2. From the link above, you can either choose all Universities from the left or click any from the right to see the scholarship available as shown below:
Everything About Admission and Scholarship in Sweden (Part A).
This will be my 18th thread on Admissions and Scholarship. Let me know if you missed any.
If you also know anyone interested in Swedish Scholarship, kindly tag them here while you unwind this thread🧵:
Scholarships in Sweden are basically divided into 2:
1. Swedish Int'l Scholarships for Global Professionals (SISGP) 2. Tuition Scholarships in different schools.
Today, we will talk about SISGP.
SISGP is a global scholarship available in 34 countries, including Nigeria. The call for SISGP for master’s studies in Sweden, starting in the autumn of 2021, will be published on 16 October 2020.
Many of you have sent dms to me asking for scholarship info. Let me make some general statements about Scholarship Applications.
1. When you see people post success stories about scholarship and admissions, know that they have been through
many failures. One success is just enough to cancel I million failures. So, it's important that you ask them about their journey, more importantly about their failures.
2. Don't expect that you must be successful in every scholarship applications. O
Personally, my failures in this scholarship journey are more than the successes. Scholarship is not meant for the most intelligent. It is for the resilient, dogged and smart. So, be prepared to fail. That is the simple truth.
If you know any graduate from Polytechnic or anyone with a 2 2, kindly send this tweet to them while you get a very chilled bottled water and unwind this thread🧵:
Basically, there are many ways to get a scholarship:
1. Top Up Degree in Nigeria or Abroad: This program is useful for people in the following category:
a. HND holders with lower credit or pass (all concerned universities accepting lower grades).
b. Graduates (BSc/HND) who want to change to another related or different course.
c. Graduates of polytechnics are not trained to be teachers. They can use this program to change to an education line.