रखें कि यह कोई नयी चीज नही है जो हाल के वर्षों में हुई है। इस प्रेम-कहानी की शुरुआत महात्मा गाँधी द्वारा १९२१ में हुई थी। 1/
जबतक आप इस बात पर विचार नही करेंगे कि भारत पर इस्लामिक शासन के दौरान अस्तित्व में आया आक्रमणकारी विदेशी मुसलमानों (अशरफ वर्ग जो भारतीय मुसलमानों को बहुत ही हेय दृष्टि से देखता था और उनसे बिल्कुल अलग-थलग रहता था) का वर्ग और इन अशरफों की(और बाद में अंगरेज की) स्वामिभक्ति करने1+
वाला हिंदूओं का रायबहादुरी वर्ग २०वीं सदी की शुरुआत में एकाएक कहाँ गायब हो गया, तबतक आप १९२० से २०१४ तक की भारत की राजनीति को आप समझ नही पायेंगे।