Dr. @0khalodi0 accurately and remarkably linked between the history and the present with regard to the political extremism of the Ikhwani and Shiite origin with the support of the Khomeinists and the Ottomans.
Amazing Sharon @305local magnificently sheds light on the dilemma of misunderstanding, misconceptions and the differences with regard to principles, premises and standards.
Amazingly, Dr. Areej @asfoor_jenan touches reality offering exposure quotes, strong evidence, and in-depth analysis of the deep-rooted ideological relations of Shiism, Sufism and Brotherhood.
Saad Ahmad @s_duddin amazingly, shed light on Ikhwan’s serious pursuit of character assassination against respected and accepted Islamic figures, and on fraud, distorting and monopolising of Islamic identity.
Sharon @305local wonderfully sheds light on the dilemma of damn if you do and damn if you don’t, the absence of an objective moral anchor, regarding human rights, extremism and terrorism .
Dr. @0khalodi0 reviews roots of enmity of Shiism & Sufism that represent (Polytheism) against the Saudis who represent (Monotheism), first principle base of Islam.
The brilliant guys are discussing using sacred texts in politics and about spreading conflict among peoples of different countries, especially between the westerners and the Saudis.
Dr. @0khalodi0 explains that the Saudi media is not working properly, but engaging with filthy methodology of the enemies would make us like them eventually. It’s a critical point.
Dr. Areej @asfoor_jenan calls out for more spreading knowledge of true Islam to overcome the influence of corrupt ideologies, Shiism, Sufism and Ikhwanism.
Brother @zahacktanvir and Dr. @0khalodi0 agree on that these corrupt ideologies have unified goal which is to label moderate Muslims, especially to label the Saudis as Jewish or Zionist shells.
Dr. Areej @asfoor_jenan emphasizes that Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood) have been calling out hypothetically for Sharia in Egypt then the moment they got power, they literally abandoned Shariah & insisted on secularism.
Dr. @0khalodi0 and @305local agree on that haters and media misuse sacred texts and they really project the Saudis and expose the Saudis to be dehumanized.
Dr. @0khalodi0 sees AlJazeerah (Extremism and terrorism platform) does the same that western media does to label others badly and they’re trying to ignite a holy war.
Brother Saad Ahmad @s_duddin explains that those who call themselves Muslims while they practice the opposite, have problems with the Islamic faith itself.
Dr. Khaled @0khalodi0 added that the issue is not only a matter of faith but also it’s about money and power starting from the mufti of Jerusalem during the ottoman era.
Dr. Areej @asfoor_jenan emphasizes that misguided Muslims brag about real Islamic brotherhood while they keep attacking, insulting and slandering the Saudis, they excludes the Saudis out of Muslims.
Dr. Khalid @0khalodi0 mentions the significant step of @realDonaldTrump, visited Saudi Arabia, met with Muslim leaders from Saudi Arabia and the world, and they’ve came up roadmap to squeeze terrorism.
Amazing Sharon @305local emphasizes that the majority of the Americans have no clue about the US foreign policy and its huge impact on the world, not just the Middle East.
📌لعلنا نستعرض هذا الثريد بالعربية، ولعلي أترجم هذا الاستعراض للإنجليزية.
1️⃣ تربى على النصرانية. تحول للإلحاد معللاً ذلك بأزمة الكنيسة، ثم عمم تصوره عن النصرانية على بقية الأديان، مدعياً أن الزعومات النصرانية مماثلة لزعومات بقية الأديان، ومن بينها الإسلام بالطبع.
3️⃣ وأزعم أن الإلحاد المستشري هو نتيجة فساد اللاهوت النصراني، منذ المجرم الاول ."بولس الرسول" كما يلقبه النصارى، الذي توفي بعد المسيح ﷺ، 65 ميلادية حيث أفسد الإسلام الذي جاء به عيسى ابن مريم ﷺ من الله ﷻ، وأتذكر مؤلَّفاً أو مقالاً بعنوان "كيف أفسدت النصرانية العالم"،
قالها أحدهم بما يشبه الفخر ونشوة الانتصار، وكأنه إعلان لإنجاز يستحق الاحترام والتقدير.
والمؤسف بالفعل أن يصدر هذا التصريح الصارخ من شخص ينتمي لهذه الأرض منبع الإسلام ومهبط الوحي، والشعب الضارب في التاريخ والجغرافيا وصيرورة العالم القديم والحديث.
2️⃣ كثير من المستلبين للأفكار والمذاهب الفكرية، لا يعرفون ماهية ما يعتنقون، أو على الأقل لا يعرفون المقتضيات الضرورية واللازمة لما يعتنقون، وهذا ينطبق على كثير من المسلمين والنصارى واليهود ومختلف الأديان بل وحتى الملحدين.
3️⃣ وأزمة غالب هؤلاء المستلبين، أنهم لا يعرفون ماهية التوحيد ولا مقتضياته اللازمة والضرورية أيضاً، وهذا بسبب ضعف وعدم منهجية التأسيس العقائدي والفكري، والغرق في النظرة المادية للكون والحياة والمنشأ والمآل.
2️⃣ An overwhelming reason, which is what happens in the Middle East must reflect negatively or positively on the American citizen, whether from the political, economic or military side, even from the angle of the continuity of the US as the leader of the new world.
3️⃣ USA needs to increase the commercial market for its goods, this’s necessary to sustain the stability of the US economy & generate jobs. M East & N Africa is a developing market. It is still for a long time to come, capable of expanding, importing and producing a lot.