Counties w/highest per capita #COVID19 *cases*: 2/ 1. Lincoln County, AR 2. Chattahoochee County, GA 3. Trousdale County, TN 4. Lafayette County, FL 5. Lake County, TN 6. Lee County, AR 7. Dakota County, NE 8. Buena Vista County, IA 9. Buffalo County, SD 10. Chicot County, AR
In Lincoln County, Arkansas, over 2,200 of the population of 13,000 have tested positive to date. That's 17.3%.
14 of the top 20 counties were solidly won by Trump in 2016. 3/
Counties w/highest per cap #COVID19 *deaths*: 1. Hancock County, GA 2. Kenedy County, TX 3. Emporia city/county, VA 4. Galax city/county, VA 5. Randolph County, GA 6. E. Feliciana Parish, LA 7. Neshoba County, MS 8. Terrell County, GA 9. Jenkins County, GA 10. McKinley County, NM
In Hancock County, Georgia, 44 people have died of #COVID19 out of a total population of 8,457, or more than 1 in 200 residents.
NYC's boroughs now rank #12, 18, 25, 52 & 94. Wayne County, MI (Detroit) now ranks #138.
Here's the partisan breakout: The blue counties (Clinton+6) still have higher rates of both cases & deaths than the red counties (Trump+6)...but the ratio continues to drop every week:
Six months ago blue counties had 4-5x more cases & deaths per capita than red counties.
Today they only have 9% more cases and 71% more deaths per capita.
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MICHIGAN: John James tries explaining his position on healthcare policy again. It does not go well.…
A lot of people have seen this clip of @JohnJamesMI (who's running for the U.S. Senate for the 2nd time) blurting out "I'm not a politician!" in response to being asked what he plans on replacing the #ACA with if it's struck down, as he has called for...
1. First, this means the *2021* Open Enrollment Period, which starts on *November 1st*, is still on and 2021 policies *should* still be valid thru the end of next year.
2. More importantly, it buys Dems time to make the case moot--but ONLY IF THEY WIN A TRIFECTA THIS YEAR.
Ugh...the actual audio is even worse. He flat-out admits that he doesn't give a shit about Trump being a disgusting misogynist con artist grifter who sucks up to dictators as long as he keeps ramming through right-wing judges.
To clarify: The order is reversed in the audio: He *first* states that he's thrilled that Trump is ramming through all of the right-wing judges that Sasse wants him to, *then* starts going off about what a piece of shit Trump is.
It amounts to the same thing in practice, though.
I mean, which is worse?
"It sucks that he's a rapist, but at least he nominates hard-right judges."
"I'm glad he nominates hard-right judges, I just wish he wasn't also a rapist."
LOUISIANA: Preliminary avg. 2021 #ACA premium changes: +6.9% individual market, +5.2% sm. group market (unweighted):…
NOTE: An increasing number of insurance carriers are redacting their actuarial memos *and* more URRT files aren't being made publicly available via the SERFF database. This means there are more states where I can only run an *unweighted* average this year.
I don't know if this is due to Trump's HHS weakening transparency regulations, *state* insurance depts. doing so, or if the carriers are simply redacting more memos/forms and seeing whether anyone notices or cares, but whatever the cause, it's disturbing.
Remember when the GOP got the vapors over @AOC comparing ICE ripping children from their parents & putting them in cages to "concentration camps"? Yeah, guess what?
Note that Sasse claims he's "criticized" Trump for "spending" but has anyone actually heard him publcly "criticize" him for mocking evangelicals, grifting and "flirting with white supremacists"?